Whether your a recreational marijuana novice or veteran, you probably have a small stash of necessities for enjoying a good smoke. Those veterans out there already know the key materials to keep handy to enjoy a relaxing marijuana smoking sessions.

But if you’re wonder what the most basic needs for connoisseur’s collection are, here’s a list of smoking necessities for every stoner. Each item in this list can vary in their quality and has a wide selection of products available from some amazing companies in the budding legal marijuana industry. Do your research to find out which is going to work best for you!

A One-hitter

chillum, marijuana pipe, glass pipeWhile this may seem silly and maybe even pointless, a one hitter is ideal when you are trying to be low key and are on the go. A one hitter can be a simple straight tube pipe, and some are even made to look like a cigarette. One-hitters can be picked up for pretty cheaply too. They usually start at $10 and price varies on the design and type of one hitter.

A Hand Pipe

marijuana pipe, hand pipe, glass pipe

You are always going to need a hand pipe. There are thousands to choose from and prices vary based on whether it’s made from glass, metal, ceramic or something else, and it’s quality. You can even get a special padded carrying case to store your pipes in.

Hand pipes come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors and can be found at any smoke shop. I personally prefer glass pipes, the bud tastes so much better out of glass. Besides, you can find way cooler glass pipes! I have a personal collection of 4 glass pipes.

A Bong

stoner must haves, bong, marijuana bong

Because what is better than bong rips? You want to find a bong that has an ice catcher. This is where you can drop ice into the bong for a chilled, smooth hit. Bongs are great for a rushed morning to get that quick marijuana relief, or if you are just trying to get fast relief in general. My favorite way to smoke is by blunt or bong.

Rolling Papers

rolling papers, cones, joints

Rolling papers or cones are always good items to have handy if you are a chronic smoker. They are especially great to have with you if you just need to roll one up and spark it. Cones are better if you aren’t all that great at rolling a joint or a blunt.

For blunts, Swisher Sweets are perfect, because they taste good AND smell good. You can get different flavors like strawberry, blueberry, and mango. You can use a cone, which is just a pre-rolled tube, and pack it full of your favorite bud to smoke, and it actually is quite simple and not time consuming.

A Lighter

Preferably not a white one! The legend says that white lighters bring a slew of bad luck and unfortunate events. I mean Bob Marley did pass away while using a white lighter to blaze… Coincidence, or not?

Of course, there are more urban legends to validate that white lighters mean bad luck, but let’s stay on topic here. You will always want to have a lighter handy for your smoking sessions, you never want to be searching for a lighter after you get everything ready to medicate, it is annoying and takes up more time than needed.

A Storage Jar

A pill bottle with no label, a glass jar, or really anything that you can put marijuana into that has a sealing lid, is a perfect place to store your marijuana. Although the use of marijuana is legal on a recreational level in Nevada and five other states, it is still against the law to have your marijuana in a ziplock baggie or just laying out.

The law statutes state that you can carry marijuana on your person as long as it is in a sealed container. So, you will need to invest in a mason jar or you can get little tubes with a pop-top lid from the dispensaries, if you want to avoid any trouble with local law enforcement. Plus you always want to properly store your weed to avoid it drying out or simply getting lost, because that would be tragic.

A Grinder

smoking marijuana necessities, marijuana grinder

A grinder is definitely a go-to stoner tool because it makes for easier, quicker smoking. You place your bud in the top of the grinder – the lid and the bottom of the top chamber have teeth and this is what grinds up the weed – put the lid back on. In just a quick few seconds of grinding, you have perfectly ground-up cannabis that can be used to roll a blunt or a joint, or pack a bowl of fresh greens.

There are metal grinders that are magnetic so you don’t actually have to screw the lid on, and you can twist the lid both ways to grind up the buds. Most of the better metal grinders have 3 units; the top part grinds the bud, the middle section stores the ground greens, and in the bottom, a screen catches and collects kief that falls from the buds when it gets ground up.

kief, grinder

Kief if extremely fine, so it will take you some time to get a decent amount of kief to smoke up!

Grinders are typically found at your local smoke shop, ranging in price anywhere from $5 to $20, or more. It just depends on the size of the grinder, the design, and the brand that you choose.


Stoner Rule #5629: ALWAYS have pot. Also, call up a fellow stoner buddy because Stoner Rule #7914: Sharing IS caring!

Of course! As a stoner, you always want to keep a stash of your most favorite buds. A stoner’s bright day can turn to gloom once they realize their stash is almost gone. I always have at least two stashes: one is usually my all time favorite bud, or the better of what I have, and then I have my “eh, it’s alright” stuff.

Music, a Great Atmosphere & Amazing Friends

Unless of course, you enjoy smoking alone. I myself even enjoy smoking alone from time to time, but having other people to live the experience with you makes it that much better. An endless supply of laughs and out of this world thoughts, what could be better? Not to mention, if you find stoner friends who follow the stoner etiquette rules, they will share their goods with you. After all, a friend with weed is a friend indeed.

by Danielle Hunt

About the Author

Danielle Hunt is passionate about cannabis and passionate about writing. She loves meeting new fun and exciting people on her journey. She’s always open to ideas and topics and would love to speak with other cannabis activists and she is looking forward to so many new opportunities. Check out her out on Instagram @DanieD420 or her blog at dd420blogger.wordpress.com.