By Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director
Thank you for helping NORML help America away from cannabis prohibition and its insipid public policy results!
With the most recent Gallup polling indicating a strong majority of Americans now supporting marijuana legalization (a whopping 58%), there has never been a better or more productive time in our country’s history to be a cannabis law reform advocate.
With help from our friends at FreedomLeaf, NORML is in the midst of our annual spring fundraising drive, with a slew of new NORML premiums and incentives for new and returning members.
NORML’s Spring Fundraising Drive concludes at month’s end, so please don’t engage in any dillydally!
Thanks for helping to sustain and grow NORML– the oldest and largest marijuana law reform group in the world.
2016 is already the busiest year for cannabis law reformers, with half a dozen states with legalization ballot initiatives, two states with medical marijuana initiatives and ten states with legalization legislation pending.
Four states down…forty-six more to go!
To continue reading this story, visit our friend’s website (opens in a new window):: Support NORML: Spring Fundraising Drive Through May 31!