Hawaii Police Department Brochure – Marijuana Is Not Medicine

HPD CIA misinformation techniques applied in schools. The goal of these misinformation was to intentionally stigmatize school children in Hawaii. The Hawaii police department passed these color brochures out in schools they visited. What are they feeding your kids now? When was the last time you were invited to a D.A.R.E. event at your kid’s […]

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman


Celebrate Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman “My job is to determine if people are charged and how to spend my resources,” Freeman said. “Spending resources on these cases is just wrong.” Someone caught with a small amount of marijuana in Hennepin County will no longer be prosecuted, County Attorney Mike Freeman said Thursday. Similar actions […]

Official Hawaii Cannabis Safety Awareness

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Abraham Lincoln A common cannabis theme appears before us, “safety”. A popular myth is that regulatory safety requirements placed on dispensaries have made distributing, consuming or possessing […]

Healthy Hawaii Guide

Considerations for a Patient-Friendly Government This annual guide aims to help voters and elected officials reduce harm to patients while improving our Cannabis economy.  More than 25,000 licensed patients in Hawaii are affected by restrictions on Cannabis medicine. Nationally, 70% of voters oppose enforcing federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized medical or recreational […]

Vaporizing Cannabis with Help from King Pen Vapes

Learning How Vaping Can Be Better Than Smoking  It’s safe to say more people haven’t consumed cannabis than those that have. It’s not unfamiliar to hear someone saying cannabis can’t help you. Those are usually the people who have not tried it. Well just like they say, “Don’t knock it until you try it.” Even […]

Medical Marijuana Legalization Bill Could Pass Pennsylvania Legislation

The market for medical marijuana has been a hot topic for potential business owners for several years now. The shift in legalization – or talk of such a shift – has prompted many to consider the opportunities in the marketplace. However, in more than half of the United States, marijuana for medical use is still […]

Legalization of Marijuana Could Happen in these 12 States in 2018

Legalization of Marijuana Could Happen in these 12 States in 2018 Moving the legal needle on marijuana use for both recreational and medicinal use has been an ongoing battle for several states hoping for change. Over the last several years, however, introductions of legalization and decriminalization bills have given some pro-marijuana advocates optimism for the […]

Top 10 Reasons Support for Marijuana Legalization is Growing

Top 10 Reasons Support for Marijuana Legalization is Growing Marijuana use has been a widely debated topic for several decades for a variety of reasons. Some conservative lawmakers firmly believe that the drug has negative consequences on society, while more liberal advocates point to the research purporting the drug’s health and economic benefits. Although there are […]

Cannabis Talk with Ethan Nebelkopf

Hawaii marijuana dispensary

You Are Invited!  We hope you’ll join us for a very special meeting of the Hawaii Patients Union.  Cannabis Talk Story on Hawaii IslandFriday. May 25th 5pm – 7pm Hawaii Innovation Center in Hilo117 Keawe Street, Hilo, Hi 96720Map + Directions This month the Hawaii Patient Union will have a special guest host, author Ethan […]

Cannabis News from All Around the World

Cannabis News from All Around the World

Forbes magazine published a report that states that the Brightfield Group expects the marijuana market worldwide to be worth almost $8 billion by the end of 2017. The report further projects that the marijuana market is expected to exceed $31 billion by 2021. Today marijuana is more than just weed. It has grown to include a […]

Trump Support for States’ Rights to Legalize Cannabis

Trump backs states rights to legalize Cannabis

Mahalo LA Times for the update.  The latest from Washington » “Late Wednesday, I received a commitment from the president that the Department of Justice’s rescission of the Cole memo will not impact Colorado’s legal marijuana industry,” Gardner said, referring to the Obama-era policy, named after former Deputy Atty. Gen. James M. Cole, who issued […]

