Medical Notes: Combining Black Seed Oil and Full-Spectrum Cannabis Oil (RSO)
Introduction You may find these notes helpful in your journey or sharing with a loved one who may be interested. This is not medical advice. You must consult a medication professional prior to considering the rest of the information. Your loved one may already be on a medication regimen that might include something like 15mg […]
How to Make Cannabis-Infused Brownies

Ingredients: Instructions: What the science says: While there isn’t a large body of scientific research specifically on cannabis-infused brownies, there is relevant research on cannabis edibles that can inform us about the properties and effects of these products. While there is limited research specifically on cannabis-infused brownies, the studies mentioned above can help inform the […]
How to Make Cannabis-Infused Gummies

Ingredients: Instructions: What the science says: There is limited scientific research specifically on cannabis-infused gummies; however, research on cannabis edibles, bioavailability, and dosing can provide valuable information related to gummies. While there is a lack of research specifically on cannabis-infused gummies, existing research on cannabis edibles, bioavailability, and dosing can help inform the development, manufacturing, […]
How to Make Cannabis-Infused Coconut Oil

Ingredients: Instructions: This cannabis-infused coconut oil can be used as a base for various recipes, including baked goods and cooking. What the science says: While there isn’t extensive scientific research specifically on cannabis-infused coconut oil, there is research on cannabis edibles and the process of infusing oils with cannabis. Infusing coconut oil with cannabis involves […]
How to Choose the Right Strain for You

Entering the cannabis world is exciting for various reasons. With countless health benefits and the legalization of cannabis in 21 states, its popularity is growing daily as nearly 55 million adults currently use marijuana! As a new cannabis user, you might find some cannabis products have led you to different types of highs. Regardless of […]
Cannabis for Pain Management

1. Introduction to Cannabis for Pain Management 1.1. What is Cannabis? Cannabis is a plant that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It contains over 100 cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, which have been shown to have pain-relieving effects. THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis and is responsible for the […]
The Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Pain Management

Chronic pain is a persistent problem for many individuals, with an estimated 100 million Americans experiencing some form of chronic pain. Traditional pain management methods, such as prescription painkillers, can be effective in relieving pain but also come with a host of potential side effects and a risk of addiction and overdose. In recent years, […]
Cannabis Tincture Recipe (advanced)

A more advanced recipe for a Cannabis tincture that includes additional ingredients for added flavor and potency: Cannabis Tincture Ingredients: 1 ounce of cannabis flower or trim1 cup of high-proof alcohol (such as everclear)1/4 cup of honey2-3 cinnamon sticks2-3 whole cloves2-3 whole peppercorns1 vanilla bean1/2 cup of coconut oil Instructions: Grind the cannabis flower or […]
Hawaii Police Department Brochure – Marijuana Is Not Medicine
HPD CIA misinformation techniques applied in schools. The goal of these misinformation was to intentionally stigmatize school children in Hawaii. The Hawaii police department passed these color brochures out in schools they visited. What are they feeding your kids now? When was the last time you were invited to a D.A.R.E. event at your kid’s […]
Virtual Medical Cannabis Day Flag Ceremony
Dr. Clifton Otto has produced a virtual flag ceremony for Governor Ige. Working with US Senator Ed Case Dr. Otto once again was able to fly the American flag over the US Capitol to honor patients in Hawaii’s Medical Cannabis program. Formalizing the medical Cannabis program in Hawaii is a top priority. This effort does […]
How Can Weed Legalization Make the World a Better Place?

By “World” we mean, every biological organism. From patients who require Cannabis to investors tryin’ make a buck from the plant. We are eight mainislands surrounded by water. Tightly controlled and policed by local county mayors a few have control over the many. Cannabis is not regulated here the same way it is regulated in […]
Virtual 420 LIVE

If you missed the casual discussion, interviews and Big Island Grown dispensary tour, check out the video highlight reel. We cut a 4 hour event down to about 2 hours. Mike Ruggles – Tips for winning in court and mayoral bidLizzy Knight – Virtual Colorado NOCO / Earthweek EventJames Simpliciano – HFUU Maui UpdateDr. Daniel […]
Geology and Biomimicry
CDC confirms vitamin E acetate as ‘very strong culprit’

Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products According to Leafly who seemed to be the first to break the story about Vitamin E’s role revealed, CDC doctor Anne Schuchat said Friday that it has identified a “very strong culprit” hiding inside illicit market THC vaporizer cartridges. Investigators located vitamin […]
Official Hawaii Cannabis Safety Awareness
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Abraham Lincoln A common cannabis theme appears before us, “safety”. A popular myth is that regulatory safety requirements placed on dispensaries have made distributing, consuming or possessing […]
Hawaiian Ethos Dispensary Events

Cannabis is Medicine HILO—12/10/18 @ 5-7P, HAWAI‘I INNOVATION CENTERRSVP KONA—12/11/18 @ 5-7P, THE HAWAIIAN ETHOS KONA DISPENSARYRSVP Join Hawaiian Ethos Medical Advisor Stacey Marie Kerr MD for a presentation on using cannabis as medicine. Q&A + talk story to follow. Kona event will also include a dispensary tour (no products available yet).OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, […]
Healthy Hawaii Guide
Considerations for a Patient-Friendly Government This annual guide aims to help voters and elected officials reduce harm to patients while improving our Cannabis economy. More than 25,000 licensed patients in Hawaii are affected by restrictions on Cannabis medicine. Nationally, 70% of voters oppose enforcing federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized medical or recreational […]
Top 7 Reasons Why Legal Cannabis Can Bolster National Health – Sponsored
By Anna Wilcox For the last 80 years, cannabis has been identified as Public Enemy Number 1, said to promote lude behavior, encourage violence, and drive people into states of rage. Fortunately, these social and political arguments have yet to be backed by any real science. The cannabis plant has been a part of human history […]
Cannabis Talk with Ethan Nebelkopf

You Are Invited! We hope you’ll join us for a very special meeting of the Hawaii Patients Union. Cannabis Talk Story on Hawaii IslandFriday. May 25th 5pm – 7pm Hawaii Innovation Center in Hilo117 Keawe Street, Hilo, Hi 96720Map + Directions This month the Hawaii Patient Union will have a special guest host, author Ethan […]
First FDA-approved study of cannabis for PTSD in veterans underway

In a symposium on the issues and controversies surrounding marijuana, internist and telemedicine physician Sue Sisley, MD, discussed the design and aim of her FDA-approved phase 2 study of cannabis for PTSD in U.S. military veterans. Sisley, who was terminated from the University of Arizona after becoming the principle investigator on the cannabis study, said she was […]
Biodynamic Cultivation with Compost – Colum Riley – Malibu Compost
Learn basic and advanced composting. Shango Los’ latest video. If you’re not familiar with Shango’s Shaping Fire Podcast, be sure to check it out for more expert recordings. These are “must watch/listen” recordings for anyone interested in being a great grower and or Cannabis entrepreneur. Shangos YouTube Channel
Request for Plant-count Exemption for Licensed Patients During Lava Emergency Evacuations

We’ve asked Governor Ige for an exemption to help protect patients who need to move their plants. The letter is pasted below and linked at bottom. As more information becomes available we’ll update this page. Find more lower Puna infographics on Dr. Mark Kimura’s Facebook timeline. — The Honorable David Y. Ige Governor, State of […]
Department of Justice Coward, Jeff Sessions Faces Becoming Unpopular, Backs Down

In a new poll being promoted by Norml, Ninety-three percent of voters support the medical use of marijuana, as authorized by a doctor. From Quinnipiac: This widespread support is in line with the results of prior Cannabis polls. Voters oppose the enforcement of federal laws against marijuana in states that have legalized medical or recreational marijuana […]
Trump Support for States’ Rights to Legalize Cannabis

Mahalo LA Times for the update. The latest from Washington » “Late Wednesday, I received a commitment from the president that the Department of Justice’s rescission of the Cole memo will not impact Colorado’s legal marijuana industry,” Gardner said, referring to the Obama-era policy, named after former Deputy Atty. Gen. James M. Cole, who issued […]
Legalization of Cannabis in Hawaii – It’s Legal Now (With a License)

Clarification for licensed patients, Hawaii has accepted the medical use of Cannabis. There is no conflict with federal law or preemption as is the case with pesticides, for example. Scheduling and decriminalization are irrelevant for licensed patients. Here’s some language to consider for folks interested in obtaining a license to grow (please grow): […]
NIH’s 2017 Monitoring the Future survey – Vaping popular among teens; opioid misuse at historic lows

