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Entering the cannabis world is exciting for various reasons. With countless health benefits and the legalization of cannabis in 21 states, its popularity is growing daily as nearly 55 million adults currently use marijuana! 

As a new cannabis user, you might find some cannabis products have led you to different types of highs. Regardless of the previous strains you have used or heard about, this article will go through various strains and how they work to help you find which suits you best. So, let’s explore some strains for you!

What Makes Cannabis Strains Different? 

Strains have different potencies and effects due to their levels of THC and CBD. 

THC is the psychoactive part of cannabis, which is responsible for making you feel “high.” When you start to lose focus in a conversation or zone out, that’s the THC in your cannabis. 

CBD is the non-intoxicating, relaxing part of cannabis. It can ease anxiety and pain, taking you to new heights of relaxation. CBD has recently gained popularity due to its therapeutic benefits and is generally considered safe. 

Both these chemicals make up your cannabis, but their ratios determine the effect of your “buzz.” The proportions depend on the strain of the plant and how it is cultivated. 

If you’re looking for a specific effect, you must know the multiple kinds of cannabis strains and their composition.

Types of Cannabis Strains

Among almost 700 strains of cannabis, the most common ones are Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid. Let’s understand how they vary in composition.


Sativa has a higher THC concentration, boosting your energy and uplifting your mood! Sativa makes you more active and encourages your creativity and focus. 

It also provides medical benefits such as relief from chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. However, the effects of cannabis vary from person to person. 

The Sativa strain is recommended for your daytime usage, getting through social gatherings, giving you more energy to get through work, and so on. 


Indica has a higher concentration of CBD and has a relaxing effect on the human body. They offer more physical relaxation, as compared to sativa which has a mental effect. Indica strains lead to improved sleep and help with anxiety. 

This strain is recommended for nighttime activities, to unwind after a long work day, or to relax after a headache.


Hybrid, as the name suggests, are combination strains of sativa and indica. 

They can be mixed together to either provide a good middle ground between both strains or lean more towards one strain over the other. The hybrid strain depends on the exact levels of THC and CBD. 

Which Strain Is the Best for You?

Choosing the best strain is subjective; what works for your friend might not work for you. Consider these points to make an informed decision.

What Effect Do You Want?

Do you want to feel confident? Or do you want a good night’s sleep? This part is based on your preferences, based on what fits your needs. 

If you want to feel high and live your life, pick a strain with a higher concentration of THC. It will energize and uplift you.

If you’re a student, who wants to use cannabis to increase their concentration, an upbeat Sativa dominant strain called “Lemon Haze” is popular! 

There is a cannabis strain for every occasion and part of the day. 

Check the THC and CBD concentrations of the strain you are about to purchase, and make sure it aligns with how you want to feel. 

Consider the Taste and Smell 

Not a fan of smoking? Don’t worry! You can still get high with the edible cannabis mixed into your food. Now that the taste issue is resolved let’s see what options we have for odor.

Different strains have different scents. If the smell of a particular strain is off-putting for you, you can choose another one. 

Indica-dominant strains tend to have a floral smell, and a high-THC strain is commonly known to smell like a skunk spray

Start With Small Doses

This goes without saying. If you’re a stranger to the cannabis world or someone who occasionally visits, be aware of the dosage.

Try to start with a strain with a low dosage so you don’t end up too stoned or holding on to the ground. You can always take more, but you cannot take it out of your system once it is in there.  

It’s essential to be careful and start with small amounts and build up. Even though overdosing on cannabis is almost nonexistent, getting too high can cause other effects, such as chest pain, vomiting, and anxiety. 

Keep Experimenting!

Even if you do your research, it’s possible not to get the effect you were looking for. You have to go through a trial-and-error process. 

Maybe your friendly neighborhood weed store is not delivering what you’re looking for. Try looking for more authenticated dealers that bring your cannabis to your doorstep. 

If your supplier is authenticated and insured for delivery services, you’ll get your cannabis delivered to your house without any additional hassle.


Finding the right strain when you start may feel overwhelming but find comfort in knowing everyone goes through the same process.

Keep experimenting with strains, see what you like, and buy from authenticated sellers. Before you know it, you will get the high you want whenever you like it! Happy strain exploring!