Robin Williams’ exuberant genius was always too much for the stage or screen to contain; spilling over into our lives, rattling our rib cages with uncontrollable laughter on approach to our hearts. Today would have been his 65th birthday.

But even in his absence, I have chosen (and encourage you) to celebrate the life and performances of one of the world’s most outstanding comedians. His career spanned nearly 40 years and traveled the spectrum from the absurd to the sincere. With educational roots in Claremont and Juilliard, Williams aspired to a mastery of his craft but never let his desire for success stifle his mode of expression. His first big break would come February 27th, 1978, when Mork the alien landed on the set of Happy Days. Mr. Williams would go on to win Golden Globes, an Academy Award, People’s Choice Awards, Screen Actors Guild awards, and countless more accolades throughout a career as diverse as the cache of characters that existed in Williams himself.

He processed the breadth of ability that embodied the cruel and humorous duality of life in a way that could bring you to tears through laughter or sadness. In remembrance of the man who touched so many lives, we’ve compiled some of his funniest stand up bits about cannabis.

Comparing Alcohol and Marijuana Experiences

Why It’s Sad When a Park Full of Weed Catches Fire

Jamaica’s Atomic Bong

Photo credit: Eva Rinaldi on Flickr