World AIDS Day: We Can’t End AIDS Until We End the War on Drugs

December 1, 2016– By Laura Thomas Today, December 1, is World AIDS Day. In 1989, I was arrested in front of the White House on World AIDS Day, demanding that then-President Bush take action on HIV/AIDS. Among the issues we were demanding action on then, so many years ago, was the availability of sterile syringes […]

Blankets for Budsdrive: Local Dispensary Offering Discounts in the Spirit of Giving

Giving Tuesday may have come and passed, but one Portland-based dispensary is putting a unique spin on giving back this holiday season with Blankets for Budsdrive. Blazin is hosting a charity drive where patrons can donate specific items need by the homeless and receive a discount on store goods. Blazin’s Blankets for Budsdrive is offering […]

Legal Medical Cannabis Doesn’t Increase Youth Usage Rates [Study]

The legalization of medical cannabis is not associated with an increase in youth marijuana usage rates, and may actually decrease usage among adolescents. This is according to a new study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, and published online by the U.S. National Institute of Health. The study’s objective was to “assess the […]

Cannabis real estate company hits Wall Street with a whimper in downsized IPO

Published: Dec 1, 2016, 6:23 pm • Updated: Dec 1, 2016, 6:23 pm By Alicia Wallace, The Cannabist Staff The first cannabis company on a major U.S. stock exchange failed to make a big splash in its Wall Street debut. Innovative Industrial Properties (NYSE: IIPR) announced it sold 3.35 million shares at $20 per share, […]

Synaptic OTC Sciences


Our goal at Synaptic OTC Sciences (SOS) is to develop and produce high quality, scientifically-supported medical hemp products. Built on our own in house pharmacological research and scientific expertise, we are identifying and characterizing clinically relevant combinations of hemp extracts to develop a line of proprietary medical products that treat different types of neurological medical […]

Canada's biggest cannabis company just made $321M acquisition

Published: Dec 1, 2016, 5:44 pm • Updated: Dec 2, 2016, 11:06 am By Simon Casey and Jen Skerritt, Bloomberg Canopy Growth Corp., the largest company in Canada’s rapidly developing marijuana industry, agreed to buy competitor Mettrum Health Corp. for about C$430 million ($321 million) to expand production as the government moves toward legalization. The […]

Product Review: The Pax 3 Portable Vaporizer

Welcome to Leafly’s Product Reviews, where we take a closer look at a cannabis gadget, accessory, or consumable, and give it a test spin. Today we’re trying out the Pax 3 portable vaporizer. The Pax 3 Vaporizer at a Glance Product Type: Dry herb and concentrate portable vaporizer Manufacturer: Pax Price: $274.99 Features: 4+ heat […]

Amid Drug-War Chaos, France is Reconsidering Its Cannabis Policies

Autumn brought chaos and confusion—but also hope—to France’s cannabis community. The season saw an increase in drug-related urban violence, police defeated by trafficking groups, a former Drug Czar and Home Office minister urging for reform in the Senate, the father of a girl illegally treated with cannabis speaking out, and hopeful changes in public opinion […]

After the Shooting: Christianians Call for Legalization, Stand Up to Gang Violence

Christianians Speak Out Against Cannabis Prohibition While in the area, I met with Christiania resident Maxime A.*, who was born and raised in the community. Maxime, 26, volunteers in Christiania, cares for a teenage boy with epilepsy, works in Christiania and elsewhere in Copenhagen, and is part of a committee that meets weekly to discuss […]

Holiday Gift Ideas for Medical Marijuana Patients

Stay tuned for more gift suggestions as we roll out ideas for the casual cannabis consumers and advanced marijuana enthusiasts on your shopping list. Happy holidays! Leafly’s 2016 holiday gift guide is sponsored by – The World’s Online Smoke Shop.

