
CANNALOGIC is a software development company that offers Seed to sale cannabis, Seed to sale cultivation, Seed to sale retail and Seed to sale POS. Contact: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 1.855.707.6777
Canna Solar

Canna Solar is a solar company created specifically for the needs of cannabis growers. We offer complete turn key energy saving solutions centered around energy efficiency in growing operations supplemented with solar electricity. As a grower you know that some of your highest operating costs are due to electricity consumption for lighting, cooling, heating & […]
Uncle Herbs Farm

Uncle Herbs Farm Micro Farms for rent Contact: Alia Onaga 59-019 Huelo St. 808 308 7745
Hilo Side Distributing

Cbd Oils Hawaiian Chocolate W/ Cbd Hawaiian Coffee Hawaiian Vanilla For more information visit: Hilosidedistributing.Com Contact: Ethan L Swift 892 Komomala Drive 8087566076 Instagram@Hiloside Facebook.Com/Hilosidedistributing
California Cannabis Regulation Released

LICENSING AUTHORITIES RELEASE EMERGENCY MEDICINAL AND ADULT-USE CANNABIS REGULATIONS SACRAMENTO – California’s three state cannabis licensing authorities announced today that proposed emergency licensing regulations for commercial medicinal and adult-use cannabis have been posted online and are available to the public for review. View the pdf: California Cannabis Regulation Released. The Department of Consumer Affairs’ Bureau of […]
Cannabis Safety – What is the Recall Procedure for Tainted Cannabis in a Hawaii Dispensary?

Cannabis Safety is a big deal for patients. From immuno-deficiencies and child dosing to allergic reactions, many types of patients need to know that Cannabis purchased in a dispensary is of the highest quality. Because things go wrong; State issues massive recall of pesticide-tainted marijuana Health Canada to Spot Check Medical Marijuana After Tainted Pot […]
Halloween Trick or Treat – Police Threats

Police have introduced a new fear in recent years. The threat of Cannabis candy. The trend will likely continue until law enforcement gets the training they need to function around medicine that does no harm. No one is eating edibles accidentally from trick or treating. Yet, the fear mongering can be pervasive. The money being […]
Rosin Shine Hawaii

Rosin Shine Hawaii supports the right and ability of the people to grow and process plant based medicine. Our 20 Ton Lava Rosin Press will get your rosin flowing. Visit for more information. Contact Judy Shapley Rosin Shine Hawaii P.O Box 605 808-747-3948
Hawaii Licenses 2nd Testing Lab | Ganjapreneur

Hawaii’s second medical cannabis testing lab has been licensed and can begin testing products immediately, according to a KITV report. Hawaii’s second medical cannabis testing lab has been licensed and can begin testing products immediately, according to a KITV report. Pharmlab Hawaii is expected to test products for dispensaries on Maui; Steep Hill Hawaii, located in Oahu, was approved […]
Hawaii – MPP

Updates on marijuana policy in Hawaii from the Marijuana Policy Project. In August, the first two dispensaries in Hawaii began serving patients. Now four dispensaries are operational. The program’s most recent delays were partly due to a lack of authorized testing facilities. In October, the state authorized a second testing laboratory, which will help make […]
A Behind the Scenes Look at a Startup Cannabis Business Development – Values and Goals

(Ed. note – The following article is a first-hand account of the progress of the development of Garden First, a cannabis startup beginning their operations with a 6,000 square foot indoor production facility in central Oregon. Every quarter an article will be published focusing on a specific topic, ranging from banking issues to cultivation tips […]
Indiegogo Is Kicking ‘Risky’ Cannabis Companies Off Its Fundraising Platform

The young entrepreneurs behind iRollie used a common crowdfunding platform, Indiegogo, to raise funds through pre-sale for their new OG2 Roll and Stash Phone Case. Indiegogo abruptly removed their campaign a few days after the platform pre-approved their launch and iRollie had begun collecting funds. Their campaign is now live on their own website and they’re unable […]
Armored Cars and Facial Recognition: Meet the Startups Securing California’s Pot Industry

As long as the cannabis industry continues to grow, and as long as the feds and banking sector prohibit the scads of weed money from participating in normal banking operations, a couple of California companies are perfectly happy moving the dough around in their armored cars. In addition to the banking morass forcing the industry […]
International Companies Add U.S. Grow Facilities

Found at Israeli and Canadian Firms Partner for Cannabis Production Plants in 4 U.S. States Is this the fate of the Cannabis economy in Hawaii?
Patented Pot: A Multimillion-Dollar Battle Looms

Encouraged by the opening of legal markets in the various medical and recreational states, the cannabis industry has seen a surge of intellectual-property activity over the past 15 years. Nearly 400 patents have been filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) with keywords like “cannabis,” “marijuana,” “CBD” and “THC.” Thus far, the patents […]
The State-of-the Art Path to Success: Curio Wellness

Michael Bronfein, CEO, Curio Wellness After a long licensing process, Curio Wellness (CW), a vertically integrated, medical cannabis company, was awarded its final license on August 14th. The company hopes to be part of the force that drives a medicinal cannabis ecosystem that results in Maryland becoming a national leader in research, development and commercialization of […]
How to Create Amazing Content For the Cannabis Industry

I think we are all writers in this world, especially a social media content driven world, but more than that, I think that there’s a lot of fun that can come with cannabis content writing. You can certainly learn a lot about yourself and your customers – there’s a lot of thinking that goes into […]
Congressman O’Rourke Introduces Amendment To End Arbitrary License Suspensions

Congressman Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) with Representatives Amash (R-MI), Jeffries (D-NY), Nadler (D-NY) have introduced an amendment to the appropriations bill that the House is expected to take up next month. The amendment would eliminate the funding for enforcement of Section 159 of title 23, which reduces highway funding for states if they did not automatically […]
How to Find Your Perfect Pot Job

While the minimum wage debate rages on across America, there is a growing trend of marijuana-based job opportunities and advertisements for them. Everything from bud pickers, to grow room rentals, to clinics seeking qualified medical marijuana doctors and receptionists, are being offered on your local Craiglslist and elsewhere. Employment opportunities in marijuana’s private sector are […]
Netflix Hops Into Cannabis Selling Promotional Strains Based on Their Shows

After almost two decades, Netflix has decided to dive into the marijuana industry by selling a few of its own strains of weed. According to Variety, the streaming giant is gearing up to offer a number of boutique marijuana strains in West Hollywood, California. These various strains of weed are marketed toward enhancing the experience of […]
Kono Naturals

Kono Naturals is a collection of organic, sustainable Cannabidiol (CBD) products carefully designed to offer a safe and natural alternative to managing pain, mental health and promoting general wellness. Our products, extracted from 100% Hemp plants and are independently tested two times to ensure the integrity of oil, potency, and confirm the absence of chemicals […]
S03E19: He’s writer and comedian Josh Androsky

Spongebob Squarepants writer, comedian, podcast host Josh Androsky talking about how cannabis goes with creativity and politics.
Protect Your Cannabis Business From Getting Burned By “Friendship Credit”

In our article, published by CBE in July (“Five Signs Your Cannabis Customer Needs to be Placed With A Collection Agency”), we mentioned that many companies servicing the cannabis market are now extending what we call “friendship credit” – in other words, allowing customers whom they know well, and have been dealing with on a […]
How to Use Customer Loyalty Marketing in the Cannabis Industry

The growth of the marijuana industry is of the likes of cable television in the 90’s and broadband internet in the 2000’s. We are at the helm of a business market that is on par to grow at astronomical proportions. The state of Colorado alone has seen a 30 million dollar monthly revenue increase […]
American Legion Resolves In Support Of Expanding Veterans’ Access to Medicinal Cannabis

The American Legion, the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, has adopted a resolution calling on federal officials to expand veterans’ access to medical marijuana. The resolution, passed yesterday at the Legion’s annual convention, urges the “United States government to permit VA medical providers to be able to discuss with veterans the use of marijuana […]
This Santa Ana Dispensary Wants to Change the Way You Buy Cannabis

There’s a new joint in town. MedMen, one of the largest marijuana retailers in the country, opened its newest medical marijuana dispensary last month in Santa Ana, making its 3,000 square feet of retail space one of the largest dispensaries in the county. The cannibis firm offers around 1,000 products, including concentrates, flour, edibles, canine/feline […]
Russian Bankers Migrating to Higher, Greener Pastures

Dust off your history books and have a look at how and why bankers from our former Cold War nemesis and current election-hacking paradise have decided to come in from the cold and join the warmth of the green rush. Two Moscow bankers were in the right place at the right time for many years, […]
Looking to Invest in Cannabis? Here Are Two Canadian Companies to Consider

The budding marijuana industry in Canada is set to explode, according to a number of key industry players banking on a wave of increased consumption from groups that have otherwise steered clear of the green commodity. With only a few large cannabis producers jockeying for position in a bid to control the largest piece of […]
Hawaii Department of Health Medical Cannabis Update – Vol. I, No. 5 August 2017
Maintaining a Strong Relationship with Your Doctor With two medical cannabis dispensaries now open, and more anticipated to open in the near future, Hawaii’s registered patients must carefully weigh information on potency and efficacy of medical cannabis products. Obtaining accurate information and knowing who to turn to for answers may be a challenge for patients. […]
WA NORML: 2017 State of the Session Report

WASHINGTON STATE: For the first time Washington NORML had a regular lobbyist in Olympia this year. The truth is NORML has almost always been staffed by volunteer activists. That’s what I was, at a NORML chapter in Missouri, interning for NORML’s national office in Washington DC, and later as head of NORML’s Thurston County chapter. The reward […]
Latina Woman Among Los Angeles’ First Licensed Cannabis Entrepreneurs

Priscilla Vilchis, CEO of Cali Premium Produce, is the only Latina woman on the list of the 13 pre-approved applicants, helping to bridge the barrier between multi-million dollar companies and people trying to enter the cannabis industry. Her hometown of Lynwood—population nearly 70,000—kick-started the momentum by being among the first within Los Angeles County to […]
How to Get In on the Ground Floor of Cannabis Investing

Photo by Justin Cannabis. The future of the legal cannabis industry is looking bright, and new investment opportunities are appearing daily. Twenty-nine states have legalized the use of medical marijuana, Canada will make recreational use legal in July 2018 and many other countries are following suit. Against this exciting backdrop, InvestorsHub—the world’s most significant retail […]
An Inside Look at Snoop Dogg’s Pot-Focused VC Firm

Photo by Javier Hasse. This article was originally published on Benzinga, and adapted exclusively for HIGH TIMES. Back in May, while chatting with Andy Williams, co-star of MSNBC’s The Pot Barons of Colorado and founder and CEO of Medicine Man Denver, Medicine Man Technologies and several other companies, Benzinga asked which were the largest challenges entrepreneurs […]
S03E18: He’s a godfather of Denver comedy and pro heckler

Featured guest: Comedian David “Deacon” Gray. Talking about fresh voices in cannabis comedy and pro heckling. Plus, exclusive interview with the Lucas Bros.
Gorilla Glue Co. Is Suing the Makers of GG#4 Strain

The well-known strain of marijuana called “Gorilla Glue” is being dragged to court because the brand bares the same name as a popular adhesive company, reports It was recently revealed that the Ohio-based Gorilla Glue Co. has filed a lawsuit against GG Strains, the producer of a highly potent, hybrid pot strain known as […]
Several factors led to Hawaii’s flawed medical marijuana launch – Marijuana Business Daily

By Bart Schaneman When Hawaii’s two operational medical marijuana dispensaries were forced to close just days after opening, a laboratory bottleneck was blamed for a supply disruption. But participants in the fledgling MMJ program said the state’s only functioning lab isn’t at fault.Instead, they pointed to a number of other factors for their problems, including: […]
Hawaii Dispensary Cannabis Shortages

Maui News and Hawaii News Now are reporting that Maui Grown Therapies closed Saturday and company officials say it will change its hours while it awaits action from the Department of Health’s State Labs Division. Maui’s first state-licensed medical marijuana dispensary to open for business will be closed Monday and Tuesday and will change its […]
S03E17: She takes a pharmaceutical approach to cannabis science

Featured guest: Dot Colagiovanni with Next Frontier Biosciences. Talking about how cannabinoids interact with the body, Big Pharma, marijuana research and more.
Nevada Pot Emergency Shows The Real Size Of America’s Demand For Cannabis

Photo by Javier Hasse. This article was originally published on Benzinga, and adapted exclusively for HIGH TIMES. Nevada started selling cannabis for adult use just a few of weeks ago. Just a few days into legalization, dispensaries were already running low on (or even out of) product. Almost every major media outlet in the U.S. has […]
Maui Grown Therapies Dispensary Opens in Kahului, Maui

from Ganjapreneur… Hawai’i’s first medical cannabis dispensary has finally opened its doors one week after the Department of Health granted a license to Steep Hill Hawaii to test consumer products, KHON reports. The approval for Maui Wellness Group’s Maui Grown Therapies Kahului location was granted by the Health Department on Tuesday. In the report, Teri Freitas Gorman, […]
S03E16: He has a 420-friendly event space ready to go while Denver figures out social use
Featured guest: Herban Space founder Cliff Gordon. LOTS TO TALK ABOUT • While Denver works out how to enact its first-of-its-kind voter-approved social marijuana use initiative, some spaces are finding ways to be 420-friendly in the meantime. • Vaping vs smoking, the debate rages on: Should one be allowed indoors…
Insurance Provider Drops Hawaii Medical Cannabis Companies | Ganjapreneur

The launch of Hawaii’s medical cannabis program faces more delays after the Hawaii Employers’ Mutual Insurance Company (HEMIC) announced last week it will stop providing workers compensation insurance to seven of the state’s eight licensed cannabis companies. According to a KHON2 report, the development came without warning and poses a problem for the companies in […]
Hawaii MMJ Operators Waiting for Regulators to Certify Testing Labs | Ganjapreneur

Medical cannabis business owners in Hawaii are still waiting for regulators to certify laboratories to test their products, as the program infrastructure is in place but after more than a year sales have yet to occur, the Associated Press reports. Helen Cho, director of integrated strategy for Aloha Green Holdings, said her dispensary in Oahu […]
First Dispensary-Destined Cannabis Crop Harvested in Hawaii | Ganjapreneur

Anna Hrushka a reporter with Pacific Business News spoke with a Hawaii Cannabis dispensary on Oahu who said it is now waiting for the certification of an independent laboratory to conduct required product safety testing. Graham Abbot at Ganjaprenuer reports that Aloha Green Holdings in Oahu, Hawaii is the first medical cannabis dispensary to harvest their crop, […]
Legislative Update from the Hawaii Dispensary Alliance
The 2017 legislative session’s 60-day sprint is coming to a close and we are happy to report that five of the measures that we have been tracking and weighing in on are still ALIVE! We have entered into the “conference” portion of the legislative cycle; wherein, bills are conferred upon by select members, or conferees, […]
Hawaii Cannabis Business Meeting 4/20 at 5pm in Hilo

Event passed… On 4/20/2017 We held a business meeting in Hilo. Thursday in Hilo. Bring your ideas and questions. If you’ve got a Cannabis product or service you’d like to promote, bring it! This was an informal meeting designed to help spur more conversation about Cannabis business. We helped small business owners get involved in […]
Bolivian President Evo Morales' Crusade: De-Vilifying the Coca Leaf
March 31, 2017– By Marcelo Alzamora Earlier this month, Bolivian President Evo Morales signed a bill that raises the limit of coca crops that Bolivian farmers can plant nationally from 12,000 to 22,000 hectares. Since he assumed the presidency in 2006, Morales has instituted a policy of “Yes to Coca, No to Cocaine” (Coca Sí, […]
Thursday Teleconference: California Lawmaker Introduced Legislation to Protect Californians Against Federal Attacks on Lawful Marijuana Activity

California Assembly Member Reggie Jones-Sawyer will join advocates to hold a media teleconference briefing to discuss his legislation that would prohibit state and local agencies from using resources to assist federal law enforcement authorities with marijuana enforcement against people in compliance with California state law. The recently introduced bill is already generating controversy. AB 1578 […]
Maryland General Assembly Adopts Bills to Combat Opioid Epidemic

As deaths from drug overdoses increase across the state and nation, the House of Delegates has passed legislation to bolster Maryland’s public health approach to the opioid epidemic with overwhelming bipartisan support. The legislative package, endorsed by the Maryland General Assembly House Opioid Workgroup, will combat the opioid epidemic by increasing treatment access, prevention efforts, […]
Argentina Legalizes Medical Marijuana

On Thursday, Argentina legalized medical marijuana, after the Senate unanimously approved a bill that was already passed by the House of Representatives last November. The law establishes a new regulatory framework that enables scientific and medical marijuana research, while providing marijuana to qualifying patients free of charge. “It’s heartening to see Argentina prioritizing accessibility by […]
U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke Leads Bipartisan Bill that Repeals Federal Transportation Law Requiring States to Suspend Driver's Licenses for Drug Offenses

