*please note Special “Tuesday Show”
Special Tuesday 9 27 11
Up to date information about everything that is Medical Marijuana, News, Legal Issues, commentary, community input.
-In depth legal and political analysis of The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act.
-The MMMA goes to Lansing
-Lets discuss the Patient Bill of Rights,
-the MMMA Patron Program
Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626
Please join us tonight for a very Special 2 hour Episode of Planet Green Trees, hosted by: Attorney Michael Komorn. ALSO IN THE STUDIO TONIGHT?-KOMORNLAW?-CHAD FROM THE BIRMINGHAM COMPASSION CLUB?-PENUT BUTTER
Tonight’s Show is Sponsored by: The Michigan Medical Marihuana Association. Production Director Ken Blanks, Special Thanks to MMMA Joe Cain, Garfield. And all the Moderators (Thanks you for the hard work you do for this community), The American Medical Marijuana Association Jay VanDyke Michigan’s Choice 1248-750-1000, Green Thumb Garden Center
Regretfully, None of the content of from this show or any other show should be considered legal advice, and is merely at times the opinion of lawyer. Please do not rely upon anything said in this show or any other show to believe what I say will protect you from an arrest, or prosecution or other penalty.
Michael A. Komorn Attorney and Counselor 18006563557