Featured guests: Cannabis Consumers Coalition executive director Larisa Bolivar and program director of the NoCo Hemp Expo Preston Whitfield.

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•  What’s being done to protect cannabis consumers.

•  Sentencing, incarcerations and pardons for marijuana from state to state.

•  An update on the DEA regarding CBD and hemp.

•  Is there more to hemp than textiles, construction materials and CBD?


Stash box fail: Goodwill finds pounds of marijuana in donated cooler: Somebody who was in charge of rounding up donations for a Goodwill store in Washington state is kicking themselves right now. Television station Q13 reports that Goodwill workers in Monroe, Wash. were surprised to open a donated cooler last week and find almost four pounds of marijuana inside. –Report by The Cannifornian’s Daniel M. Jimenez

13 California marijuana dispensaries owe $12 million in taxes, says report: Thirteen medical marijuana dispensaries owe more than $12 million in unpaid state taxes, according to a report recently published by the Board of Equalization. The list includes several pioneers of the medical marijuana movement, who opened dispensaries not long after California became the first state to legalize weed as medicine in 1996. Many of the businesses on the list have long been shut down, though a few continue to sell marijuana in some fashion. –Report by The Cannifornian’s Brooke Edwards Staggs

Over 100 Detroit medical marijuana shops closed down, more in jeopardy: Detroit’s medical marijuana centers are finding difficulty in fulfilling the city’s list of strict requirements and regulations. New figures released this week by the city reveal that only two prospective Medical Marijuana Caregiver Centers out of more than 260 applicants have been approved to operate, The Detroit News reported. Green Cross opened in February as Detroit’s first licensed center. Manager Simon Berro said its operators were the first to apply under the law that went into effect last March and completed the “vigorous” zoning and licensing process Feb. 3. –Report by The Associated Press


Sohum Shah puts Veritas’ Cherry Diesel to the test: As part of my preparations for an action-packed night, I popped over to Mile High Green Cross on Broadway to get some flower. I checked out the Cherry Diesel and Bubba White, both grown by wholesale cultivator Veritas Fine Cannabis. Being a sucker for cherry-flavored anything, I was already leaning toward the Diesel, and when I stuck my nose in the jar, it was settled. Taking a closer look at the buds before they were rolled into a joint, the dominant fragrance was a sweet cherry smell, but not a fresh cherry. It was more of a dried cherry, trail-mix type of scent. As I broke it up, there were subtle hints of pine and gasoline — as the name would imply. –Review by The Cannabist’s Sohum Shah and Vince Chandler


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