Featured guests: ‘Bong Appetit’ co-host Ry Prichard and BDS Analytics director of dispensary relations Greg Shoenfeld.


•  One man’s pet project to find the best cannabis pairings with food and drink turns into a television gig on Viceland.

•  There are many ways pot businesses can capitalize on holiday cheer — marijuana sales spike every December.

•  Looking forward: 2017 New Year’s resolutions for the weed industry.


Here’s what Massachusetts can — and can’t — do with recreational marijuana: Recreational marijuana is becoming legal in Massachusetts. Legal, but not readily available. The ballot question approved by voters Nov. 8 goes into effect on Dec. 15, allowing adults to have limited quantities of marijuana for recreational purposes and grow pot plants in their homes. The catch: It’s still illegal to sell marijuana in Massachusetts — except to registered medical marijuana patients — and will remain so for at least a year until the first pot shops are licensed and regulated. For now, it’s smoke ’em if you got ’em. –Report by The Associated Press’ Bob Salsberg

Colorado marijuana sales: $1 billion in first 10 months of 2016: In the first 10 months of 2016, Colorado marijuana shops reached a significant milestone they had barely missed in all of 2015: $1 billion in legal, regulated cannabis sales. Recreational and medical cannabis shops in America’s first 420-legal state have sold nearly $1.1 billion of marijuana and related products in 2016, according to the new October data from the state’s Department of Revenue. –Report by The Cannabist’s Ricardo Baca

The vibrant shade of cannabis is color of the year for 2017: Oh, Pantone … you just had to pick the universal color of cannabis for the year ahead, didn’t you? We’re flattered. The team at the Pantone Color Institute — the leading authority on color across the globe — has announced Greenery as its 2017 color of the year. Is this the ultimate symbolic shade for what is on track to be the biggest year yet for the marijuana industry? Yes. Was it an intended consideration when selecting the official hue for the year ahead? No. Either way, marijuana is greenery and greenery is marijuana. –Report by The Cannabist’s Katie Shapiro


Canada marijuana task force releases sweeping report on national legalization: Now is the time for Canada to move from prohibition and become the largest developed country to establish a well-regulated legal marijuana industry, members of the country’s marijuana task force said this week. Canada’s marijuana legalization task force has outlined 80 recommendations for the country’s potential legal cannabis regime, including a minimum purchase age of 18; penalties against trafficking and impaired driving; regulations for packaging and pesticides; mail-order delivery and cannabis clubs; decriminalization efforts for minor offenses; and further robust research on the plant for public health, safety and potential medical purposes. –Report by The Cannabist’s Alicia Wallace


Test your current-events knowledge about marijuana views of NBA coaches and players, Canada’s market potential and other recent news from America’s neighbor to the north.

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