Troy – With Ohio’s medical marijuana bill going into effect Sept. 8, Troy City Council adopted emergency legislation to declare an 180-day moratorium on permits to establish retail dispensaries, cultivators and processors of medical marijuana within the city limits on Monday.

Council member Bill Twiss was not present at the meeting.

Council member Robin Oda asked if anyone has applied for a permit to dispense medical marijuana when the law goes into effect.

Director of public service and safety Patrick Titterington said no one has applied.

“I think it’s wise to do a moratorium until we figure out what’s going on,” said Oda.

Titterington said the city plans to go to the planning commission with legislation to have a recommendation for council within the 180 days.

Gov. John Kasich signed the bill on June 9. The law would allow patients to use marijuana in vapor form for certain chronic health conditions, but ban them from smoking it or growing it at home. Included in the law, cities and towns could choose to ban dispensaries or limit the number of them. Licensed cultivators, processors, dispensaries and testing laboratories cannot be within 500-feet of schools, churches, public libraries, playgrounds or parks. Employers could continue to enforce drug-testing policies and maintain drug-free workplaces. Banks that provide services to marijuana-related entities would be protected from criminal prosecution.

Mayor Michael Beamish reported he would be sending a sympathy letter to the French ambassador to the United States following the attack in Nice last week.

Troy Fire Department Chief Matt Simmons introduced two new firefighters Patrick O’Neill and Thomas Reed.

Public hearing was set for Aug. 1 to rezone abandoned railroad property south of E. Race Drive from residential to light industrial. The property owner is Habitat for Humanity. According to the application, Habitat for Humanity has deemed the property not suitable for residential development. The organization plans to sell the land to Spectracam if they should choose to expand their facility in the future.

The following legislation was also passed at the council meeting:

* Application for Ohio Public Work Commission funding for McKaig Road Project Phase 4. The project scope includes roadway reconstruction/paving, sidewalk/curb/gutter, and utility work. The project area is from the alley west of Lake Street to the 1-75 overpass. While this project has not yet been designed, it is currently estimated at $1,415,000. The OPWC grant would not exceed $600,000. This project would be designed in 2017 and constructed in 2018.

* Consent for Ohio Department of Transportation to include small portion of State Route 55 at no cost to the city.

* Bid sidewalk repair program Phase 9 not to exceed $300,000 liability potential for the property owners and the city. Phase 9 has been identified as the areas along South Plum, South Cherry, South Walnut and South Mulberry between Main and Franklin; South Market, South Walnut and South Mulberry between East Franklin and East Canal; and the area encompassed by South Market, East West, South Clay, Ross, and South Mulberry which include the following streets Young, Enyeart and Dakota. Of the approximately 121 parcels in Phase 9, the owners of about 92 did not request permits to perform the work. The city now bids for that work to be done for those properties.

* Amend salary ordinance for the position of Fire Lieutenant and salary. The salary for the lieutenant position was set for $73,411 in 2016; $74,879 beginning January 2017. The salary does not include benefits.

* Adopted the city’s updated investment policy.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Troy Halts Medical Marijuana Permits
Author: Melanie Yingst
Contact: 937-335-5634
Photo Credit: Reuters
Website: Troy Daily News