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Current Stats from Leaf Data Systems

The below statistics cover activity in Leaf Data Systems for the time period between February 1, 2018 and March 11, 2018.

Leafstats 3-15-18

Workarounds within Leaf

Last week we sent an email that included a link to a table with known workaround solutions for workflow issues. This information will soon reside only in the Help Feature within Leaf Data Systems. You’ll have to be logged in to Leaf to access it. We will continue to update this table and provide any changes to Leaf Data Systems for updates. All workarounds provided have been vetted and approved by LCB.

LCB and Leaf work with 3rd Party Integrators

LCB and Leaf Data Systems have established a weekly meeting with third party software integrators to discuss project status, trending issues, identify action items and mitigation techniques, and maintain open communication. These meetings will help streamline fixes and upcoming releases to the Leaf software. The first meeting was held this morning, and the meetings will continue indefinitely.

Contingency Plan exprires March 31, 2018

Contingency Plan Reporting remains available for use, offering an extended transition window until March 31, 2018. All licensees must be using Leaf for traceability reporting and have their inventory uploaded by March 31, 2018. All QA Results must be uploaded by April 15, 2018.