Cannabis and Vaping Are More Popular Than Cigarettes Among Teenagers According to the New York Times, The survey of 43,703 eighth-, 10th- and 12th-grade students in public and private schools nationwide raised concerns about the popularity of vaping devices, available in countless styles to appeal to different social groups. But it was otherwise optimistic. It […]
Hawaii Medical Cannabis Patient Numbers Up 33% in 2017

Month-over-month growth averaged 2%, consistent with data from previous years. The strongest growth, 4.2%, occurred in May 2017. Total registered patients surpassed 20,000 in January 2018 – well ahead of early estimates by Marijuana Business Daily. That’s healthy growth for a market where MMJ has been legal since 2000. Thanks to Dr. Clifton Otto’s petition […]
Washington State Traceability and Updated Reporting

from the Washington LCB… Current Stats from Leaf Data Systems The below statistics cover activity in Leaf Data Systems for the time period between February 1, 2018 and March 11, 2018. Workarounds within Leaf Last week we sent an email that included a link to a table with known workaround solutions for workflow issues. This information will […]
AEOS Labs Cannabis Testing Laboratory is Third to Open in Hawaii

Aeos Labs operated by Clinical Labs of Hawaii has opened. Aeos Labs, Inc has received permission to open from the state and has received the The Emerald Test® badge by Emerald Scientific for its Potency, Microbial, and Heavy Metals testing. We had the opportunity to speak with Benjamin Mead of Aeos Labs regarding transparency in test results, certifications for […]
What is the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment?

The Rohrabacher–Farr amendment (also known as the Rohrabacher–Blumenauer amendment) is legislation prohibiting the Justice Department from spending funds to interfere with the implementation of state medical cannabis laws. Rohrabacher-Blumenauer is pretty plain and clear: no DOJ funds can be used to block the implementation of medical cannabis reforms in states where it has been legalized, […]
Hawaii Cannabis Legislation
Cannabis Consumer Capsule Consumption Option

What’s Your preferred consumption method? Do you have special precautions you have to follow to avoid additional side-effects? Can Cannabis capsules reduce side-effects? Not all patients can or prefer to consume Cannabis the same way. Smoking, vaping, edibles and a needle injection of the marijuanas through the eyeball aren’t great options for many. Cannabis oil medicating massages […]
Who Will Be the First State to Fix Insurance for Cannabis Medicine?

State departments of health couldn’t fix health insurance for patients who rely on Cannabis medicine. Legislators didn’t pass laws. Jeff Sessions. Local judiciaries may start filling gaps in coverage with court rulings. Have any similar cases been brought before courts in Hawaii? Meanwhile in New Jersey… Dr. John Gordon at wrote about a case last […]
Jeff Sessions Federal Fear Reduces Patient Treatments

Update 11/08/20 Jeffery Session reign of terror is nearly over. His successor is a former college football player. He could directly benefit from Cannabis use and has likely heard professional football players stories of their Cannabis use for medical conditions caused by football. He’s also made some Cannabis-friendlier statements. US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has […]
Hawaii Adds ALS to MMJ Program; Rejects Anxiety Disorders | Ganjapreneur

We’re all super grateful for another contribution from Dr. Clifton Otto. This time it’s ALS disease. Mahalo for your work at getting this debilitating disease approved for healthcare. Amazing that only a few days ago an ALS patient would have been put in jail for trying Cannabis. Here’s the letter from Dr. Otto: Read […]
Cannabis Safety – What is the Recall Procedure for Tainted Cannabis in a Hawaii Dispensary?

Cannabis Safety is a big deal for patients. From immuno-deficiencies and child dosing to allergic reactions, many types of patients need to know that Cannabis purchased in a dispensary is of the highest quality. Because things go wrong; State issues massive recall of pesticide-tainted marijuana Health Canada to Spot Check Medical Marijuana After Tainted Pot […]
Halloween Trick or Treat – Police Threats

Police have introduced a new fear in recent years. The threat of Cannabis candy. The trend will likely continue until law enforcement gets the training they need to function around medicine that does no harm. No one is eating edibles accidentally from trick or treating. Yet, the fear mongering can be pervasive. The money being […]
Hawaii Licenses 2nd Testing Lab | Ganjapreneur

