Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) has been picked by President-elect Donald Trump as Health and Human Services secretary. (photo/Gage Skidmore)

President-elect Donald Trump has picked another marijuana opponent to join his cabinet, tabbing Georgia Rep. Tom Price to serve as  Health and Human Services secretary.

This could be bad news for state-sanctioned medical marijuana programs in the 28 states that allow it.  While the Department of Justice — which, if he is confirmed by the Senate, would be overseen by fellow anti-pot Republican Jeff Sessions — oversees federal drug laws, the Health and Human Services secretary holds some powers that could have negative consequences for states that allow medical marijuana.

Because marijuana is still considered a Schedule I drug by the federal government, as HHS Secretary Price could penalize doctors who recommend medical marijuana, including freezing or limiting Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements to doctors because of their participation in state-sanctioned medical marijuana programs.  Price could also sue dispensaries and other businesses who promote marijuana as medicine because cannabis has not been designated as medicine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

As a Member of Congress, Price’s voting record includes a track record of anti-marijuana votes, earning him a grade of a D from the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) in their annual Congressional Scorecard.

Price’s voting record in Congress includes:

While on the campaign trail, Trump suggested that he would respect state marijuana laws.  “In terms of marijuana and legalization, I think that should be a state issue, state-by-state,” Trump said in October 2015.

However, nominating staunch opponents of marijuana to two leading cabinet positions could indicate a change of tune by the Trump Administration.

Tags: Donald Trump, Drug Enforcement Administration, health and human services, Jeff Sessions, reefer madness, Tom Price, Trump Administration, War On Drugs, War on Marijuana