Featured guests: National Cannabis Industry Association deputy director Taylor West and Vicente Sederberg attorney/partner Brian Vicente.


•  What’s in store for legal cannabis under new president Donald J. Trump? Insiders give their views on the impact the President-Elect and his potential cabinet appointments could have on the marijuana industry.

•  A swath of the U.S. says “yes” to cannabis, introducing medical marijuana in the Bible Belt and recreational marijuana in New England.

•  The number of states with recreational marijuana just doubled — what will happen with these new markets?


Pueblo voters reject proposals to shut down existing marijuana businesses: Residents in Pueblo County, Colo., want to keep their community’s burgeoning recreational marijuana industry. Pueblo County’s voting results were delayed for most of the night Tuesday, but when the numbers started filing in, they pointed to residents maintaining recreational marijuana laws there. –Report by The Cannabist’s Alicia Wallace

This emboldened Colorado city says it will now build the National Marijuana Museum: While a group of citizens in Pueblo attempted to kill the city’s burgeoning recreational marijuana industry, their attempt to ban all retail licenses failed on election day — and now the city’s cannabis industry and their partners say they will build the National Marijuana Museum in the southern Colorado city. “The citizens of Pueblo County have spoken, and their message is clear,” said Jim Parco, who is the No-on-200 campaign’s spokesperson, an economics professor at Colorado College, owner of pot shop Mesa Organics and a Pueblo native. “They have seen the positive impacts that the regulated, retail marijuana industry has had in Pueblo County.” –Report by The Cannabist’s Ricardo Baca

Introducing Other Roots, a new series on The Cannabist: Here at Other Roots we’ll share the stories of the underrepresented individuals in and around the marijuana movement — women, ethnic minorities and others whose voices aren’t as prevalent in the conversation surrounding legalization. If you’d like to suggest an individual to the Other Roots team — an activist, a budtender, a regulator, an executive — give us a jingle. In the debut of Other Roots, RiverRock founder Norton Arbelaez dishes on how marijuana still inspires him and his dive into the industry. –Report by The Cannabist’s Joanne Ostrow

Cannabist readership tops High Times for second consecutive month in September ’16: The Cannabist — The Denver Post’s digital property that covers the marijuana industry and its culture — attracted 801,000 unique visitors, a slight decline from last month, but still 198 percent year-over-year greater than a year ago. Marijuana.com brought in 923,000 uniques, a slight year-over-year increase, while High Times captured 720,000 uniques, a nearly 12 percent year-over-year decline. –Report by The Denver Post’s Daniel Petty


Non-weed biz world is zeroing in on legalization: As companies like Scotts Miracle-Gro and Microsoft dabble in the legal cannabis industry, financial analysts said it was only a matter of time for other traditional businesses to join the fray. The very mention of “marijuana” has increased dramatically in U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings in recent years — 99 mentions in 2012 to 1,121 mentions in 2015, according to The Cannabist’s review of SEC documents. Separately, filings that included the term “cannabis” totaled 31 in 2012 and 562 in 2015. –Report by The Cannabist’s Alicia Wallace


Test your current-events knowledge about the various propositions, questions, amendments, movements, bills that legalized cannabis for eight new states on Election Day.

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