4:20 All Day

4:20 All Day

You Are Invited!  We hope you’ll join us for a not-so-regular monthly meeting of the Hawaii Patients Union.  Friday. April 20th 10am – 4:20pm Hawaii Innovation Center in Hilo 117 Keawe Street, Hilo, Hi 96720 Cannabis brings us together again to celebrate Cannabis health and wellness with our community. On 4/20 we rally our families […]

Legalization of Cannabis in Hawaii – It’s Legal Now (With a License)

Hawaii State Capitol Building

Clarification for licensed patients, Hawaii has accepted the medical use of Cannabis. There is no conflict with federal law or preemption as is the case with pesticides, for example. Scheduling and decriminalization are irrelevant for licensed patients. Here’s some language to consider for folks interested in obtaining a license to grow (please grow): https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2018/bills/SB2217_.htm   […]

Drug Imports Dropping Rapidly – Taxpayers Want a Refund

Drug Imports Dropping Rapidly - Taxpayers Want a Refund

Illegal Cannabis Imports Dropping Rapidly If Hawaii voters had access to information about increases or decreases in drug trafficking surely we would not allow their taxes to be increased for a drug war with less financial needs. While legal states are seeing less opioid deaths and less black market activity, Hawaii’s governor, Lt. Gov, law […]

Federal Legislation Update – Vote Friday on Cannabis Eradication Spending

Update: Done Deal, details. Original Story: Not a done deal. The vote will be Friday. Medical marijuana patients and businesses that follow state laws could continue to be protected from U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the federal drug agents that work for him under a provision contained in new must-pass legislation revealed on Wednesday. If […]

Washington State Businesses Will Need New License Endorsement to Produce Cannabis-infused Edibles

OLYMPIA — As of April 1, statutory authority to regulate the makers of marijuana edibles will be added to the administrative responsibilities of the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA), a move that will require these businesses to apply for a special endorsement on their business licenses. Ultimate regulatory authority for marijuana operations remains with the Washington State […]

Washington State Traceability and Updated Reporting

from the Washington LCB… Current Stats from Leaf Data Systems The below statistics cover activity in Leaf Data Systems for the time period between February 1, 2018 and March 11, 2018. Workarounds within Leaf Last week we sent an email that included a link to a table with known workaround solutions for workflow issues. This information will […]

What is the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment?

What is the Rohrabacher-Farr Blumenauer Amendment?

The Rohrabacher–Farr amendment (also known as the Rohrabacher–Blumenauer amendment) is legislation prohibiting the Justice Department from spending funds to interfere with the implementation of state medical cannabis laws. Rohrabacher-Blumenauer is pretty plain and clear: no DOJ funds can be used to block the implementation of medical cannabis reforms in states where it has been legalized, […]

Spring Equinox Cannabis Event – CannGrow 2018 – Mahalo!

Cannabis Spring

Mahalo for Attending the The Spring Equinox Event on Tuesday March 20th 2018. This month we’re celebrating Cannabis Spring, a flowering of consciousness and Cannabis. Join your community as once again come together to share and expand our Cannabis Consciousness. From developing your materials list and greenhouse needs to operating a legal cooperative in Hawaii, […]

Could Hawaii Legislators Help Protect Legal Cannabis Businesses and Collectives

In Massachusetts, lawmakers are moving to protect it’s state’s tax revenue from the sale of Cannabis. As Jeff Sessions threatens the viability of small and large businesses in the medical Cannabis economy, some lawmakers are taking a stand. MPP’s Will Luzier, a leader of the Yes on 4 campaign, helped to conceive the bill. “I think […]

Critical: Protect Lawful Medical Cannabis Programs

Federal: Protect Lawful State Medical Marijuana Programs Update 2 (1-20-2018). The Rohrabacher-Blumenauer amendment has expired due to the shutdown of the federal government. Right now Jeff Sessions may be asking Doug Chin for a list of licensed patients engaged in federally-illegal crimes. A letter sent to Governor Ige seeking help for patients received a bizarre […]