More Medical Marijuana Patients Using Vaporizers, Studies Find

A woman uses a vaporizer to medicate with cannabis. (Sonya Yruel/Drug Policy Alliance) Paul Armentano | December 1, 2016 Medical marijuana patients are increasingly turning to vaporization as their preferred means of cannabis delivery, according to survey data published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence and in the Harm Reduction Journal. In one study, investigators from […]

Trump Adds Another Marijuana Opponent to Cabinet

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) has been picked by President-elect Donald Trump as Health and Human Services secretary. (photo/Gage Skidmore) Scott Gacek | December 1, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump has picked another marijuana opponent to join his cabinet, tabbing Georgia Rep. Tom Price to serve as  Health and Human Services secretary. This could be bad news for […]

Arkansas Agency Releases Draft of Medical Marijuana Rules

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Medical marijuana products sold in Arkansas would have to include detailed labels with information about their laboratory analysis, dosage, source and warnings under a draft of rules being prepared for the launch of the first medical cannabis program in the Bible Belt. The proposed rules, which the state Department of Health […]

Marijuana stock IPO goes up in smoke

Cannabis Flower in Puna Hawaii

By Paul R. La Monica NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The New York Stock Exchange has gone to pot. A company named Innovative Industrial Properties, a real estate investment trust that plans to buy buildings and lease them to growers of medical marijuana, went public on the venerable NYSE Thursday morning. The stock wasn’t exactly lighting […]

Minnesota: PTSD Added to Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions

TJ Baker | December 1, 2016 Patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will be eligible for medical marijuana in Minnesota starting in August. “This decision was made after careful deliberation of available evidence, consultation with experts in the field and public input,” the Minnesota Commissioner of Health Dr. Ed Ehlinger said in a statement announcing the […]

Obama Says Marijuana Should Be Treated Like Alcohol and Tobacco

In an “exit interview” with Rolling Stone magazine, President Obama said that marijuana use should be treated as a public-health issue similar to tobacco or alcohol and called the current patchwork of state and federal laws regarding the drug “untenable.” “Look, I’ve been very clear about my belief that we should try to discourage substance […]

New York to Add Chronic Pain to Medical Marijuana Conditions

TJ Baker | December 1, 2016 ALBANY, NY — Chronic pain will soon be added to the list of conditions that qualify for medical marijuana in New York. “Medical marijuana is already helping thousands of patients across New York State, and adding chronic pain as a qualifying condition will help more patients and further strengthen […]

Big Pharma And The Government Are Suppressing Marijuana’s Medicinal Benefits

The cannabis plant’s medicinal value is virtually unmatched by any modern medicine – even scientific evidence has shown us that. And yet, for some reason, the DEA continues to ignore the mountains of evidence that medical marijuana can, and does, help millions of people across the United States. Take, for example, the 100 million-some-odd people […]


by Lukian Kobzeff With the passage of Prop 64 representing a significant shift in cultural views and regulatory priorities, the State of California now has the perfect incubator industry to produce a significant shift in environmental protection. Through careful choice architecture, a term coined by behavioral economist Richard Thaler and legal professor Cass Sunstein, California can […]

Celebrities, Scholars and Activists Pressure Obama for More Commutations

While in office President Obama has granted pardons to over a thousand federal prisoners, the vast majority of them serving sentences for nonviolent drug-related crimes, and many who were sentenced to life behind bars. These commutations are more than the past 11 presidents combined; still, a group of scholars, celebrities and community activists are calling […]

Steep Hill, ACCL Find Pesticides in Over 50% of Cannabis Samples

On Election Day, voters in California passed Proposition 64, establishing a recreational cannabis market and regulatory environment. While the state won’t issue the first licenses under the new regulatory scheme until 2018, the medical cannabis industry is already well established. Steep Hill Labs, Inc., based in Berkeley, California, found in October that 84.3% of samples […]

Near Infrared, GC and HPLC Applications in Cannabis Testing

When a cannabis sample is submitted to a lab for testing there is a four-step process that occurs before it is tested in the instrumentation on site: It is ground at a low temperature into a fine powder; A solution is added to the ground powder; An extraction is repeated 6 times to ensure all […]

Canada marijuana legalization takes big step with federal report now complete

Published: Nov 30, 2016, 6:05 pm • Updated: Nov 30, 2016, 6:08 pm By Alicia Wallace, The Cannabist Staff Canada’s marijuana task force announced Wednesday that it has fulfilled its mission and soon will deliver a final report to the government outlining recommendations for the country’s legal cannabis framework. The report is being translated and […]

NFL: Bill’s Player Suspended 10 Games for Using Marijuana to Treat Chron’s Disease

Ross Baglia | November 30, 2016 The NFL has issued a 10-game suspension to Buffalo Bill’s offensive lineman Seantrel Henderson for violating the league’s substance abuse policy after failing a drug test, which does not tolerate marijuana use, not even for medical conditions. Henderson appealed the ruling, but the suspension was upheld and formally announced […]

Could Virtual Reality Help Fight Cannabis Use Disorder?

Cannabis isn’t the most addictive substance on earth—some argue whether it’s technically addictive at all—but it’s nevertheless true that people sometimes have difficulty reducing or stopping their consumption. Some studies suggest that a small portion of people are prone to what researchers call “cannabis use disorder,” which can interfere with daily life. Now, psychologists seeking […]

The Gonzo Ganja: Hunter S. Thompson’s Widow to Clone His Cannabis

There is, perhaps, no one quite as iconic and outrageous as the late Hunter S. Thompson. Known for his gonzo journalism, he boldly reported from the front lines, fearlessly pursuing stories no other journalist cared to touch. He went on the road with the Hells Angels motorcycle gang, and wrote about Las Vegas in a […]

State of the Leaf: Massachusetts Legalization Likely to Face Delays

U.S. News Updates District of Columbia Cannabis legalization advocacy group DCMJ is organizing a series of protests against the Trump administration’s nominee for attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama. The protests, dubbed “Smoke Sessions” by the group, began with a meeting with Sessions’s congressional staff in the Russell Senate Office Building. Riffing on Sessions’s […]

The tax man cometh: California ponders legal pot, paying up

Cannabis Flower in Puna Hawaii

By MICHAEL R. BLOODAssociated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) – California’s legal marijuana industry is expected to involve everything from backyard growers to sprawling fields in the farm belt, storefront sellers along rural roads to chain-store like outlets in Los Angeles. State tax collectors are taking initial steps to get a hand into that vast, emerging […]

Yo Dawg, Celebrate the Big Mac with a Big Mac and Some Big Mac

Our special sauce-clogged hearts are a little heavy today with the news that Jim Delligatti, the creator of the McDonald’s Big Mac, has died at the ripe old age of 98. His invention of the Golden Arches’ signature burger, featuring, as the jingle has permanently imprinted onto our brains, two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, […]

Chill, America. Obama’s Rolling Stone Comments Mean Nothing.

My Twitter feed went full berzerker last night over President Obama’s cannabis comments in Rolling Stone. I wish it meant something. But it doesn’t. Obama on legalization: Timing is everything. And his time is up. In fact it may mean less than zero. In case you missed it, President Obama gave a post-election interview to […]

DC Advocates Take Their Case to Jeff Sessions—and He Listens. Sort of.

DCMJ, the Washington, DC, advocacy group that led the effort to legalize cannabis in the District, is at it again. Adam Eidinger, leader of DCMJ, took a group of 17 volunteers to the Capitol Hill office of Sen. Jeff Sessions, President-elect Trump’s nominee for attorney general. There the group met with two Sessions staffers, including communications […]

Trump’s Cabinet Not Cannabis-Friendly, But Don’t Panic Yet

President-elect Donald Trump nominated Sen. Jeff Sessions from Alabama for Attorney General and Rep. Tom Price from Georgia as the new Health Secretary. Those appointments still require Senate approval before they are officially members of the cabinet. Neither of the picks to head the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Department of Health & Human […]

Can You Smoke Weed in Las Vegas Casinos?

When Nevada passed Question 2 legalizing recreational marijuana, the same question seemed to pop into everyone’s mind: Will I be able to smoke weed in Las Vegas Casinos now? For a tourists craving the late night gambling, alcohol, parties and everything else that goes with Las Vegas, indulging in a toke at the slot machines […]

Cannabinoids May Treat Neuropathic Synptoms and Neuroinflammatory Responses [Study]

Agonists of the CB2 receptor – such as cannabis-derived cannabinoids – may provide a treatment option for neuropathic symptoms and neuroinflammatory responses, according to a new study published by the European Journal of Neuroscience. The study was e-published ahead of print by the U.S. National Institute of Health. “Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) has emerged as […]

FL: Sen. Galvano Says Cancer Center Could Be Site For Medical Marijuana Research

Manatee – With patients in Florida who suffer from debilitating illnesses soon to have access to medical marijuana, one state lawmaker says a research facility should open to study the drug’s effects on patients. “I think it’s highly appropriate to have a research component built into anything that we do, so we can start building […]

IN: Niles Looking At Commercial Medical Marijuana Operations

Niles – Niles City Council members appear open to the idea of putting rules in place that would encourage commercial medical marijuana operations in the city. A new state medical marijuana licensing act puts rules into place to track marijuana production from seed to smoke. Members discussed what the new law could mean to the […]

MT: Governor, Legislators Eyeing Tax Of Marijuana

Billings – Proposals to tax Montana’s 12-year-old medical marijuana program could hit patients dealing with serious medical conditions, but the move is hardly without precedent. A budget proposal released by Gov. Steve Bullock this month includes a 6 percent tax on medical marijuana sales to help boost the revenue picture. Tim Crowe, a spokesman for […]

MA: Future Cloudy For Medical Marijuana After Legalization Vote

On Dec. 15, marijuana will be legal in Massachusetts without a prescription. Whether that will affect a proposed medical marijuana facility in Wareham is still up in the air, but developers say their plans haven’t changed despite the uncertainty. “We’re moving forward…to open a medical cannabis dispensary in Wareham,” said Michelle Stormo, CEO of Compassionate […]

IA: Legislator’s ‘Change Of Heart’ May Expand Medical Marijuana Use

Des Moines , Iowa – A new plan is in the works to expand medical marijuana use in Iowa. The proposed expansion comes from one state lawmaker, who has changed his stance after opposing the stance for many years. “The change of heart I had is when I (had) seen what happened to my caucus […]

PA: York County Township Explains Denial Of Medical Cannabis Operation

Is it a farm or a factory? That question was at the heart of a decision by supervisors in Windsor Township to deny a request for a facility that would grow and process medical marijuana. Act 16, the state law that authorized medical use of marijuana in Pennsylvania, seems to intend that facilities growing and […]

CA: Nurses Look To Get Certified In Cannabis Treatment

A meet-up group comprised of vocational, registered nurses and nurse practitioners interested in training and expanding their knowledge of treatments for medical marijuana patients has started to meet in Mendocino County in the hope of creating an official local chapter of a national non-profit dedicated to advancing cannabis nursing practices throughout the state. “The American […]

Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission Hires Diversity Consultant

Baltimore – Maryland’s Medical Cannabis Commission announced on Monday that it is hiring a diversity consultant. Critics point to the lack of minority-owned businesses among those named as finalists to grow and process pot. The diversity consultant will determine if, and how, the commission could do a disparity study. The state is in a classic […]

Ireland: Family Backing Cannabis Bill For Erika

A southside family is backing a bill to be debated in the Dáil in December on the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal reasons. Deputy Gino Kenny, a People Before Profit TD from the Dublin Mid-West constituency, has drafted the ‘Cannabis for Medicinal Use Regulation Bill’ on behalf of people like Clondalkin man John O’Mara, whose […]

Israeli Company Develops World’s Most Precise Medical Marijuana Inhaler

In the 1960’s, an Israeli scientist, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, was one of the first to discover CBD in a cannabis plant. Soon after, he unraveled the structure of THC, the psychoactive property of the plant. Now, two Israeli companies are breaking new ground, becoming the first in the world to develop an inhaler that will […]

Israeli Company Develops World’s Most Precise Medical Marijuana Inhaler

In the 1960’s, an Israeli scientist, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, was one of the first to discover CBD in a cannabis plant. Soon after, he unraveled the structure of THC, the psychoactive property of the plant. Now, two Israeli companies are breaking new ground, becoming the first in the world to develop an inhaler that will […]

MD: Medical Marijuana Panel To Take Up Dispensaries

Ellicott City, Md. – Maryland’s medical marijuana panel is scheduled to choose finalists on the pathway for licenses to open marijuana dispensaries. The commission is meeting Monday in Ellicott City. There can be up to 109 dispensaries in Maryland. The law allows for up to two in each of the 47 state Senate districts. It […]

Big Pharma And The Government Are Suppressing Marijuana’s Medicinal Benefits

The cannabis plant’s medicinal value is virtually unmatched by any modern medicine – even scientific evidence has shown us that. And yet, for some reason, the DEA continues to ignore the mountains of evidence that medical marijuana can, and does, help millions of people across the United States. Take, for example, the 100 million-some-odd people […]

