URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v16/n666/a01.html
Newshawk: Jim
Votes: 0
Pubdate: Thu, 03 Nov 2016
Source: Arizona Range News (Willcox, AZ)
Copyright: 2016 Arizona Range News
Website: http://www.willcoxrangenews.com
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/3684
Author: Eric Petermann


Candidate opinions on legalized marijuana appear to have less to do with party affiliation and more to do with perceptions on whether Proposition 205 is a solution to a problem, or a serious threat to Arizona.

The citizens initiative is on the Nov.  8 ballot asking voters whether to allow the recreational use of marijuana.  Arizona is one of nine states that will vote on the issue in the General Election.

Though many prominent Republicans have come out against Prop.  205, there are notable exceptions.  Gov.  Doug Ducey and other state GOP leaders, including LD14 State Sen.  Gail Griffin, are on record opposed to the initiative, while locally, Republican Cochise County Supervisor Pat Call has said it may be time to reallocate the resources committed to the “War on Drugs.”

The same dichotomy is found among Arizona Democrats.  While the state party is on record in favor of Prop.  205, State Rep.  candidate Jason Lindstrom plans to vote against the initiative.  Lindstrom said the law creates more government and is a poorly-drafted law.  He indicated that “…  we only get once chance,” to adopt legislation through the citizen’s initiative process, and Prop.  205 has serious flaws that would be difficult to correct if it is adopted on Nov.  8.

Two Democratic candidates for state office, Representative candidate Mike Holmes and Senate candidate Jaime Alvarez, are not stating their position on the referendum.

“I’m not telling people how I’m voting for president, either,” Holmes said.

The candidate said he does not publicly endorse a position on citizen initiatives.

“It’s the same answer for the minimum wage.  These are questions that all of the voters will have a say on, so let’s see what they say.”

Alvarez said he has done “lots of research” and talked with judges and other public officials about their opinion of the impact that decriminalizing marijuana will have on the community.  He said “…  the voters will tell us,” whether it’s time for Arizona to allow the recreational use of the drug.

Republican State Rep.  candidate Drew John is opposed to Prop.  205 and believes Arizona isn’t prepared for what happens if the initiative is passed.

“I don’t think we have medical marijuana the way we want it yet,” he said.

John said he would favor waiting “…  a few years,” to see what the impact of recreational use is on Colorado and other states that have decriminalized the drug.

Becky Nutt is opposed to Prop.  205.  Nutt is running for State Representative and was the top vote getter in the Aug.  30 Republican primary.

“I do not support Prop 205 and there are many reasons for that, but I think the overwhelming example of what has happened in Colorado surely is a deterrent to anyone who may have, at any time, supported it,” she said in an email statement.

Candidates for County Attorney differ sharply in their opinions on the issue.

Independent Tom Holz said he plans to vote in favor of Prop.  205.

“Although Prop.  205 is far from perfect, I think it is better than the status quo, and I’m planning on voting for it,” he said.  “Fighting a war on marijuana is undemocratic and a waste of tax dollars and law enforcement time.  But we should give our children accurate information about the dangers of mind-altering substances, particularly the risk to the developing brain and the danger of driving while impaired or riding with an impaired driver,” Holz said.

His opponent, Republican Brian McIntyre, is outspoken in his opposition to Prop.  205.

“As we have already seen with ( medical marijuana ), the voters were sold a bill of goods which is now being used as a sword against law enforcement efforts,” McIntyre said in an interview earlier this year.  “As a personal matter, I do not agree with the concept,” he said.

Though he did not say how he will vote, Republican Pat Call, who is unopposed on the General Election ballot for reelection as the District 1 Cochise County Supervisor, said Friday it may be time for government to revisit its priorities on marijuana.

Speaking on radio during the Friday Focus show he hosts, Call said the amount of money and law enforcement resources that are committed to fighting trafficking of marijuana might be better used to address other, more pressing social issues.

“When do we take that first step? In my opinion, when you keep doing the same thing over and expecting different results, that’s crazy,” he said. 

MAP posted-by: Matt