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Beto O’Rourke (D-TX-16) has introduced bipartisan legislation with Representatives Justin Amash (R-MI-3), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY-8), Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI-5), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY-10), and Mia Love (R-UT-4) that would repeal a 26-year-old federal law that mandates states to automatically suspend driver’s licenses for anyone convicted of a drug offense or risk losing […]
California Governor Jerry Brown Moves to Align Medical and Adult Use Marijuana Regulation in California

Late Tuesday afternoon, Governor Jerry Brown released his proposal to align medical marijuana regulations passed by the Legislature in 2015 and the 2016 Adult Use of Marijuana Act (Prop 64), both of which call for commercial licensing and regulation to begin in January 2018. The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) applauds the Administration’s framework, which adheres […]
New Mexico Overdose Prevention Bill Vetoed by Governor

Santa Fe – Today, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez vetoed Senate Bill 47 (SB47), the 911 Good Samaritan Overdose Prevention Bill. SB47, sponsored by Senator R. Martinez (D), passed the New Mexico State Legislature with overwhelming support from both sides of the aisle, passing the House of Representatives (58-5) and the Senate on a unanimous […]
Drug Policy Alliance Receives Award for Video Featuring Jay Z Calling Drug War an “Epic Fail”
The Drug Policy Alliance received the 2017 DoGooder Best Nonprofit Video for Good Award for its video slamming the war on drugs, narrated by Shawn “Jay Z” Carter and illustrated by acclaimed artist Molly Crabapple. The video first launched in The New York Times last September. The award will be presented this week at the […]
Wednesday, March 22 in NYC: Prospects for Drug Policy Reform in the U.S. and Abroad

Drug Policy Alliance and Human Rights Watch Call for Decriminalizing Drug Use, Joined By Former Swiss President and Former Head of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Drug Decriminalization Gaining Traction, With Backing of World Health Organization, International Red Cross, American Public Health Association, NAACP, and National Latino Congreso On Wednesday, March […]
West Virginia Legislature Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

West Virginia Legislature Approves Medical Marijuana Bill From our colleagues at the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP): Gov. Jim Justice is expected to sign SB 386 into law, making West Virginia the 29th state to adopt an effective medical marijuana law CHARLESTON, W. Va. — A medical marijuana bill received final approval in the West Virginia […]
Alcohol Industry Wants to Restrict Pot Advertising

When it comes to advertising in the alcohol industry, Canadian law imposes some pretty tight restrictions. Companies that sling booze for profit are not allowed to suggest in their marketing campaigns that people may be on a mission to get drunk, nor are they permitted to show sports figures or other celebrities grinding away at a […]
Hawaii Changing “Medical Marijuana” Terminology to “Medical Cannabis”

Two committees unanimously voted to require the state to refer to medical marijuana as medical cannabis. Lawmakers believe that the word cannabis is more fitting. The Department of Health has until December 31, 2019 to make all of the required changes to all written law and documents. The changes are to be made to title […]
10 Reasons Why it Pays to Grow Pot with Hydroponics

Tens of millions of US citizens recently found themselves waking up one morning with the full legal right to grow cannabis at home. Suffice to say, for those not fortunate enough to reside in such areas, it all sounds like some kind of fantasy that’s far too good to be true. But true it very […]
DEA Forced to Remove Misleading Cannabis Claims from Website

The DEA Forced to Remove Misleading Cannabis Claims from Website: There are no two ways about it – Federal law makes the whole subject of legal cannabis very confusing. Not just confusing, but incredibly difficult for those looking to play a role in the development of the fledgling legal pot industry. You’re handed the freedom you’ve […]
Medical marijuana advocates to host lobbying day

By Tim Devaney for The Hill Medical marijuana advocates will descend on Capitol Hill Tuesday. The advocates are in town for the National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference, which culminates in a lobbying day next week. Currently, federal law prohibits any use of marijuana, including for medical purposes. But some states have lifted these restrictions within […]
First Marijuana Stock Index ETF Launches in Canada

As the Trump administration considers renegotiating the historic trade agreement with its North American neighbors, Canada is pushing ahead with a trade that places it well ahead of the United States: a first-of-its-kind exchange-traded fund that invests in medical marijuana stocks. Whether the pioneering effort is good for investors should spark debate. For investors who […]
U.S. Department of Justice Task Force to Review Marijuana Enforcement Laws

With the new administration in the U.S., many states that have legalized cannabis or medical cannabis are wondering what will happen to state marijuana programs. There has definitely been plenty of discussion here in Oregon about how things will continue to roll out and how the DOJ might deal with marijuana enforcement. This week, we found […]
Now Robots Want to Take Marijuana Trimmers’ Jobs
Sitting down with a pair of shears in front of a fresh-cut pound of cannabis, pruning scraggly flowers into beautiful, saleable marijuana buds isn’t just a gig for “trimmigrants” to take up in between stops on the festie circuit—it’s a legitimate job. It takes learned and skilled hands to remove fan leaves and other unwanted […]
Coalition Brewing Brings Cannabis Collaboration to a Higher Level with CBD Beer

While many cannabis consumers have been consuming their cannabis alongside beer for many years, a Portland based microbrewery, Coalition Brewing, has brought the potential for hops and cannabis to a whole new level. While Coalition has been brewing high quality, craft beer since 2010, they have most recently ventured in to the cannabis territory, sourcing CBD […]
Sessions’ DOJ Reviewing Marijuana Enforcement, Governors Fight Back

by Erik Altieri, NORML Executive DirectorApril 6, 2017 This week, Attorney General Jeff “Marijuana Consumers Aren’t Good People” Sessions issued a memo outlining a requested task force inquiry into a number of public safety issues, one of which being the enforcement of federal marijuana laws. The memo was sent to 94 U.S. Attorney’s Offices and […]
Marijuana-Infused Ice Cream Has Hit the Canadian Market Despite Lacking Legality

Remedy Ice Cream is made in Calgary and infused with shatter — a concentrated form of marijuana. The operation may not be legal but it’s not exactly underground, either. Co-founder Chris Vasconcellos says the ice cream is meant for licensed medical marijuana patients only. As a licensed user himself, he said he was looking for a different way […]
Spider Mites and Marijuana Plants

Spider mites are both common and disastrous when it comes to growing marijuana plants. Not only that but they are an absolute nightmare to try and get rid of. Technically these little mites aren’t actual insects — they are arachnids, like spiders, ticks, and other types of mites. They are recognizable from other mites by […]
THC: Side Effects, Risks and Overdose

THC is the most commonly known and most powerful chemical found in marijuana. Marijuana is identified by its two active ingredients or chemicals: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is the psychoactive chemical that affects how you feel by creating the “high.” The amount and strength of THC depends on a number of factors, including […]
Police object to California marijuana regulation revamp

By MICHAEL R. BLOOD and PAUL ELIASAssociated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) – California law enforcement officials objected Wednesday to Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed streamlining of the state’s marijuana regulations, saying his plan could endanger public safety. Brown’s administration released documents late Tuesday outlining proposed changes to square the state’s new recreational pot law with its […]
G Pen Maker Awarded $47m in Counterfeit Case

After enduring years of revenue lost to product counterfeiters, Grenco Science, maker of the G-Pen brand vaporizer, finally struck back in court. In January, the Los Angeles-based company sued more than 65 different online retailers selling fake G-Pen products, asking for restraining orders and monetary damages. The brand pirates were mostly based in China. Some […]
New medical marijuana dispensary Maui Grown Therapies to hold open houses

Maui is getting their first medical marijuana dispensary, set to open soon in Kahului. Hawaii currently only has one medical dispensary, located on Oahu, and the islands do not recognize medical marijuana cards issued in any other state. The company bringing the first to Maui is Maui Grown Therapies. Once the dispensary opens, later this […]
Canadian Companies Add Cannabis Coverage to Health Insurance

After injuring his back while working as an elevator mechanic, Wayne Skinner suffered from chronic back pain for more than six years. After he found relief through prescribed medical marijuana, he asked his union, through its trust fund, to cover the costs. Skinner fought for what he saw as his rightful coverage, but was turned […]
Breaking: TSA Flip-Flops on Medical Cannabis

You are now free to move about the country with your medical marijuana. Or maybe not. Earlier today, Transportation Security Administration officials seemed to have quietly revealed a major policy change by posting an update to one of its web pages. On TSA’s “What Can I Bring?” page, at 9am PDT, medical marijuana was marked with a green “Yes”: The change […]
Culinary Cannabis: Chef Leather Storrs

As the cannabis industry continues to emerge with legalization, so do the various sectors within it. Cannabis events and private cannabis-themed dinners and parties are one sector of the industry that we have seen growing across the country. This allows professionals from other industries, in this case chefs and others from the food and beverage […]
State and Local Politicians discuss Marijuana Policy in Texas