Potent Healing Power Of Terpenes Found In Medical Cannabis

Have you ever heard of terpenes? You’re about to see why the pharmaceutical industry, mainstream media outlets and conventional medicine would like to see you uneducated about these powerful organic compounds found within medical cannabis. You see, there is just no way that big pharma medications will ever replicate the complex interactions that occur naturally […]

Medical Cannabis Could See Movement In Iowa

With Iowa’s limited medical cannabis laws set to expire in July, state legislators and medical marijuana advocates say they see an opportunity to rewrite a more comprehensive set of rules when the Legislature reconvenes in January. Rep. Clel Baudler, R-Greenfield, said he plans to propose a bill that would allow for the production and distribution […]

Chance to vie for this Colorado city's final pot shop license coming to an end

Published: Nov 29, 2016, 4:54 pm • Updated: Nov 30, 2016, 9:17 am By John Aguilar, The Denver Post More than two years after the first recreational marijuana storefront opened in Aurora, the opportunity to apply for the city’s 24th — and final — pot shop license is ending. Retail marijuana businesses have until 5 […]

Chance to vie for this Colorado city's final pot shop license coming to an end

Published: Nov 29, 2016, 4:54 pm • Updated: Nov 30, 2016, 9:17 am By John Aguilar, The Denver Post More than two years after the first recreational marijuana storefront opened in Aurora, the opportunity to apply for the city’s 24th — and final — pot shop license is ending. Retail marijuana businesses have until 5 […]

Chance to vie for this Colorado city's final pot shop license coming to an end

Published: Nov 29, 2016, 4:54 pm • Updated: Nov 30, 2016, 9:17 am By John Aguilar, The Denver Post More than two years after the first recreational marijuana storefront opened in Aurora, the opportunity to apply for the city’s 24th — and final — pot shop license is ending. Retail marijuana businesses have until 5 […]

Organizers Launch Grass Poll, Largest Cannabis Consumer Survey in Dutch History

Visitors to coffeeshops visitors in the Netherlands over the next few months might run into a team of pollsters dressed in bright yellow sweaters. Don’t be alarmed—they’re on the road to promote the Grass Poll, the biggest survey of cannabis consumers in Dutch history. “The purpose of Grass Poll is to give cannabis consumers a […]

Yet Another NFL Player Suspended for Cannabis

In a move that underscores the NFL’s ongoing rejection of medical cannabis, the league’s top brass on Tuesday announced the suspension of Buffalo Bills offensive tackle Seantrel Henderson for 10 games, citing his violation of the league’s substance abuse policy. The suspension is a big blow to Henderson the future of his career. He was diagnosed with […]

How to Pair Food and Drinks with Cannabis Terpenes

Cannabis and food: two substances with the power to make people very happy. Few things make a better pair, and with thousands of cannabis strains and the entire wide world of food and drink at our disposal, more pairings are possible today than ever before. The question is: how to go about matching a dish […]

Holiday Gift Ideas for the Cannabis Beginner

Stay tuned for more gift suggestions as we roll out ideas for the medical marijuana patients, casual cannabis consumers, and advanced marijuana enthusiasts on your shopping list. Happy holidays! Leafly’s 2016 holiday gift guide is sponsored by – The World’s Online Smoke Shop.

The 5 Easiest Cannabis Strains to Grow for Beginners

All cannabis strains are not created equal. Because of this, it’s important for novice growers to consider which strains might be best as they develop their skills in the garden. Some strains exhibit better resilience to drought, mold, disease, and insects. Others require less nutrients than others. As a beginner grower, it’s best to steer […]

Former Big Pharma Exec Makes the Switch From OxyContin to Marijuana

John Stewart used to run the pharmaceutical company behind the narcotic painkiller OxyContin. Now he is banking on medical marijuana. Mr Stewart does not know which is more controversial these days, OxyContin or pot. He guesses the average person would give “a bigger negative” to the powerful and controversial painkiller that has been linked to […]

Marijuana use gender gap widens, mainly among low-income

A new study of changes in marijuana use over time in the U.S. found that the prevalence of past-year marijuana use increased for both men and women between 2002 and 2014. Throughout this period, more men reported past-year use than women, but since 2007, the rate of increase was greater for men than for women, […]

