Influential grassroots advocacy organization says Prop 64 and ending the costly war on marijuana in CA is a “vital social-justice priority”

SACRAMENTO—Today, Courage Campaign, California’s widely-respected progressive online advocacy organization with more than 1.3 million members, announced that its members have overwhelmingly voted to endorse Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, which will be on the statewide ballot in November. It did so with an enthusiastic 74 percent vote of its members.

Proposition 64 does much more than simply bring an end California’s failed and costly war on marijuana,” said Eddie Kurtz, President and Executive Director of Courage Campaign. “It will also provide new funding for critical youth services and job-training programs in underserved communities. Proposition 64 is a vital social-justice priority and our members are pleased to to support it.”

Courage Campaign joins a diverse coalition of support for Proposition 64 that includes the California Medical Association, California Academy of Preventative Medicine, California Council of Land Trusts, California State NAACP, California Democratic Party, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, National Latino Officers Association, William C. Velasquez Institute and United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Council.

Current and former elected officials in support include Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, Democratic U.S. Reps. Ted Lieu and Jared Huffman, Republican U.S. Rep Dana Rohrabacher, State Senator Mark Leno, Assembly Speaker Emeritus Toni G. Atkins, Assemblymembers Rob Bonta, David Chiu, Susan Talamantes Eggman, Cristina Garcia, Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Kevin McCarty and Bill Quirk and Tom Campbell, the former Finance Director for the State of California.

Proposition 64 is a consensus measure based on recognized best practices and recommendations from hundreds of engaged citizens and organizations. It includes strong safeguards for children, workers, local governments and small businesses and strict anti-monopoly provisions and the toughest warning label and marketing-to-kids laws in the nation.

Paid for by Yes on 64, Californians to Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana while Protecting Children, sponsored by business, physicians, environmental and social-justice advocate organizations. Major funding from Sean Parker and affiliated entities and Drug Policy Action – Non-Profit 501c4 (Committee).