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By Nicolle Callier

Class is in session! Rapper, spoken word artist, and rights activist Prince EA graced us with a new visual work of art called “Why Weed Should Be Legal ft. Barack Obama” (not the actual president, but a convincing impersonator), and he TOTALLY schools us on the truth about cannabis. In the video, Prince EA sheds light on the politics revolved around cannabis while debunking the many myths and stigmas associated with the controversial plant.

Prince EA has well over 750,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel and has generated more than 63 million views. But he’s much more than just some internet sensation. He’s a talented rapper and an activist, using his platform to inspire and educate the masses.

He raps:

“Our marijuana laws were created on the basis of racism and corporate greed. These laws are more dangerous than marijuana itself.”

The illustrations work in perfect harmony with every line Prince EA spits, making it pretty difficult not to watch until the very end. Check it out yourself, and let us know in the comments what you think!

To continue reading this story, visit our friend’s website (opens in a new window):: Watch This: Poet/Activist Prince EA Completely Schools Us on the History of Cannabis