Patient Focused Certification Attracts Europe’s Top Cannabis Companies

Medical Cannabis

By Bill Griffin for The Marijuana Times Organisations like ICCI, PFC, ASA and their colleagues in universities and medical practices throughout Europe will make it happen in a way that ensures it is safe for consumers by coaching players in the market to operate at a highly professional level. “We’re very proud to be hosting […]

Medical marijuana advocates up in arms over Jeff Sessions

Medical Cannabis

By Jim Rosica for Florida Politics The president-elect “needs to reassure the more than 300 million Americans living under some sort of medical cannabis law that his attorney general will honor his campaign pledge to respect state medical cannabis programs,” Sherer said. The head of a medical marijuana advocacy group is criticizing President-elect Donald Trump’s […]

Jeff Sessions Appointment Poses Threat To Booming Marijuana Industry

Medical Cannabis

By Nathan Rott for NPR’s All Things Considered “We’ve been fighting for a long time, and definitely one presidency isn’t going to stop the work that we’re doing.” -Steph Sherer President-elect Donald Trump’s appointment of Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general has many in the fast-growing marijuana industry worried. Sessions is a vocal opponent of […]

First Vape Lounge for Cannabis Patients Opens in Rome

Of the districts in Rome to visit for their nightlife, San Lorenzo isn’t the most glamorous—it’s no Trastevere or Pigneto—but it may be the most intimate. Which makes it a fitting home for Rome’s first cannabis vape lounge. Founded by patients, Canapa Caffé not only serves food and drinks made with hemp, it also allows […]

Meet the Tennessee Republican Fighting for Medical Cannabis

Jeremy Faison is an unlikely cannabis crusader in the red state of Tennessee. As a Republican member of the Tennessee House of Representatives, Faison is an NRA-endorsed, President-elect Trump supporter. He also wants to bring medical marijuana legalization to the Volunteer State. It’s a tough sell. In 2015, the state passed a CBD-only law, which […]

The Next 4 States Most Likely to Legalize Marijuana

Some say that the marijuana industry has been unstoppable in 2016. Nine states had marijuana initiatives on their ballots this November, and eight of those initiatives passed (Arizona was only state to not pass a marijuana initiative). Of them, four states legalized recreational marijuana and another four legalized medical marijuana. 28 states now have legal […]

Hemp CBD vs Marijuana CBD: What’s the Difference?

Thinking about using hemp CBD oil as a substitute for marijuana CBD? Before making your purchase, it’s important to know that not all CBD varieties are created equal. The key difference lies in the sources of the medicine. While marijuana – or more clearly the THC and resin content – is still banned in many […]

Testing company being reviewed; PharmLabs Hawaii applies to be state-certified lab for medical …

Hawaii’s soon-to-open medical marijuana dispensaries could have at least one place to send cannabis for testing. The state Department of Health is reviewing an application from PharmLabs Hawaii LLC, an expansion of a San Diego-based marijuana laboratory testing company called PharmLabs LLC. Hawaii law requires dispensaries to have a “statistically representative sample” of any marijuana […]

How to Pull Off a B2B Rebrand of your Cannabis Company While Growing Sales

Launching a new brand is much different than developing a brand—one is strategic and one is tactical. You have to make sure you have a brand that is truly reflective of the cannabis business you are in. Having said that, most people have not revamped their branding in too long. A brand refresh should start […]

How to Pass a Drug Test Fast

With medical marijuana legal in over half the United States, and three other states that just voted yes to legalizing recreational marijuana usage, millions of people each year have to pass a drug test fast. 2014 studies show that marijuana is the #1 illicit drug choice and the number of adults who smoke marijuana has doubled […]

Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis Sales: Transition in Oregon

Many cannabis industry professionals are a little frazzled by the transition and recent rules rolling out as part of Measure 91. In fact, my friend and colleague Joshua Jardine just explained one of the biggest hurdles the industry is facing in an article he posted last week. Randa Shahin, owner/operator at Homegrown Apothecary in Portland, cited some […]

NYSE Becomes First Major Exchange To List Cannabis Company With Acceptance Of REIT IPO

The race to be the first cannabis company to list on one of the major stock exchanges is over. The New York Stock Exchange has approved the initial public offering of Innovative Industrial Properties, a real estate investment trust that plans to invest in medical marijuana properties. Since marijuana is still federally illegal, the New […]