Jeff Sessions Federal Fear Reduces Patient Treatments

Jeff Sessions

Update 11/08/20 Jeffery Session reign of terror is nearly over. His successor is a former college football player. He could directly benefit from Cannabis use and has likely heard professional football players stories of their Cannabis use for medical conditions caused by football. He’s also made some Cannabis-friendlier statements. US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has […]

Colorado Crackdown on Homegrown Cannabis Advances

DENVER (AP) — A Colorado plan to crack down on homegrown cannabis is rapidly heading to the governor’s desk after lawmakers changed the bill to give medical marijuana patients more leeway. ‘We’re not respecting patients’ rights as well as pushing the industry forward.’ -Jason Warf , Southern Colorado Cannabis Council A Senate committee vote 5-0 to […]

Medical Cannabis Program Update Hawaii Department of Health

“Ensuring Hawaii’s registered patients have access to safe medical marijuana products through an efficient system of responsible, licensed dispensaries.” -Hawaii DOH Inside today’s update the Department of Health states their position on Medical Marijuana Legislative Bills “About 45 medical marijuana bills have been introduced in this legislative session, but Governor David Ige and the Hawaii State […]

Feds Threaten to Shut Down Las Vegas High Times Cannabis Cup

According to Reno Gazette Times, the Feds threaten to shut down Las Vegas High Times Cannabis Cup in a Feb. 16 letter to the Moapa Paiute Tribe. The times reports that U.S. Attorney Daniel Bogden, based in Las Vegas, sent a Feb. 16 letter to the Moapa Paiute Tribe reminding the tribe that the transport, possession, use and distribution of […]

Cannabis Legislation 2017: We’re Tracking All Legalization Bills

Most state legislatures reconvene in early January, and by February they’re in full swing, moving some bills forward and killing others in committee. This year 27 state legislatures are considering bills pertaining to cannabis in some form. (Well, okay: 26. Mississippi had two medical marijuana bills, but they’re already dead.) Some states are pushing full […]

How to Testify – Hawaii State Legislature

How to Testify Hawaii

You can do this! Testifying can be done quickly, easily and is a great way to support Cannabis patients. How To – Three ways to testify; In person. Keep informed of important hearings as they are scheduled. Typical hearing notices only give 48 hours notice before testimony may or may not be accepted iduring a hearing. […]

Adult-Use Bills Introduced in Hawaii

Big changes could be made in Hawaii this session as two adult-use bills have been introduced in both legislative houses, according to a Honolulu Civil Beat report. However, they will likely face opposition from Democratic Gov. David Ige who wants to hold off on any Cannabis-related legislation until the state’s medical marijuana program is off […]

Correction: Hawaii State DID NOT Introduce a Bill to Legalize Genetically Modified Cannabis

Hawaii State Capitol Building

Correction: An amendment in section 2 states in part, “provided that medical marijuana dispensary activities pursuant to chapter 329D shall not be considered an eligible business activity for the purposes of this chapter.” Dispensaries can not produce genetically-engineered medical products and be considered an “Eligible business activity”. Senate Bill 780 Introduced by Senators Mike Gabbard, Will Espero, […]

Hawaii Cannabis Legislation – Local News Article Looks Deeper into Introduced Bills

Hawaii Cannabis

A post in today’s West Hawaii Today newspaper outlines some of the ideas behind recent Cannabis legislation introduced at the State legislature. According to the report, “State Sen. Russell Ruderman, D-Puna, is among several lawmakers this year proposing measures to legalize the drug for residents over age 21. One of Ruderman’s bills would allow counties […]

Looking for legal assistance?

