By Brett Konen

Welcome to Leafly’s Pot Brownie Bracketology, where March Madness meets reefer madness and we search low and high to discover the absolute best cannabis brownie recipe ever.

The contenders: 420 Irish Brownies (by Edibles Magazine) vs. Triple Chocolate Brownies (by The Cannabist)

The Story: After soundly trouncing Mario Batali’s controversial pot brownie recipe in round one, Edibles Magazine’s 420 Irish Brownies comes into round two as a heavyweight – mostly in terms of potency, as close to two cups of cannabutter make these brownies nearly twice as strong as the next most potent brownie in our lineup. Observers had already predicted with confidence that the Batali matchup would be a blowout, so that win was no surprise, but it was actually closer than we expected. The Cannabist, meanwhile, just beat out High Times, an industry powerhouse with a whole lot of street cred, with a massive 4.5-point win margin. That stat makes The Cannabist the favorite going into this round, though this industry-versus-industry matchup could easily go either way.

Brownie A: 420 Irish Brownies

Get Edibles Magazine’s cannabis-infused brownie recipe here

Creator: Edibles Magazine

Original recipe contains cannabis? Yes

First round strengths: Potency. This brownie is indubitably the strongest in our competition.

First round weaknesses: Aroma and flavor. All that cannabutter dominates both categories.

Most valuable ingredient: The mint in the frosting. Its zippy freshness cuts through the potent cannabis flavor punch packed by this edible.

Judges’ notes:

“Looks gross, tastes good. Effects took pretty long to kick in, but were quite pleasant when they did.” –Lisa Rough, associate editor

“Absolutely donked out of my mind…holy crap. Dose carefully. Half will do.” ­–Bailey Rahn, associate editor

Brownie B : Triple Chocolate Brownies

Get The Cannabist’s cannabis-infused brownie recipe here

Creator: The Cannabist

Original recipe contains cannabis? Yes

First round strengths: Texture.

First round weaknesses: Very few.

Most valuable ingredient: The white chocolate. Going up against an extremely rich dessert whose flavor is almost too much to handle, the white chocolate chips mixed into The Cannabist’s brownie are a secret weapon that keeps the chocolate and cannabis flavors from being over the top.

Judges’ notes:

“[The high] came on quickly and wrapped me in a large blanket where I floated until bedtime.” –Kristin Kofmehl, event coordinator

“Really delicious brownie.” –Sara Dilley, photo editor

Scores (Average of Two Judges):

Edibles Magazine

The Cannabist



















Winner: The Cannabist!

Is The Cannabist’s recipe is the absolute best pot brownie recipe ever? Find out in the championship video on Monday! And check back on our #BrownieBracket home page tomorrow to see whether our editor’s mom’s brownies can take down Julia Child’s on the road to the championship.

Disclaimer: Cannabis edibles should always be prepared and consumed with care. Know your tolerance, start slow, and never drive under the influence of cannabis.

To continue reading this story, visit our friend’s website (opens in a new window):: Pot Brownie Bracketology Semifinal 1: Edibles Magazine vs. The Cannabist