As you probably know (hopefully you do!), social media is an immensely important marketing channel for cannabusiness success.

However, most cannabis professionals are not using social media marketing properly. Because of this lack of knowledge, many business owners are running into the incredibly frustrating challenge of having their social accounts shut down.

Here’s the deal with social:

You do NOT own your content once you’ve posted it. Mark Zuckerberg technically owns your Facebook and Instagram content—Not YOU. It’s no wonder that you can literally wake up in the morning, and POOF, your accounts are shut down.

One of the biggest problems contributing to this scenario is Weed Porn.

Yes, I said it WEED PORN – meaning the constant stream of photos and products with pricing and promotions.

Not only is weed porn the number one way to get all of your accounts shut down, but it is also a sure-fire way to create ad blindness with your audience.

Side note:  I’ve been involved with cannabis for over 20 years and a pretty good grower for eight of those years. I know a lot about flowers, including strain information, yields, and the nuances of growing. After all these years and all this experience, I can barely tell the difference between the myriad of different flowers that people post to social.

Posting shatter? Forget it, half your audience doesn’t know (or care) about the different pictures of concentrates you’re posting.

You know what they do care about?  How much value you’re going to deliver to them; value that goes above and beyond your products and pricing.

Also keep in mind that a steady stream of product shots will make your account look like everyone else’s.

It’s up to YOU to differentiate yourself and you do this with your awesome content.

Making Social Media Stick

Content is the glue that holds your social strategy together.

It IS the duct tape of social media marketing.   

After all, what are you going to post without amazing content…?

…Besides, just product shots—which hopefully you’re beginning to realize—is not working.

When used in conjunction with your social media strategy, amazing content motivates your audience to visit your website to learn more about your company; including your hours, location, products, services and specials.

We want people to visit your site! Your site is where your audience can become more indoctrinated with your brand and find out more information about your products via the menu.

So how does this all work? Well it starts with your blog as your central hub for your informative content.

In a nutshell, YOU create amazing content on your blog (70 percent of useful, engaging content and 30 percent with sales, promotions and specials). Then, grab your specific blog post URL and post it to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.*

Social Media Channels

Now of course there’s always a caveat, right? Instagram is a bit different from Facebook and Twitter as far as posting content.

With Instagram you want to come up with a beautiful graphic that conveys the message of your blog post. I personally love Canva.

Once your graphic is posted, create a call-to-action for your audience to click a link in your bio to read and learn more.

Again, the point is that we want people to visit your site. This is your central hub and where your audience will get indoctrinated to your brand, check your menu, see your hours and location, and hopefully come into your store or request a consultation about your services.

See how important your amazing content is? It motivates people to do business with you and sets you apart from all the other businesses solely relying on Weed Porn.

Once you set yourself apart from the competition, sales become a lot easier.