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This Valentine’s Day, bring some lighthearted (and free!) fun back to a holiday rife with prix fixe menus, flower shop brawls, and chocolates filled with mystery goo. Whether you’re single or spoken for, your cannabis-friendly friends and paramours alike will enjoy these six punny valentine designs. Share them on social media or download a PDF version to print out your favorite (make sure you don’t select “fill entire paper” or “fit to page” so that the original dimensions stay intact). Happy Valentine’s Day!

"I love you beyond be-leaf" Leafly valentine designDownloadable PDF version 

"To my best bud" Leafly valentine designDownloadable PDF version

"Let's be blunt" Leafly valentine designDownloadable PDF version

"I'm kushing on you hard" Leafly valentine designDownloadable PDF version

Leafly Valentine's Day poem designDownloadable PDF version

"Our love is a joint effort" Leafly valentine designDownloadable PDF version

Can’t decide which one’s your favorite? Download all six designs in PDF format!

Got a punny Valentine’s Day message of your own? Share your favorites in the comments!