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by: Simone Cimiluca-Radzins

November 9th, 2016 – A day in the history books for cannabis prohibition. Yesterday, four states legalized adult use of cannabis (including CALIFORNIA!) and another 3 approved medical use. Here’s the lowdown of the results:

Adult Use: California, Nevada, Massachusetts, and Maine

Medical Use: Florida, Arkansas, North Dakota, and Montana

This is a huge tipping point for the cannabis industry; however there is much work to be done. The thriving cannabis industry that has been growing at an exponential pace despite its federal illegality has been protected by a few memos under the Obama administration. With Donald Trump as our future president, there is uncertainty.

Here’s a lowdown on Trump Administration views on cannabis regulation:

The point: 

We have a lot of work to do. With the anticipated capital injected into the market, we need to ensure that our industry has lobbying influence and power in Washington. We need to ensure that memos such as the Cole Memo do not go away until cannabis prohibition on a federal level is not longer an issue. Our nation needs to compete globally in the cannabis industry, and we can only do so with the backing of our federal government.

Published with permission from Kalogia