Post-football life has not been kind to Super Bowl winning Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon, who’s struggled with early-onset dementia and and depression since leaving the gridiron. A strong advocate for medical marijuana, the former Bears signal caller is now accusing the NFL of colluding with major pharmaceutical companies in their opposition to the drug.

In an interview with Sports Illustrated, McMahon said he was aggressively pushed to take painkillers, which he believes only worsened his symptoms.

“I think they’re in cahoots with big pharma. My whole career they were pushing pills on me. For whatever aliment you had, they had a pill for it and that’s the reason they’re demonizing this plant they way they are.”

McMahon kept taking painkillers after his career ended, and became addicted to them.

“After my career, I was still eating painkillers for about five years,” McMahon said. “I knew I had to get off those.”

Once he did, he turned to medicinal marijuana – which he claimed was the only drug that helped.

“[Marijuana] is so much better for you. There’s no side effects, it doesn’t kill anybody, there’s no documented cases of people dying. But there’s hundreds of thousands of people dying every year from these pills.”

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Full Article: Super Bowl-Winning Bears QB McMahon – NFL is ‘In Cahoots With Big Pharma’
Author: Joe DePaolo
Contact: Mediaite
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