Hawaii’s second medical cannabis testing lab has been licensed and can begin testing products immediately, according to a KITV report. Hawaii’s second medical cannabis testing lab has been licensed and can begin testing products immediately, according to a KITV report. Pharmlab Hawaii is expected to test products for dispensaries on Maui; Steep Hill Hawaii, located in Oahu, was approved […]
Hawaii Department of Health Medical Cannabis Update – Vol. I, No. 5 August 2017
Maintaining a Strong Relationship with Your Doctor With two medical cannabis dispensaries now open, and more anticipated to open in the near future, Hawaii’s registered patients must carefully weigh information on potency and efficacy of medical cannabis products. Obtaining accurate information and knowing who to turn to for answers may be a challenge for patients. […]
Hawaii Cannabis Business Meeting 4/20 at 5pm in Hilo

Event passed… On 4/20/2017 We held a business meeting in Hilo. Thursday in Hilo. Bring your ideas and questions. If you’ve got a Cannabis product or service you’d like to promote, bring it! This was an informal meeting designed to help spur more conversation about Cannabis business. We helped small business owners get involved in […]
THC: Side Effects, Risks and Overdose

THC is the most commonly known and most powerful chemical found in marijuana. Marijuana is identified by its two active ingredients or chemicals: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is the psychoactive chemical that affects how you feel by creating the “high.” The amount and strength of THC depends on a number of factors, including […]
Cannabis Topicals: A Beginner’s Guide

Everything you need to know about using cannabis externally. Cannabis topicals have been steadily increasing in popularity over the years, and for good reason. When applied to the skin, cannabis-infused products like lotions and creams can have many benefits. The main advantage of using cannabis topically is that you do not experience any psychological effects. […]
How to Make the Best Cannabutter: Recipes, Uses and Tips

Learn to make cannabis-infused butter with just a few simple ingredients. One of the best and easiest ways to reap the benefits of cannabis is through edibles. However, they do not come cheap. One cookie can cost anywhere from 7-10 dollars and it’s not even fresh! By making your own cannabutter, you get to control […]
5 Ways CBD Affects Your Brain

Despite being non-psychoactive, CBD has many different effects on the brain. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive chemical produced by the cannabis plant. It is the second most common chemical found in marijuana, after the psychoactive ingredient THC. While most people think of THC when thinking about marijuana, CBD is becoming more popular because of its […]
The Science Behind Marijuana and Motivation

Here’s what you should know about the ‘lazy stoner’ myth. There’s a common belief that marijuana zaps motivation. Picture the unfortunate stereotype of the lazy stoner: sitting around watching TV and eating snacks all day. It’s easy to think that smoking weed could be the source of this kind of behavior. But is there any […]
Preventing Yeast and Mold with Two-Way Humidity Control

When a grower harvests their cannabis plants, they process it by drying, curing and trimming the plant material. Dried cannabis ready for the consumer can often sit on retail shelves for months before it is purchased. According to the Cannabis Safety Institute, trimming is the processing stage with the highest level of human handling, and […]
Best Practices for Cannabis Storage

As CEO of Cannador, I work closely with engineers to create uniquely designed cannabis storage products and accessories that allow you to maintain the freshness, taste and quality of cannabis. Along the way, we’ve discovered a great deal about storing cured flower, and we’ve since developed a number of cannabis storage best practices. Cannabis exposed […]
The Endocannabinoid System: A Beginner’s Guide

Learn more about the endocannabinoid system and how it affects your health. The endocannabinoid system is a biological system which plays many important roles in the human body. It is also responsible for the physical and psychological effects of cannabis. Scientists first discovered the system while trying to understand the effects of cannabis, and named […]
Can Marijuana Help Treat Migraines?

People have used marijuana to treat migraines for hundreds of years, and studies show it is still being used for this purpose today. Scientists have discovered many therapeutic uses for marijuana. Many of them have been verified though studies, but one condition that we don’t fully understand is migraines. There are anecdotal reports of people […]
Cannabis Cooking Oil: The Best Recipes For Making Canna-Oil

Cannabis cooking oil is easy to make at home and can be used in many edible recipes. Making cannabis cooking oil is the first step in preparing many edibles, from weed brownies to cannabis-infused salad dressings. Cannabis oil (or “canna-oil”) is simply made by infusing cooking oil with cannabis. Since marijuana is fat-soluble, the active […]
Medical Cannabis Program Update Hawaii Department of Health

