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With the election roughly 4 weeks away, the states voting on marijuana reform are now clear.

Whether states are voting on marijuana reform, medical or recreational, any success in these states would be a win for ending marijuana prohibition and the failed drug war.

What states are voting on marijuana?


California has a long history of voting on marijuana reform. The latest measure, Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), legalizes:

California’s recreational marijuana law is intricate. It outlines marketing restrictions to minors, allows local tax rates and limitations on commercial marijuana operators to be in the hands of local counties and municipalities, and several other stipulations.

The measure is backed by Let’s Get it Right CA, Governor Gavin Newsom, the ACLU, NAACP, Drug Policy Alliance, Students for a Sensible Drug Policy, NORML and Marijuana Policy Project.


Nevada votes on recreational marijuana legalization in November. The stated passed medical marijuana in 2000. For residents 21 years and older, the initiative would legalize:


The initiative in Maine aims to legalize recreational marijuana for residents 21 years and older and creates a taxed and regulated recreational cannabis industry. It legalizes:

The Marijuana Legalization Act is supported by the Legalize Maine group.


The Legalization and Regulation of Marijuana Act, or Proposition 205, will be on the ballot in Arizona this November. Medical marijuana is already available for almost 100,000 cardholders, however, recreational marijuana possession still faces legal charges. For residents 21 years and older, the initiative legalizes:


The Question 4 initiative to regulate and tax marijuana for recreational use for adults 21 years and up, like alcohol, will be on the November ballot. The initiative legalizes:


Florida will be voting on medical marijuana for the second election cycle in a row. Florida saw medical marijuana narrowly defeated (2 percent) in 2014. The 2016 Amendment 2 initiative legalizes and states:


Arkansas has an interesting ballot when it comes to voting on marijuana reform. There are two competing proposals: the Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act (Issue 7) and the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment (Issue 6). Issue 6, would make a repeal of the law impossible. Both Issue 6 and Issue 7, allow medical marijuana treatment for select conditions, but vary when it comes to growing at home.

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