The Medical Marijuana Community’s Number 1 Radio Show
Every Wednesday night from 8:00 -10:00 p.m.
Hosted by: Attorney Michael Komorn.
Listen live: at
Or Dial (347) 326-9626 and listen on your cell phone (dial 1 if you want to speak on the air).
Topics Tonight: The pending Legislation intended to eradicate the MMMA program, what is this community’s response.
Medical Marijuana -Do people still maintain that it has no medicinal value?
The Federal Government continues to lie to the American people Let’s talk about safe, consistent reliable access for sick people. What model is the right model for Michigan?
It is our intent to provide a safe comfortable environment for the medical marihuana community to discuss the ongoing complex issues that are influencing our community. As always, I welcome your legal questions and will attempt to provide some answers.
Let’s make tonight’s show all about patients. All too often the focus of things gets off track. Let’s try to bring the discussion back to how to help the sick people.
Please join us tonight for a very Special 2 hour Episode of Planet Green Trees,
Tonight’s Show is sponsored by:
KOMORNLAW 18006563557
The Michigan Medical Marihuana Association.
Special Thanks to MMMA Joe Cain And all the Moderators
None of the content of from this show or any other show should be considered legal advice, and is merely at times the opinion of lawyer. Please do not rely upon anything said in this show or any other show to believe what I say will protect you from an arrest, or prosecution or other penalty.
Michael A. Komorn