Hawaii Cannabis

The Hawaii State Bar Association (HSBA) offers members of the public free legal assistance. Self-Help Center Info Description of Services: Access to Justice Rooms – Volunteer attorneys provide limited legal advice to unrepresented litigants involved in a civil cases. Self-Help Centers – Volunteer attorneys and AmeriCorps Advocates provided limited legal information to help self-represented litigants […]

Survey Shows Two-Thirds of Police Are in Favor of Medical or Recreational Marijuana

A new survey of thousands of police officers from departments around the U.S. suggests that the majority don’t agree with the federal government’s stance on marijuana. Marijuana is still a Schedule I substance under federal law, meaning it’s categorized as one of the most dangerous drugs, with a high potential for abuse and no medicinal […]

Oklevueha Native American Church Ruled Unworthy to Use Marijuana for Religious Purposes

The Oklevueha Native American Church uses marijuana during service and recently lost an opportunity to fight for federal exemption. The U.S. Supreme Court has officially rejected a request to hear the case. The lawsuit has been ongoing since its initial filing in 2009. The Church cited that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 protects […]

Hawaiʻi’s Cannabis Goals for 2017 – Legislative Updates

Hawaii Cannabis

Originally published Jan. 2nd, 2017 We know we can do better. If 10% of the licensed Cannabis patients in Hawaii engaged in direct action, we could save lives in 2017. How many Cannabis-preventable deaths occurred in 2016? How many will occur in 2017? There is no legal way to grow Cannabis in Hawaii. The mere act […]

Scheduling Cannabis in Hawaii Gets a Helping Hand

Legislators request Cannabis Rescheduling information from public department of safety

Many patients are aware the Federal Government claim Cannabis has medicinal benefits as exhibited in their patents on various constituents of Cannabis. Many more do not know that law enforcement in the State of Hawaii have also scheduled Cannabis as “Schedule 1”. Schedule 1 drugs must have “the highest degree of danger” of all drugs. […]

Hawaiʻi State Cannabis Program – Caution 2016

Hawaii Cannabis

On HawaiiCannabis.org we educate and raise awareness. Without education and a certain awareness of the facts, patients in Hawaii are susceptible to rules, laws, regulations and separation from medicine and personal freedom. A few facts could help you avoid arrest. Thousands of Hawaii Cannabis prisoners are in jail now for minor errors in compliance. The state has […]

Hawaii County Resolution to Decriminalize Cannabis

Hawaii Cannabis Organization

November 2nd, 2016 – Hawaii County Lead by Council member Margaret Willie the Hawaii County Council voted to urge the Hawaii State Legislature to; 1) Establishing possession of marijuana of one ounce or less as a civil violation; 2) Directing that violations be punishable by fines and or community service; and 3) Directing that civil […]

The Hawai‘i State Legislative Oversight Committee for Medical Cannabis is Now in Session

Hawaii Dispensary Alliance

from the Hawaii Dispensary Alliance Aloha Alliance! It has been a long quiet summer as the dispensaries work to prepare their facilities and DOH works to administer Hawai‘i’s new medical marijuana dispensary system. Patients and the public alike are understandably curious about the progress of the system.  Today, with the first session of the Hawaii State […]

Kauai Deputy Chief on Medical Marijuana Oversight Group

Stakeholders to develop, improve legislation; first meeting slated Wednesday in Honolulu The group tasked with developing and recommending legislation to improve the medical marijuana system to ensure safe and legal access to qualifying patients is scheduled to have its first meeting in Honolulu on Wednesday. The Act 230 Medical Marijuana Legislative Oversight Working Group will […]

Hawaiian Dispensaries Waiting on Seed to Sale Technology

Hawaii Patients without Time

Despite Hawaii’s 8 designated and licensed dispensaries having already identified their storefront location and respective cultivation sites, most medical marijuana grows are in a temporary holding pattern – thanks in part to technical deficiencies within the state medical marijuana program. The main problem seems to be replicating a Colorado-like seed to sale program, as currently […]

Hawaii dispensaries not yet growing medical marijuana plants

HONOLULU The groups that plan to open medical marijuana dispensaries in Hawaii have all identified sites to grow their products, but none of the eight licensees has begun cultivating the plants because they haven’t been given a green light from the state Department of Health. One holdup is the state doesn’t have a software system […]

Who’s On The Ohio Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee?

