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In a new poll being promoted by Norml, Ninety-three percent of voters support the medical use of marijuana, as authorized by a doctor.

From Quinnipiac:

 This widespread support is in line with the results of prior Cannabis polls.

Voters oppose the enforcement of federal laws against marijuana in states that have legalized medical or recreational marijuana by a margin of 70 percent to 23 percent. Seventy-four percent of respondents say they support federal legislation to prohibit the federal government from intervening in states that have enacted Cannabis regulatory laws.

Twenty-two percent of respondents acknowledged that they reside in a state where the recreational, adult use of Cannabis is legal, and 61 percent of Americans reject the claim that Cannabis is a supposed “gateway drug.”

Read the full results here.

In a recent hearing by confused lawmakers/lobbyists, Jeff Sessions does what every other law enforcement officer, prosecutor and politician does when faced with becoming unpopular, changes the gov story to something more popular. Those of you who thought Jeff Sessions knew something you didn’t or thought he was a man of conviction can go back to sleep. Like other government actors, health is not the issue, it’s always popularity and job protection when it comes to gov oligarchies. Now that the big pharma companies have successfully lobbied at the United Nations, look for more politicians to roll over for the money.

The Marijuana Policy Project’s Don Murphy took the opportunity to buttonhole Sessions following his testimony.

Maybe we’re starting to get through to Jeff Sessions…”there may well be some benefits from #medicalmarijuana” he said; MPPs Don Murphy was with him after an Appropriations Committee hearing earlier today where he said that states can make their own decisions about #marijuana. https://pic.twitter.com/9Q4KuMcLPC

— MPP Marijuana Policy (@MarijuanaPolicy) April 26, 2018

On Wednesday, during a separate appearance before a Senate committee, Sessions acknowledged that “there may well be some benefits from medical marijuana” and said that the Department of Justice would soon take steps to license more entities to legally grow marijuana for research. -a regular Sherlock Holmes leading the U.S. Department of Justice aka the highest law enforcement office in the land aka the single person all other law enforcement officers and prosecutors get their advice and direction. 

Next up church groups…

It turns out the most anti-Cannabis church groups are also learning about their role in allowing children to die from Cannabis-treatable diseases. Soon they will back down from their anti-Cannabis rhetoric and make up some BS about how they got a message from God to stop hurting people. They will back down just like Hawaii’s Lt. Governor Doug Chin who before the federal government passed laws to improve “gay” rights, Doug Chin created a group within his church to force gays into becoming straight. We couldn’t make this up. Google Doug Chin and church. Now that he’s running for congress, he’s become friendly with the dispensary investors going so far as writing a letter to congress to try and get dispensary banking services for those 8 investors. Great pick whoever voted for that a–hole.