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The Livingston Court Case Victory Show
Host: Attorney Michael Komorn
Special Guests: Joseph Claxon, expert witness
Dr. Karl V. Ebner, PhD, Certified Toxicologist, Diplomate American Board of Toxicology

Regular guests: Chad of Birmingham Compassion Club, Peanut Butter,
Neil Yashinsky-Oakland County NORML, Silverblue, Mizerman

A nearly two-hour discussion about the recent verdict in the Joseph Claxon Court Case in Livingston, where the jury acquitted on all counts despite a hostile prosecutor and judge. We discuss the arguments that got made about driving while impaired with Defendant Joseph, others that were present in the courtroom, and special studio guest, expert toxicologist Dr Karl Ebner, poor statistical sample controls, and the sheer fantasy of the prosecution’s conclusions. What does a reading of 8 nano-grams/ml even mean? What kinds of sobriety tests make sense for cannabis, if any? Why you should never consent to a search by law enforcement, the ACLU suggests you say “I cannot consent to any search without consulting my attorney.” Importance of attending the upcoming MMMA rally for Medical Marijuana Legislative Support in Lansing on May 2nd.