Featured guests: Trichome Institute president Max Montrose and No-on-200 campaign spokesperson Jim Parco.


•  There is now a sommelier-like program that will standardize the grading of marijuana.

•  Everything you need to know about a proposal to repeal laws allowing Pueblo marijuana businesses — one of Colorado’s biggest hotbeds for cannabis.

•  Shop talk: “Indica” and “sativa” may not mean what you think they do.


The 2016 Cannabist Awards in Las Vegas:
The Cannabist Awards will celebrate world leaders in the modern marijuana space — the best in technology, sustainability, hemp, education, medical advancement, events, philanthropy and more. Nominate your favorites before Oct. 17, 2016. –Click here to make your nominations

Millennials, Boomers or Gen X: Who favors marijuana legalization the most in the U.S.? Public support for marijuana legalization continues to hit new heights, but opinions on the matter do continue to be divided by age and ideology, the latest Pew Research Center poll shows. The share of Americans who favor legalization totals 57 percent, according to a Pew Research survey of 1,201 U.S. adults conducted in late August and early September. The survey showed that 37 percent believed marijuana should be illegal and another 5 percent were undecided. The margin of error was plus or minus 3.2 percentage points. –Report by The Cannabist’s Alicia Wallace

A huge thank-you to our readers: Humble brag, The Cannabist surpasses High Times in unique visitors for the first time. The Cannabist, The Denver Post’s niche digital product covering the cannabis industry in Colorado and the U.S., attracted 885,000 unique visitors, surpassing High Times — long a media leader in the space — for the first time since the site launched in late 2013. High Times drew 558,000 unique visitors for August, a 38.4 percent year-over-year decrease, comScore reported. The Weedmaps-owned Marijuana.com — in operation since 1995 — drew 915,000 unique visitors in the same period. –Report by The Denver Post’s Daniel Petty


Test your current-events knowledge about the 420-friendly GOP, a California prison becoming a marijuana grow, a country’s police force destroying 2.4 million cannabis plants and more.

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