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After sampling their product, I met Ben-David Sheppard and his partner Jill Amen of House of Jane over a year ago at the Washington DC ArcView event held at the Hilton in Alexandria. We recently reconnected and wanted to share an update on the rising processor as they expand their product lines and distribution footprint.

CBE: Nice catching up Ben-David and thanks for providing our readers with a status report!Since HOJ launched a lot has changed in the industry. What is new at HOJ?

HOJ: We have been moving forward with our eye on constantly providing a premium product and have  launched innovative new formulations, and products designed to meet the ever-changing landscape and consumer demand in the cannabis industry. Our brand has grown from when we were featured as an up and coming brand to now  a brand in over 400 clubs in California and operating licensees in Arizona, Nevada, and soon launching in Washington State, Oregon and Canada.

CBE: What have you changed, updated etc. since we wrote the Up and Comer piece over a year ago?

HOJ: WOW! So much has changed from our original launch of K-cups Hot Chocolate, creamers and powders. We launched our bottled  line of  coffees and teas to rave reviews!

Our new line for 2017 launches this month. It includes some strain specific bottled products. We are very excited about our  Cold Brew, Espresso, coffees and Sweet, Green and Tropical Teas. Our bottles now come in two sizes 16.9 oz. and our new Mini-Shot (2.5 ounce) coffees and teas.

What is personally most exciting for me is the launch of our B-12 Energy Supplement line with CBD for a clean burst of energy, coming in capsule, shots, and as a beverage enhancer. This line is targeting those with an active life style looking for that extra boost and the well-known benefits derived from CBD and B-12. It’s a longtime coming formulation we are so excited about as are our distributors!

CBE: What hasn’t worked to your expectations?

HOJ: Honestly the K-cups have been our greatest disappointment. As you know, we launched them with great fan fare. What we found was regardless of the top quality ingredients and great taste, the market has not yet matured to that particular category of cannabis consumption.

CBE: What business activity(is) has surpassed your expectations?

HOJ: The demand  and inquiries from all over the US and the world interested in the rights and distribution of the House of Jane Brand and its products. Our bottles have been so well received we have to constantly innovate and source higher capacity equipment. I am hoping to have the time this Q4 and Q-1 2017 to reach out to those we have vetted as possible licensees.

CBE: Who are some of the best in class vendors that HOJ has engaged whose products or services are essential to your California  operations.

HOJ: I have to say Alta Supply distribution company has done an outstanding job for us. Their expertise and knowledge of the California market is impressive. Their management team is professional, hard-working and on the ball.

CBE: How many states are your cannabis and CBD products distributed in now and who are your licensees?

HOJ: We are currently available in  California, Nevada thru Silver State Trading and Arizona thru PW Wellness. We have 4 other States and Canada we plan to launch  before Q-1 2017 (Colorado, Oregon, Washington and New Mexico).

Our Hemp CBD Energy B-12 Supplement line will be available nationally this year!

CBE: How large is your staff now.

HOJ: Since we moved to utilization of distribution companies we have been able to have a more stream lined team. Currently for manufacturing, management and marketing we are at 15.

CBE: Any new markets opening up before/by the end of the year?

HOJ: Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and our Hemp CBD nationally.

CBE: What do you project for year-end 2016 Revenues?

HOJ: Sorry Rob, We don’t disclose our financial information.

CBE: Has HOJ diversified its revenue streams or streamlined operations and efficiency in light of market dynamics and pricing?

HOJ: Yes aside from bringing on-line new licensees, we have and continue to acquire more efficient equipment. Our expansion in the  HEMP CBD Energy Supplement line along with new packaging, dosing and formulations for 2017 should all dramatically increase our revenue and lower our COGS, increasing our  ROI.,

CBE: What is next for HOJ?

HOJ: Our leading the way as a premium beverage and  CBD energy supplement brand introducing to the yet unfamiliar masses the benefits of cannabis products. There is one secret I can tell you if you promise not to share.

CBE: We promise but send us then release Ben-David and best wishes on continued success, it’s been fun watching you guys grow!