WASHINGTON, DC — Millions of Americans cast votes on Election Day in favor of sweeping statewide marijuana law reforms.

Voters in four states: California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada approved ballot measures legalizing the adult use of cannabis and licensing its commercial production and retail sale. Voters in four additional states: Arkansas, Florida, Montana, and North Dakota approved initiatives legalizing and/or expanding the use and dispensing of cannabis for therapeutic purposes.

In all, 29 states now authorize the medical use of cannabis by statute. Eight states, home to some 64 million Americans, now authorize the adult use and sale of marijuana.

Commenting on the results, Erik Altieiri, NORML’s new Executive Director said: “The American people have spoken and spoken clearly. They do not support prosecuting and stigmatizing responsible adults who choose to consume a substance that is safer than either alcohol or many prescription medications. These results provide a mandate to the incoming administration and to Congress to reform federal laws in a manner that comports with marijuana’s rapidly changing legal and cultural status.”

Broader statewide sentencing reform measures were also enacted by voters in California (Proposition 57) and Oklahoma (State Question 780). Voters in four Ohio municipalities (Newark, Bellaire, Logan, and Roseville) passed local measures eliminating penalties regarding the possession of up to 200 grams of marijuana.

“These victories represent a repudiation of America’s ongoing war against marijuana consumers and the mentality that if ‘you do drugs, you do time,’” said NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano. “Marijuana use and marijuana markets are here to stay, and it is high time to legalize and regulate these activities accordingly.”

Tags: 2016 Election, Adult Use of Marijuana Act, Arkansans for Compassionate Care, Arkansas, Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act, Arkansas medical marijuana, Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment, AUMA, ballot iniatitives, ballot initiative, California marijuana legalization, Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Arizona, Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Maine, Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Massachusetts, Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, Education, Election 2016, Florida, Florida Amendment 2, Florida medical marijuana, Initiative Petition 1, Initiative to Tax and Regulate Marijuana, legalization, Legalize Maine, Maine, Maine marijuana, Maine marijuana legalization, marijuana legalization, Marijuana Legalization Act, Marijuana Policy Project, marijuana tax, Massachusetts marijuana legalization, medical marijuana, Montana Citizens for I-182, Montana medical marijuana, Montana Medical Marijuana Act, MPP, Nevada, Nevada marijuana legalization, Nevada Question 2, Nevadaa, North Dakota, North Dakota Compassionate Care Act, North Dakota medical marijuana, North Dakotans for Compassionate Care, Political, Prop 64, Proposition 64, Recreational, recreational marijuana, Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Nevada, Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act, tax and regulate, The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016, United for Care, Yes on 1, Yes on 205, Yes on 4, Yes on 5, Yes on 64