How California Lab Testing Could Change the Way We Talk About Cannabis

If you buy legal medical cannabis in Los Angeles today, you’re lucky to find a reliable THC reading for most products on the menu. You’re even less likely to see information about levels of cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, or CBN. Nor would you see much about terpenes, despite their increasing importance to patients and […]

US WA: Cannabis And Conservation

URL: JimVotes: 0Pubdate: Fri, 25 Nov 2016Source: New York Times (NY)Copyright: 2016 The New York Times CompanyWebsite: Diane Cardwell CANNABIS AND CONSERVATION TUMWATER, Wash.  – Behind the covered windows of a nondescript two-story building near the Olympia Regional Airport, hundreds of marijuana plants were flowering recently in the purple haze of 40 […]

US: Editorial: Race And Marijuana Arrests

URL: JimVotes: 0Pubdate: Fri, 25 Nov 2016Source: New York Times (NY)Copyright: 2016 The New York Times CompanyWebsite: RACE AND MARIJUANA ARRESTS Mayor Bill de Blasio, who took office in 2014, has made some progress in cutting back on the unfair and sometimes illegal police practices under which thousands of New Yorkers are […]

The Leafly 2016 Holiday Gift Guide

Not sure what to buy your cannabis-friendly loved ones this holiday season? Fear not, stressful shopper! Leafly’s 2016 Holiday Gift Guide is here to help you purchase the perfect product for your gift recipient (and maybe for yourself, too!). Whether you’re looking for top-of-the-line vaporizers, sleek bongs and pipes, durable concentrate rigs, handy accessories, or […]

Some State Leaders Challenging Marijuana Election Results

by Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy DirectorNovember 28, 2016 Political leaders in several states are threatening to thwart the implementation of voter-approved initiatives specific to the regulation of marijuana. In Massachusetts, where voters decided 54 percent to 46 percent on election day to legalize the cultivation, use, and retail sale of cannabis by adults, politicians have […]

2016 Holiday Gift Guide: Cannabis Glass Products

Green Beaker Bong with Ice Notch and Bubble Accents Standing at 16” high, this bong is designed with green coloring and accents along the bottom, bowl, and mouthpiece, with some cool bubble details around the mouthpiece for a nice, textured flourish. It also comes with a six-armed slitted diffused downstem for great filtration and smoother […]

2016 Holiday Gift Guide: Cannabis Vaporizer Products

G Slim Vape Pen Snoop Dogg Built for dry herbs, this affordable yet effective pen can fit and go with you anywhere and contains enough space in the heating chamber to keep you lifted throughout the day. It offers quick-heating action and also features a road map of Long Beach, CA, home of Snoop Dogg, […]

2016 Holiday Gift Guide: Cannabis Accessories

SmellSafe HeadCase The SmellSafe HeadCase from Ryot offers a slightly bigger storage option for small water pipes, bubblers, portable vaporizers, and spoon pipes. At 6”x2.5”, it can be stowed and kept out sight as well as out of smell thanks to a microscopic carbon enclosure and sturdy, lockable zippers. $18.99 More Details

2016 Holiday Gift Guide: Cannabis Concentrate Products

Non-Stick Containers 5 Jar Set Containing and managing those super sticky concentrates can be frustrating. These silicone concentrate containers are platinum-cured in order to be sturdier, non-stick, odorless, and heat-resistant. Come in packs of 5. $19.99 More Details

These 4 States Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana Next

Shares 1.3K Legal cannabis has been a national headline since the November 8 election. The number of states with legal recreational weed doubled, going from 4 to 8. This raises a natural question: where will marijuana be legal next? When it comes to legalization, some states have more momentum going than others. Thus, it’s possible […]

First Marijuana Inhaler to Hit the Israeli Market Through Big Pharma Company

Good news for medical marijuana users: You may soon be able to buy a weed inhaler. The catch, however, is that the product will be sold only in Israel, where pharmaceutical company Teva Pharm signed an agreement to market a medical marijuana inhaler previously used in a hospital, Reuters reported. The company said this is […]

