ay 29, 2014 Thursday 8-10:00 p.m. call 347-326-9626 or Listen at www.planetgreentrees.com
Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion
Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center-
Tonight- Special Guest Mark Brewer
Mark Brewer is an American lawyer, political consultant,and a member of the Democratic National Committee. He is the former chair of the Michigan Democratic Party and a past chair of the Association of State Democratic Chairs. He recently joined the Law Firm of Goodman, Acker.
A great leader within the Democratic Party, with extraordinary credentials as an attorney as well.A 1981 graduate of Stanford Law School, was also a clerk for former Michigan Supreme Court Justice Charles Levin, before becoming an associate and later making partner at Detroit-based Sachs Waldman PC, also a personal injury and union-side labor and employment law firm, before becoming the state Democratic chairman.
Also – Hunter Holliman
Hunter Holliman is the Operations Manager for Americans for Safe Access (ASA). After completing his Masters in Human Rights, Hunter came to ASA through his involvement with the San Francisco Chapter.
Having been a patient in California for nearly a decade, he also has a background in dispensary work and served on the San Francisco Medical Cannabis Task Force. Hunter relocated to Washington, DC in late 2012 to work as ASA’s National Field Coordinator. Hunter is committed to ASA’s efforts toward creating a more compassionate, sustainable drug policy, and he is proud to be a member of the country’s leading medical cannabis organization.
And Cancer patients talking cannabis
Michael’s rant, news, current events and more