Columbus, Ohio A pain management doctor, staunch opponents to marijuana legalization and the father of a boy with cerebral palsy were a few of the people selected to advise state regulators setting up Ohio’s medical marijuana program. Ohio’s new medical marijuana law required Gov. John Kasich and legislative leaders from both parties to appoint 14 […]

MD: Sponsor Says Medical Cannabis Bill For Ag Areas Won’t Go Forward

The clock has run out on a proposal to allow medical cannabis to be grown in agricultural areas in Frederick County. A bill introduced by Council Vice President M.C. Keegan-Ayer (D) will die Wednesday under a provision of the county charter that requires bills to be enacted within 90 days of their formal introduction. Keegan-Ayer, […]

Dr. Bronner’s to Give $660,000 to Cannabis Legalization Efforts in Five States

David Bronner, CEO of the organic soap company Dr. Bronner’s, once said, “We’re here to freak the straight world out.” This week he continued on his mission to shake things up by pledging $600,000 to cannabis legalization campaigns in five states. Best known for its hemp-based Castile soaps, Dr. Bronner’s plans to partner with other […]

Waiting for Healthcare in Hawaii

Hawaii Cannabis Organization

When was the last time you had to wait 15 days for a prescription? In Hawaii, this is normal. Once you wait for and receive your 329card, you can then start growing. The only way to purchase medicine is to wait for dispensaries to open. Those announcements won’t come until the next legislative session approaches […]

Advocates urge state to speed up medical marijuana card processing

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – The state’s Medical Marijuana Registry office only has a handful of workers, and they’re responsible for keeping up with the growing demand for medical marijuana cards. The small staff processes and verifies approximately 1,200 applications a month. Once patients get a card, they’re allowed to legally obtain medical marijuana. “Every single app that […]

How to Prevent Enforcement Interference in Your Cannabis Organization

How to Prevent Enforcement Interference in Your Cannabis Organization

MJ Freeway Program Manager, Tony Reese and Operations Consultant, Tyler Stratford share clear, actionable tips that you can implement immediately. They discuss compliance as a company culture, how to reduce risk, record keeping best practices, and more. Written by Jasmine on August 16, 2016 http://youtu.be/NjTYVNr1wbk

Oregon Cannabis Industry Facing Regulatory Uncertainty

New Challengs Face Oregon Cannabis Industry. By Cynthia Salarizadeh The Oregon Cannabis Industry is facing both double regulations, and regulatory Uncertainty. While seed-to-sale regulations are becoming the accepted norm in all states which have decriminalized cannabis, the situation in Oregon presents new challenges for industry dispensaries and growers. That’s because Oregon is regulated by two separate […]

Tech Thursday: Washington’s Hemp Revolution

For a crop that promises to improve the human condition from nutrition to nanotechnology, saying we’ve got a lot to learn may be an understatement. But Washington state is taking on this challenge in a methodical way, with state budgetary support, and the protection if not the blessing, of the federal government. A presentation by […]

OH: Legal Medical Marijuana Date Won’t Help Most Patients

While many people are looking forward to this long Labor Day weekend, others have their sights set on Sept. 8, the day medical marijuana becomes legal in Ohio. In June, Ohio was the 25th state to legalize a comprehensive medical marijuana program. There’s no licensed legal businesses to grow, process or sell marijuana or marijuana […]

President Obama Grants Clemency to 111 People

Today, President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 111 people incarcerated in federal prison, almost all for drug offenses. This brings his total number of clemencies granted to 673 people. Many of those who received commutations today were victims of the disparity in sentencing between crack and cocaine. President Obama has been pushed to do […]

Court Case In California Could Impact Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Industry

