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Featured guests: Patrick Devlin, a “zootologist” for Zoots Premium Cannabis Infusions making edibles in Washington state, and Eric Carlson, director of hemp affairs with the National Cannabis Chamber of Commerce.


•  Bringing a Washington state edibles brand to Colorado.

•  Which states are getting hemp right, and which ones are getting it wrong?

•  If someone has a brilliant business idea for the cannabis space, how can they catch a break in the industry? The pros have some advice.


Did Walgreens flip the script on Pharma’s MMJ stance? Even though medical marijuana is legal in 24 states and recreational cannabis initiatives are gaining traction throughout the U.S., weed is still a touchy topic for most in the medical profession. Sure, some trusted doctors will talk openly about marijuana’s legitimacy as medicine — and many more are coming on board — but journalists’ interview requests to major hospitals and medical schools (even in Colorado) are still met with a nervous, “Uh, we can’t talk about that on the record.” Which is why Walgreens’ latest Tumblr post is so remarkable. –Report by The Cannabist’s Ricardo Baca

Pueblo doctors concerned about new moms and marijuana: Dr. Steven Simerville worries about the number of Pueblo babies being born with marijuana in their bodies. The medical director of the newborn intensive care unit at St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center finds that mothers who abhor smoking cigarettes during pregnancy see no harm in smoking a joint. “What I’m seeing in our nursery is a dramatic increase in babies who test positive for marijuana,” he said. “The interesting thing for me is the number of mothers who use marijuana and want to breast feed. They don’t believe marijuana is harmful.” –Report by The Denver Post’s David Olinger


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