Want to smoke Hunter S. Thompson’s weed? Gonzo brand marijuana in works

Since we broke news of plans for a Hunter S. Thompson museum near Aspen two summers ago, his widow, Anita Thompson, has steadily been hard at work to honor the literary legend and counterculture icon. In June, Thompson closed on a legal trust transfer of the 42-acre Woody Creek compound known as Owl Farm, in […]

Trailer Park Boys Trio to Launch Legal Marijuana Brand

Ah, the Trailer Park Boys. For years Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles have been the voice of Canada’s lost and stoned generation. Since 1999, the holy trinity of Canadian dope smokers has been giving us Rickyisms and teaching us valuable lessons. Now, it seems that life is imitating art as the trio just signed a deal […]

The One Surprising Habit of HIGH-ly Successful People

Would you believe me if I told you that the catalyst for my success, the variable in my life that allows me to be a successful entrepreneur, is smoking a joint each morning with my coffee? You should see the looks I get when I tell people that I use cannabis in the morning and […]

Marijuana Could Treat Sexual Dysfunctions, Study Suggests

WikiMedia Commons TJ Baker | November 28, 2016 A new study released last week suggests that medical marijuana could be used to treat sexual dysfunctions. According to a study published in the journal Pharmacological Research and published online by the National Institute of Health, cannabis could lead to “a potential therapeutic target for sexual dysfunctions.” The study’s […]

Here’s Why Your Thanksgiving May Have Seemed More Stony Than Usual This Year

Hawaii Cannabis Organization

The day after Thanksgiving Day, a banner day for sales in every retail sector, has a name in the cannabis industry. It’s not Black Friday—it’s Green Friday, of course. Friday is already a strong day for cannabis sales. It’s the end of the week, it’s payday, it’s the name of a cannabis-heavy movie franchise. More […]

Montel Williams Announces Partnership with California Medicinal Marijuana Research & Manufacturing Company

A partnership between Montel Wiliams and BAS Research, first licensed medicinal marijuana manufacturing and research lap partnership was announced earlier this month. The partnership hopes to pave the way for medical-grade cannabis products. The partnership aims to create new products providing doctors with a wider range of high-quality medicinal cannabis options for patients that could benefit […]

Hawaii Department of Health Contracts with BioTrackTHC to Implement Medical Marijuana Seed-to …

FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla., Nov. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/ The Hawaii State Department of Health has signed a contract with BioTrackTHC, formally authorizing the company to begin work on the development and deployment of the BioTrackTHC integrated tracking and traceability software system for the state’s Medical Marijuana Dispensary Licensing Program. The Medical Marijuana Dispensary Licensing Program was […]

Hawaii Department of Health Contracts with BioTrackTHC™ to Implement Medical Marijuana Seed …

Cannabis Flower in Puna Hawaii

FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla., Nov. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — The Hawaii State Department of Health has signed a contract with BioTrackTHC™, formally authorizing the company to begin work on the development and deployment of the BioTrackTHC™ integrated tracking and traceability software system for the state’s Medical Marijuana Dispensary Licensing Program. The Medical Marijuana Dispensary Licensing Program was […]

Hawaiʻi State Cannabis Program – Caution 2016

Hawaii Cannabis

On we educate and raise awareness. Without education and a certain awareness of the facts, patients in Hawaii are susceptible to rules, laws, regulations and separation from medicine and personal freedom. A few facts could help you avoid arrest. Thousands of Hawaii Cannabis prisoners are in jail now for minor errors in compliance. The state has […]

Not for Kids Warning Symbol

Not for Kids Warning Symbol Submitted by cmsadmin on November 28, 2016 – 01:43 Not for Kids Warning Symbol The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board established a requirement to place the “Not for Kids” warning symbol on all marijuana edible products (marijuana infused products meant to be eaten or swallowed). The new requirement will […]

Weed Week PDX Kicks off this Week in Portland

As you may recall from our post last week, this week marks the first Weed Week event in the city of Portland. Weed Week is 5 days of networking, programming, and social gatherings for the cannabis industry, or for people who might be interested in its many facets. The week ends Saturday with a taste of terps and […]

Strain Review: Burmese Kush

Marley Natural launched their brand in Los Angeles in February earlier this year, then launched in Northern California, and have now moved up to Oregon. They sell a variety of products, but generally feature 4 different strains of sun-grown flower, depending on their harvest availability.   These strains match the categories on their labels, and will […]