State and local politicians will discuss marijuana policy in Texas again this month. While there has been lots of recent attention given to this topic in Texas, this discussion includes both the City of Dallas as well as the State’s laws on the decriminalization of cannabis. The Dallas City Council will consider ending the Dallas Police […]
TSA May Allow Medical Cannabis on Flights

You are now free to move about the country with your medical marijuana. That’s the word from Transportation Security Administration officials, who seem to have quietly revealed a major policy change by posting an update to one of its web pages. On TSA’s “What Can I Bring?” page, medicinal cannabis is now marked with a green “Yes”: The change […]
Dallas Cowboys Owner Urges NFL to Change Stance on Marijuana

Dallas Cowboys Owner Urges NFL to Change Stance on Marijuana. Jerry Jones has a decorated career as the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, one of the most long withstanding football clubs in the National Football League in the U.S. Just last week Jones hosted an owners-only meeting in Arizona. While this was technically an executive […]
California Moves to Unite Conflicting Cannabis Laws

LOS ANGELES (AP) — California is one step closer to resolving tricky legal conflicts on its path to becoming the nation’s largest marijuana economy. Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration released documents outlining proposed changes to square the state’s new recreational cannabis law with its longstanding law on medical marijuana. The two laws took different approaches in […]
Karma: Stock Price of Big Pharma Company Pushing Fake Marijuana Plunges

Insys Therapeutics is having a bad run. The Arizona-based pharmaceutical company’s stock is down 50 percent from its peak in August. In that time, sales have slumped by tens of millions of dollars—and the company’s stock took another double-digit dive late last month. Rejoice! This is a good thing. Insys Therapeutics is not a good […]
Sin City’s Fastest-Growing Industry (Where You Can Keep Your Clothes On)

This piece was co-created by Michelle Janikian and Catherine Goldberg. Move over Denver, the “Green Rush” is coming to Las Vegas, creating jobs, improving quality of life and making medical breakthroughs. Nevada recently legalized adult use cannabis during the November election, but instead of waiting until 2018 like California, Maine and Massachusetts, Nevada is working […]
Medical marijuana bills would change terminology, amend video storage requirements

HONOLULU — A couple of bills seeking to amend laws regarding medical marijuana are passing through the Legislature. “I supported both bills in committee hearings, and anticipate more amendments before any bills become law,” said Rep. Dee Morikawa. One is SB 786, which aims to change language in Hawaii laws that use the term “medical […]
State of the Leaf: Texas Decriminalization Measure Moves Ahead, MMJ Stalls in SC

Florida There’s a lot going on in Tallahassee as Sunshine State legislators forge the regulatory framework for Florida’s medical marijuana program. Senators appear poised to advance legislation (SB 406) to welcome five new cannabis dispensaries to Florida by October. At least one would be minority-owned. Friday’s measure also requires four additional dispensaries within “six months […]
What Is Charas Cannabis Concentrate?

Cannabis, also known as ganja, grows wild throughout Northern India, with particular prevalence along the foothills of the Himalayas. Although it is considered illegal in most parts of the world, certain forms of cannabis, most notably bhang, a cannabis and milk mixture, are sold in government-sanctioned shops with great popularity. RELATED STORY What Is Bhang? […]
Hawaii Bill to Make State Refer to “Medical Marijuana” as “Medical Cannabis” Passes Two House …

Two House committee in Hawaii have unanimously passed a bill to change the way the state refers to “medical marijuana”. Senate Bill 786 has been passed by both the House Health Committee and the House Judiciary Committee, both unanimously. The measure, filed by Senator Mike Gabbard (D), has already been passed by the Senate with […]
House OKs Maryland Bill to Boost Minority Cannabis Businesses

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland would allow five more licenses each to grow and process medical cannabis in the state under a measure approved Tuesday by the House of Delegates. The bill, which was passed on a 90-45 vote, is aimed at boosting minority-owned business participation in the state’s developing industry after a disparity study. The […]
The Pros and Cons of Going to the Grocery Store While High

Do you go to the grocery store high? You do? Good. Because if you answered no, I was going to pack up and walk right out of the door behind you. I just couldn’t respect it. You’d be missing out on the new official America’s Pastime. Going to the grocery store high is one of […]
West Virginia House of Delegates Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