Most Pennsylvanians supported the recent legalization of Medical Marijuana. Most law enforcement agencies are opposed to the legalization, in general, of that controlled substance. In particular, the federal government actively prosecutes cases involving the production and sale of marijuana, which is still classified as a Schedule 1 substance. Last week, the Pennsylvania Department of Health […]

ON: Nurses Won’t Give Cannabis Oil To Son Who Suffers Seizures, Toronto Mom Says

A Toronto mother whose son suffers from chronic seizures due to a rare genetic condition is frustrated that some nurses in Toronto hospitals have refused to administer cannabis oil, which she says brings him relief. Maria Niembro, mother of 11-year-old Francesco, told CBC’s Metro Morning on Monday that she has to administer the cannabis oil […]

America Can Learn A Lot From Portugal’s Drug Policy

Since 1996, when California voters approved the medical use of marijuana, most of the high-profile political progress that has been made towards legalizing marijuana has been made in the United States. And starting with Colorado and Washington, all of the full legalization experiments have been homegrown. But that does not mean we should not be […]

My Struggle With PTSD

Medical Marijuana Research

“I couldn’t help but notice your Pain…. It runs deep, share it with me.” -Tupac Shakur, “Pain” What is Pain? Seems to be a straight up question, but can you describe it? I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now, and I am still hung up. How does one interpret their own pain, […]

Opiate Addiction Experts Turn To Marijuana As Safer Alternative To Pain Relief

The U.S. is in the grips of a well-documented opiate epidemic. More people in the country now die from heroin and prescription opiates than they do from car accidents. In 2014, nearly 19,000 fatal overdoses were related to legal opiates like Oxycontin and Vicodin, and according to the Center for Disease Control, at least half […]

Cannabis Oil Won’t Be Sourced In Cayman, Says MLA

Health Councillor Roy McTaggart told Cayman 27 when cannabis oil is approved for medical use in Cayman, it won’t be grown on Cayman’s soil. He said allowing local farmers to cultivate marijuana would create the need for additional layers of regulation and testing, something he said government is not prepared to do. He told Cayman […]

Sen. John McCain’s Silence on Medical Cannabis Is Deafening

Medical Marijuana Research

In the fall of 2013 I began working with Dr. Sue Sisley raising awareness and support for her research studying the safety and efficacy of cannabis when used to treat treatment-resistant post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When Dr. Sisley was fired from the University of Arizona we found ourselves abruptly going from a friendly, cooperative […]

Budding Industry – The People Behind Medical Marijuana

Sixteen years ago, Hawaii legalized medical marijuana but never made it easy for qualified patients to obtain it. That’s about to change: Eight companies are preparing to open stores statewide that will sell state-tested and regulated medical marijuana for roughly 14,000 registered patients. Here’s a look at the patients, doctors, businesspeople and others inside this […]

Study: Medical Marijuana Laws Linked To Less Prescription Drug Use, Medicare Spending

The enactment of statewide medicinal cannabis laws is associated with a quantifiable decline in the use of traditional prescription drugs, according to data published in the July edition of the scientific journal Health Affairs. Investigators at the University of Georgia assessed the relationship between medical marijuana legalization laws and physicians’ prescribing patterns in 17 states […]


Medical Cannabis

Contact: Mikayla Hellwich                                                       media@nullleap.cc 240.461.3066 FLORIDA PASSES SWEEPING CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE REFORM Gov. Scott Signs After Unanimous Bipartisan Vote in Both Houses Tallahassee, FL – Today, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed civil asset forfeiture reform bill SB 1044. The new law strengthens individual property rights and holds police departments to a higher standard of record […]

Lowest Law Enforcement Priority in Hawaii County

“The citizens of the County of Hawaii have passed an initiative to make Cannabis offenses the Lowest Law Enforcement Priority, where the Cannabis is intended for adult personal use, and request that the federal and state branches of government remove criminal penalties for the cultivation, possession and use of Cannabis for adult personal use; the […]