May 15, 2014 Thursday 8-10:00 p.m. call 347-326-9626 or Listen at

Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion

Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center-

Tonight- Medical marijuana community members work with law makers to get a proposed roadside oral swab drug testing pilot program, that includes testing for THC, removed from a package of bills that passed out of the House Judiciary Committee earlier today. This week, two industrial hemp bills were unanimously advanced out of the House Agriculture Committee. Also, Gubernatorial Candidate Mark Schauer visits Ann Arbor tonight for a reception in his honor.

Joining us tonight-

State House Representative and House Judiciary Committee member Jeff Irwin from Ann Arbor

Robin Schneider Legislative Chairwoman for the National Patients Rights Association

Steven Sharpe MI NORML board member who has been instrumental in educating law makers in Lansing on industrial hemp and helping with the process of advancing hemp legislation.

Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!