“Welcome to West Virginia” sign along westbound U.S. Route 48 and West Virginia Route 55 east of Wardensville in Hardy County, West Virginia (Wikimedia/Famartin) Marijuana Policy Project | April 4, 2017 CHARLESTON, WV — A bill that would allow patients with certain debilitating conditions to access medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it was approved by […]
Argentina Legalizes Medical Cannabis, Creates Research Program With Free Access

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Argentina’s Senate has given final legislative approval to a bill legalizing the use of cannabis oil and other marijuana derivatives for medicinal purposes, and setting up a regulatory framework for the state to prescribe and distribute them to patients. The legislation approved by senators Wednesday also creates a medical marijuana research […]
Cannabis Topicals: A Beginner’s Guide

Everything you need to know about using cannabis externally. Cannabis topicals have been steadily increasing in popularity over the years, and for good reason. When applied to the skin, cannabis-infused products like lotions and creams can have many benefits. The main advantage of using cannabis topically is that you do not experience any psychological effects. […]
Q4 Flower Sales Up and Down

While sales and volume fluctuated during Q4 2016, consumers bought roughly the same proportions of cannabis styles during the quarter as they did during Q4 2015, with hybrids remaining robust market leaders. Flower remains the commercial backbone of most dispensaries in Colorado, Washington and Oregon. Consider: In 2016, flower captured 58 percent of the cannabis […]
Who Is ‘Potsquatch’?
SPRINGFIELD, MA — Seconds after I met Dave Mech, creator of the notorious Potsquatch, video-bomber of Massachusetts weather reports and viral online persona, he presented me with an opportunity for a little participatory journalism. “I want to get some video of you wearing the suit,” he told me, unfolding what looked like the shorn outer […]
Texas: HB 81 advances with a committee vote of 4-2!

by NORMLApril 3, 2017 By Jax FinkelTexas NORML Executive Director Great news! Chairman Joe Moody’s House Bill 81, which would replace criminal penalties for marijuana possession with a simple ticket, has passed out of the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee with a bipartisan vote of 4-2, with one member absent. Now, the bill is headed to the Calendars […]
Houston Has Decriminalized Marijuana, Reveals Conflicting Attitudes and Budget Priorities of Law Enforcement

by NORMLApril 3, 2017 On March 1, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg decriminalized marijuana by instituting the new Misdemeanor Marijuana Diversion Program. This decision in Harris County, which includes the city of Houston, affects more than 4.5 million Texans. As a result, possession of less than 4 ounces of marijuana is now punishable by […]
With Big Banks Absent, IRS Gears up for Flood of Tax Cash

Think Tax Day is a headache for the average Joe? Owners of cannabis businesses might get a laugh out of that. In lieu of paying the tax man electronically, state-legal cannabis companies—spurned by banks thanks to federal prohibition—often have to pay a visit to the IRS lugging a fat stack of cash. It’s not exactly […]

Without Proper Testing and Training It Could Be By David Hodes for Dope Magazine “Some of the information on the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) website is 30 or 40 years old,. I don’t know about your health policy, but I prefer mine to be based on policy that is younger than me.” – Jahan Marcu […]
DC activists planning pot giveaway, Capitol Hill 'smoke in'

By Eli Watkins CNN WASHINGTON (CNN) — A marijuana advocacy group in the nation’s capital plans to target members of Congress on Capitol Hill with two separate protests this April. The first protest will take place on April 20 — 4/20, the pot holiday — from “high noon” til about 5 p.m., Adam Eidinger and […]
Hawaii puts cannabis tracking in FedRAMP cloud

Hawaii puts cannabis tracking in FedRAMP cloud By Susan Miller Apr 03, 2017 The Hawaii Department of Health has deployed a live seed-to-sale cannabis tracking system in a cloud environment authorized by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program. The state is using BioTrackTHC’s State Traceability System in Amazon Web Services’ GovCloud for its state […]
Govs Urge Sessions to Keep Cannabis Legal

Earlier today the governors of Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington sent a letter to US Attorney General Jeff Sessions and US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, urging them to uphold the Obama-era policies that have allowed the legal and regulated use of cannabis to proceed in their states. The governors urged Sessions and Mnuchin to continue […]
Legalization Finds Friends in Cowboys Owner, Trump Adviser

The cannabis legalization movement gained two unlikely allies over the weekend: Republican political consultant Roger Stone and Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones. Stone, a lobbyist, political consultant, and Breitbart contributor who helped mastermind President Donald Trump’s courtship of the right, posted a scathing report on his website Stone Cold Truth making a case for why […]