“Ensuring Hawaii’s registered patients have access to safe medical marijuana products through an efficient system of responsible, licensed dispensaries.” -Hawaii DOH Inside today’s update the Department of Health states their position on Medical Marijuana Legislative Bills “About 45 medical marijuana bills have been introduced in this legislative session, but Governor David Ige and the Hawaii State […]
New Strains Alert: Big Smooth, 3rd Coast Panama Chunk, Destroyer, and More
This week’s New Strains Alert is a love letter to Haze. Shining Silver Haze, Easy Peezy, and Purple Linda are all infused with Haze genetics, giving each strain cerebral qualities that uplift the mood. Intermixed with 3rd Coast Panama Chunk, Destroyer, Big Smooth, and the CBD-rich Fast Eddy, this collection of strains creates a balanced bouquet […]
QuEChERS 101

Sample preparation experts and analytical chemists are quick to suggest QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) to cannabis laboratories that are analyzing both flower and edible material for pesticides, mycotoxins and cannabinoid content. Besides having a quirky name, just what makes QuEChERS a good extraction technique for the complicated matrices of cannabis products? […]
What is Marijuana Shatter and Wax?

Shatter and wax are two common types of marijuana concentrates. As legal marijuana becomes more available, many are turning to more potent forms of marijuana as a way of getting high. You may have heard of a type of marijuana called shatter or wax. These products are known as concentrates and are available today in […]
Marijuana Dabs: The Safety and Dangers of Dabbing
Dabs are a popular way of consuming marijuana concentrates, but are they good or bad for your health? The practice of smoking marijuana concentrates known as “dabs” or “dabbing” has been around since the early 2000s. In recent years, it has seen a significant rise in popularity. Today you can find dabbing equipment at any […]
The Scholar: Samuel K. Roberts Jr. on Drug Policy, Radical Recovery and “Capital Flight”

February 17, 2017– By Kirsten West Savali What does it mean to reduce the harm of white supremacy? How can we, as a society, look beyond drug abuse as an illness and reckon with anti-black oppression, punishment and capitalism as the cruelest addictions in this country? In that context, white supremacy is the pusher, but […]
New Strains Alert: Ecto Cooler, Tillamook Strawberry, Lee Roy, and More

This week’s New Strains Alert brings together a heavyweight from Mr. Mack’s Snacks, a crown jewel suitable for a princess, two user submitted strains from a Facebook comment (believe me, we hear you and we are listening), and many more sticky flowers stemming from legal cannabis lands. For fruit fanatics, snap off a piece of […]
Federal Marijuana Policy – “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act”

An Epic Bill Introduction by Congressman Rohrabacher from California for the newly introduced “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act” (also see 2015 version) Visit Mr. Rohrabacher’s website for more links and articles to Cannabis legislation. From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office FEDERAL MARIJUANA POLICY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Speaker’s announced […]
Updated: Hearing Scheduled in Committee on Judiciary and Labor – SB 174 and SB 305 Relating to Cannabis
Updated 2/22/17 The committee(s) on JDL recommend(s) that the measure (SB 174) be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in JDL were as follows: 3 Aye(s): Senator(s) Keith-Agaran, K. Rhoads, Kim; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Gabbard, L. Thielen. If the measure/bill becomes law it would amend the definition of […]
Microdosing Weed: From Medical-Use Only to a Lifestyle Supplement

Cannabis is going from medical-use only to a lifestyle supplement as more states go recreational. In both pioneering states like Colorado, and new adult-use states like California, there’s a new trend emerging: Microdosing Weed. Products like Root of it All‘s cannabis-infused essential oils, and low-dose Kiva Confections are prime examples of companies making cannabis-infused products […]
BAS Research Aims to Perfect the Business of Medicinal Cannabis
Thanks to the city of Berkeley, California’s first licensed medicinal marijuana research facility, BAS Research, opened last summer. With now over four million dollars invested, they have gone to great lengths to welcome cannabis clients seeking testing, formulaic research, and high-grade oil for their products. The one-stop shop also packages and labels, providing a business, […]
Cannabidiol (CBD): Medical Uses, Effects and Safety

CBD may treat a wide range of medical conditions and can be taken with minimal side effects. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis that has significant medical properties but does not get users high. Recently, CBD has become a topic of interest for patients and researchers alike, who are keen on learning more […]
First Look at a State’s Quality Assurance Medical Marijuana Testing Lab

A look at one of three of the state’s quality assurance labs that will test marijuana for medical use. Steep Hill Hawaii will test marijuana for dispensaries across the islands. Chemists will use machines to test for potency, pesticides, heavy metals, and mold. This comes as the state health department approved three of the eight […]
New Strains Alert: Brainwreck, DJ Andy Williams, Dirty Widow, and More

