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URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v16/n564/a05.html
Newshawk: http://www.drugsense.org/donate.htm
Votes: 0
Pubdate: Thu, 18 Aug 2016
Source: Porterville Recorder (CA)
Copyright: 2016 Freedom Communications Inc.
Website: http://www.recorderonline.com
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/2887


A s some areas of the Golden State already seem to be embracing the marijuana industry, thankfully Tulare County continues to follow the law and awaits further legislation.

On Tuesday, the county Board of Supervisors again passed an interim ordinance blocking the growing and dispensing of medical marijuana and basically thwarting any attempts for someone to set up a growing operation in the county in preparation should the state’s voters pass a measure in November which will legalize cannabis.

There is so much uncertainty and still so much illegal activity surrounding marijuana – medical or not – we support the moratorium on opening up new cooperatives or collectives to distribute medical marijuana because the regulations are still far too lax.

Also, while the growing of marijuana remains illegal, we still see hundreds of illegal marijuana gardens, even in the city of Porterville where residents with a medical card can grow up to 12 plants.  Evidently, 12 plants is not enough as police have destroyed many gardens where far more than 12 plants were growing.

Some politicians, including one of the major candidates for governor in 2018, are endorsing the marijuana initiative and in Sacramento some lawmakers are already working to legalize the growing and selling of marijuana in anticipation of the measure passing.

Even should the voters pass the initiative, we do not see the landscape here change a whole lot.  There will be still be those who will break the law in growing marijuana illegally and those selling it.  Because of the taxes placed on marijuana, the black market will continue to flourish because marijuana is so easy to grow and produce.

It may take several years before marijuana becomes common place and easily regulated, and because Tulare County is already being eyed as a good location to grow marijuana, the county supervisors need to keep this ordinance in place until the laws are in agreement, and that includes the federal government which is not helping to clear the air.

While the Obama administration announced this week even less enforcement of marijuana laws, making medical marijuana legal on a federal level was continued. 

MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom