In 2010, I helped co-found the organization Show-Me Cannabis in my home state of Missouri (the show-me state).  This came on the heals of our move to Oregon after we experienced a para-military style home invasion for growing a small amount of cannabis in our home in Columbia, Missouri.  It was severely traumatic, and made me realize how much work there was to do in the area of cannabis policy reform.  However, that was the experience that thrust me into activism for this plant, and how I ended up where I am today.

Since then, Show-Me Cannabis has grown to be the leader for helping to end cannabis prohibition in Missouri.  One of the champions of Show-Me Cannabis, and champions in working towards cannabis law reform overall, is Dan Viets.  The first time I ever saw Dan speak was at a NORML meeting for college students at the University of Missouri back in 1998, and he has been one of my all time canna-heroes ever since.  Dan has almost single handedly carried marijuana activism for the past 4 decades in Missouri and has done many things on the national reform level as well.

I received this message from Dan about the upcoming Missouri Cannabis Conference that will take place in Kansas City, Missouri in about a week.  I would encourage anyone who supports change in marijuana policy to attend!

Dear Leah–

Please join us for the Spring 2017 Missouri Cannabis Conference in Kansas City on Friday and Saturday, March 3 and 4!

This event is co-sponsored by Missouri NORML and Show-Me Cannabis. It will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet marijuana law reform activists from across the state of Missouri and learn about how legal access to marijuana as medicine will help Missouri citizens.

The Conference focuses on the need to establish legal access to marijuana as medicine in our state. It will feature presentations from patients, nurses, doctors and other professionals.

On Friday evening, March 3, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., a fundraiser to benefit the New Approach Missouri Medical Marijuana campaign will take place at one of the city’s most elegant restaurants, Pierpont’s in Union Station. Minimum suggested donations to attend this event are $75 or $25 for those who have gathered a substantial number of signatures for the November 2018 campaign. Click here to RSVP on the event page!

The Conference begins at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning with registration, followed by reports from Missouri NORML Chapters around the state, as well as other allied activist organizations.

An update on the status of the campaign to place Medical Marijuana on the November, 2018 ballot through the campaign committee, New Approach Missouri, will follow that. A panel of parents will discuss how cannabis benefits their children with chronic seizure disorders and other ailments.

Tom Mundell, Commander of the Missouri Association of Veterans’ Organizations, will then discuss how cannabis is helpful to veterans suffering from PTSD and other service-related problems. Tom will also discuss Missouri NORML’s Project 22 which plans to take 22 veterans to the 1st Annual Institute for Cannabis Research Conference in Colorado in late April.

After lunch, Jeff Mizanskey, a U.S. Air Force veteran, will speak about serving 21 years of a sentence of life without parole for marijuana law violations. Jamie Kacz of NORML KC will then discuss the marijuana decriminalization ordinance which will be on the April ballot in Kansas City.

We will hear a presentation from Kevin Mahmalji, the national NORML Chapter Coordinator from Denver, Colorado. A panel of nurses will then discuss their experiences with patients who benefit from the medical use of cannabis.

Our featured presentations for the day will be from two outstanding experts in the field of cannabis as medicine.

At 3:00 p.m., we will hear from Dr. Adie Wilson-Poe, who has a Ph.D. in physiology and neuroscience. She is a professor at Washington University doing research about cannabis and opioid drug use in the treatment of chronic pain.

At 4:00 p.m., neurologist Dr. Matthew Markert, will discuss the reasons why medical marijuana would be of benefit to thousands of Missourians.

On Saturday night, following the Conference, at Ruins Pub, 1715 Main Street, a party/dinner/auction to raise money for Missouri NORML and SMC will take place featuring light hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, an opportunity to order dinner from the menu (not included in the admission price) and a live auction will all help offset the expenses of the Conference.

Please be with us in Kansas City on Friday and Saturday, March 3 and 4, to be part of the exciting movement to change the marijuana laws in our state!

Dan Viets