This week’s New Strains Alert is a gathering of good herbs made by and for good folks. Andy Williams was a sensational DJ and snowboarder, and we’re glad to list his strain to help immortalize the good energy and good vibes he shared. Also, we have two Trainwreck crosses for fans seeking the exhilarating rush […]
Cannabis Tinctures: Uses, Effects, and Recipes
Cannabis tinctures are a simple way for patients to take their medicine and are easy to make at home. Tinctures are one of the oldest methods of consuming marijuana. In fact, before prohibition began in 1937, tinctures were the most common type of cannabis medicine in the United States. While less common today, cannabis tinctures […]
Humboldt’s Finest Sets the Industry Standard in Sustainable Sun Grown Cannabis

HUMBOLDT, Calif., Feb. 7, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Humboldt’s Finest, the leader in craft cannabis production, is setting the standard for sustainable cannabis cultivation with advanced “sun grown” and “rain grown” farming techniques. With cannabis production expanding rapidly in California, the water use and carbon footprint of the industry is becoming a real concern. Humboldt’s Finest […]
How to Testify – Hawaii State Legislature

You can do this! Testifying can be done quickly, easily and is a great way to support Cannabis patients. How To – Three ways to testify; In person. Keep informed of important hearings as they are scheduled. Typical hearing notices only give 48 hours notice before testimony may or may not be accepted iduring a hearing. […]
New Strains Alert: Wonder Kid, Mud Bite, Tranquil Elephantizer, and More

With Punxsutawney Phil declaring six more weeks of winter, there is no better time to hunker down indoors with a relaxing indica-dominant strain. As luck would have it, this week’s New Strains Alert is packed to the brim with indica dominance: Mud Bite, from our pals to the North, is an Alaskan bred strain steeped […]
Best Portable Dry Herb Vaporizers of 2017

Portable dry herb vaporizers are growing smaller and stronger every year. With longer battery life, increased compactness, and purer vapor, today’s portable vapes make vaping on-the-go easier, more discreet, and better for your health and taste buds. With portable vaporizers constantly improving, there probably hasn’t been a better year to vape than 2017. And based […]
New Strain Alert: Peyote Cookies, Chocolate Drop, Pineapple Cookies, and More
This week we have two special cookies cuts from Calyx Gardens and Barney’s Farm, a tropical variety of cotton candy in cannabis form, an Afghan Kush cross with sedation to spare, a Muhammad Ali homage that’s punchy with CBD-rich cannabinoids, and a dank dog out of the San Fernando Valley. If you’ve had the pleasure […]
Looking for legal assistance?

The Hawaii State Bar Association (HSBA) offers members of the public free legal assistance. Self-Help Center Info Description of Services: Access to Justice Rooms – Volunteer attorneys provide limited legal advice to unrepresented litigants involved in a civil cases. Self-Help Centers – Volunteer attorneys and AmeriCorps Advocates provided limited legal information to help self-represented litigants […]
2017 Hawaii Cannabis Legislation Updated – Introduced Bills Measure Tracking Report

Hawaii legislators have stepped up efforts to help patients. We’ve updated the public spreadsheet of Medical Cannabis Bills introduced. The spreadsheet has been simplified to be easier to read. You can also see a list of “medical marijuana” related bills on the state legislature website.
Joy San Buenaventura Advocates for Medical Cannabis in Hawaii

A recent report in West Hawaii Today newspaper states, “Representative San Buenaventura, an attorney and vice chairwoman of the House Judiciary Committee, is also turning her sights on the state’s new medical marijuana dispensary law in order to smooth out the obstacles slowing down the construction and startups of the dispensaries. She wants to push for marijuana […]
New Strains Alert: Suicide Girl, Citrus Sunshine Haze, Peyton Manning, and More
Today is a historic day. Today is a day that will reverberate throughout the world and in the hearts of cannabis consumers and opponents alike. Today is Friday, and you know what that means, New Strains Alert, baby! This week we are shining a spotlight on our friends at Dinafem Seeds. Critical Plus 2.0 doubles […]
New Strains Alert: Purple Punch, Gold King’s Thai, Legend OG, and More
Happy Friday! This week’s New Strains Alert shares unique varieties of cannabis from the Midwest, the West Coast, and Leafly users like you. This includes Gold King’s Thai, a 1979 Thai Stick seed stock that has survived in the depths of the cannabis underground and is only recently available through the rise of new legal markets; […]
National Academy of Sciences Releases Report on Marijuana Confirming Medical Benefits; Dispelling Myths

WASHINGTON, DC — The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released a report on the health impacts of marijuana Thursday, confirming the existence of medical benefits and dispelling some long-held myths about the substance. The review of more than 10,000 scientific abstracts found, “There is conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective” […]
Survey Shows Two-Thirds of Police Are in Favor of Medical or Recreational Marijuana

A new survey of thousands of police officers from departments around the U.S. suggests that the majority don’t agree with the federal government’s stance on marijuana. Marijuana is still a Schedule I substance under federal law, meaning it’s categorized as one of the most dangerous drugs, with a high potential for abuse and no medicinal […]
Pruning Marijuana Plants

Pruning marijuana plants is a valuable practice for generating a much higher yield. When done correctly, it can make all the difference in the world for marijuana growers. The key here, of course, is “when done correctly.” That is because pruning can be a difficult task, and the risks can be rather high, especially if […]
Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells?

Scientists have long ago debunked the myth that using marijuana kills brain cells. One of the most popular myths about cannabis is that using it can kill brain cells and lead to brain damage. This belief dates back to anti-drug campaigns in the 70s and 80s, which spread the idea that marijuana could permanently damage […]
How to Save a Pet’s life with Cannabis? – The Short Answer

Question: How to Save a Pet’s life with Cannabis? Answer: Get a license for yourself, assess the needs of your pet, properly dose, make adjustments and don’t tell anyone. The same laws and regulations that apply to human use, apply to pet use. Possessing Cannabis without a license can land you in jail. So get a license. […]
How To Make Cannabis Infused Olive Oil

Most stoners prefer to make cannabis butter because it’s quite versatile and it’s easier to make edibles with as compared to always just throwing weed in the pot. However, it seems like most people don’t really know that you can make olive oil infused with cannabis as well. The olive oil is far healthier than […]
How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds

Germination is the process in which a new plant begins to grow from a seed. Also referred to as “popping,” germination is the very first step in starting your cannabis garden. Cannabis seeds can be acquired from an array of sources and can vary in quality. Online seed banks are generally your best bet for […]
New Strains Alert: Strawberry Frost, California Hash Plant, Captain’s Cake, and More
Happy New Year, dearest connoisseurs, grassy green horns, and cannabis-curious individuals! We’re barely a week in to 2017 and cannabis flowers are literally and metaphorically taking root all over the country, and likely in a state near you. With eight new states joining the movement and innovative breeder and growers emerging from their respective gray […]
New Strains Alert: Strawberry Frost, California Hash Plant, Captain’s Cake, and More
Happy New Year, dearest connoisseurs, grassy green horns, and cannabis-curious individuals! We’re barely a week in to 2017 and cannabis flowers are literally and metaphorically taking root all over the country, and likely in a state near you. With eight new states joining the movement and innovative breeder and growers emerging from their respective gray […]
Oklevueha Native American Church Ruled Unworthy to Use Marijuana for Religious Purposes

The Oklevueha Native American Church uses marijuana during service and recently lost an opportunity to fight for federal exemption. The U.S. Supreme Court has officially rejected a request to hear the case. The lawsuit has been ongoing since its initial filing in 2009. The Church cited that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 protects […]
Hawaiʻi’s Cannabis Goals for 2017 – Legislative Updates

Originally published Jan. 2nd, 2017 We know we can do better. If 10% of the licensed Cannabis patients in Hawaii engaged in direct action, we could save lives in 2017. How many Cannabis-preventable deaths occurred in 2016? How many will occur in 2017? There is no legal way to grow Cannabis in Hawaii. The mere act […]
New Strains Alert: Appleberry, Lime Skunk, Romulan Haze, and More
As the year comes to a close and I survey the distance we have traveled as a community, I am glad and honored to make this the last New Strains Alert of 2016. Much has changed over the past 365 days, but the immutable fact remains: cannabis means more this year. Its meaning has transcended the […]
New Strains Alert: Pacific Blue, Euphoria Cookies, Bianca, and More
This week’s New Strains Alert is a set of Leafly submissions from cannabis consumers like you. Spyder Mon is a Charlotte’s Web cross with extra CBD and skunkiness to share. Euphoria Cookies shows up to the party already baked (and smelling of baked goods), bringing its famous mid-level sedation in tow. Pacific Blue pleases the […]
Bud Rot: How to Deal with This Cannabis Plant Mold
It doesn’t get much worse than walking into your garden or drying room to find mold developing on your plants and buds. Mold is something gardeners must always be aware of as the spores are virtually everywhere. Because mold is always ready to strike, it’s important to know how to prevent its development in the […]
Doctors Say Parenting And Pot Smoking Don’t Mix

With more states legalizing recreational marijuana, parents are facing the question of whether they should smoke pot around their children. “I have never smoked and would never smoke around my child,” says one mother who lives in San Francisco. California is one of eight states that allows recreational marijuana use for adults 21 and older. […]
Can Cannabis Help with Inflammation for Athletes?

Athletes today are bigger, stronger, and faster than they were just a decade or so ago. Men and women are becoming more competitive thanks in part to technological advancements designed to improve workouts and recovery time, as well as a better understanding of athlete physiology and the advent of new training exercises designed to maximize […]
New Strains Alert: Thunderbird Rose, Tropic Thunder, Cherry Thunder Fuck, and More
Thunder, thunder, thunder, THUNDER(cats)! This week’s New Strains Alert brings the thunder (on behalf of my homeboy, Lion-O) for cannabis enthusiasts everywhere looking to up their cannabinoid intake for the weekend. Off the top we have a trio of thunderheads: Thunderbird Rose, Tropic Thunder, and Cherry Thunder Fuck, which explore a wide range of terpenes […]
What is the Endocannabinoid System and What is Its Role?

It’s becoming clear the endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in the human body’s inner workings. As such, a better understanding of this system—and of cannabinoids in general—will likely lead to better health outcomes. Leafly got in touch with Hanuš to asked him about his team’s discovery, the scientific progress that has been made since, […]
Meet Lumir Hanus, Who Discovered the First Endocannabinoid

2017 marks the 25th anniversary of one of the most important discoveries in cannabinoid science. On March 24, 1992, Lumír Hanuš, a Czech analytical chemist working in Israel with American pharmacologist William Devane, isolated the first known endocannabinoid in the human brain. They named it anandamide, after the Sanskrit word for joy or bliss. Both […]
The Runner’s High and the Endocannabinoid System

If you are (or you’ve ever been) an avid runner or obsessive gym rat, you’re likely familiar with that coveted post-workout sense of euphoria popularized as the “runner’s high.” But what exactly is it? The runner’s high has been characterized in scientific literature as “pure happiness, elation, a feeling of unity with one’s self or […]
Scheduling Cannabis in Hawaii Gets a Helping Hand

Many patients are aware the Federal Government claim Cannabis has medicinal benefits as exhibited in their patents on various constituents of Cannabis. Many more do not know that law enforcement in the State of Hawaii have also scheduled Cannabis as “Schedule 1”. Schedule 1 drugs must have “the highest degree of danger” of all drugs. […]
New Strains Alert: Cherry Sauce, Sweet Baby Jane, Swiss Tsunami, and More
This week’s New Strains Alert shares some wonder and wellness through a few handy high-ratio Harlequin crosses; a Cherry Pie tasting menu that includes Cherry Cream Pie with Cherry Sauce; and a couple high profile cuts from Cresco Labs (with a shout out to my Windy City ents!) Explore these strains and learn the importance […]
New Strains Alert: GTO, Nightmare Cookies, Versace, and More
From fashion icons to muscle cars, this week’s New Strains Alert has it all. Thunderstruck is a CBD strain worth riffing on for a clear-headed buzz that is easy on the body. Nightmare Cookies is the newest addition to a growing number of Cookie cuts in the Leafly Database. With the heady addition of White Nightmare to the […]
The 5 Easiest Cannabis Strains to Grow for Beginners

All cannabis strains are not created equal. Because of this, it’s important for novice growers to consider which strains might be best as they develop their skills in the garden. Some strains exhibit better resilience to drought, mold, disease, and insects. Others require less nutrients than others. As a beginner grower, it’s best to steer […]
Hawaiʻi State Cannabis Program – Caution 2016

On we educate and raise awareness. Without education and a certain awareness of the facts, patients in Hawaii are susceptible to rules, laws, regulations and separation from medicine and personal freedom. A few facts could help you avoid arrest. Thousands of Hawaii Cannabis prisoners are in jail now for minor errors in compliance. The state has […]