Tonight 8-10pm EST Listen LIVE! At call in 347-326-9626

Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion

Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center, and attorney Jeff Frazier of Komorn Law.

Some alleged attorney, who works as a prosecutor in Munsing Michigan, got a little out of control, and bad mouthed the MMMA to a jury during a trial. The Michigan Court of Appeals found her behavior to be in appropriate. We will be addressing this issue, and offering appropriate legal commentary.

Mike McHaney –will be joining tonight, he is from the Alger County Hemp Coalition and testified as an expert in this case.  

Bernard Jocuns Attorney from Lapper and member of the Michigan Norml Legal Committee will be calling in to discuss the Michigan Normal Legal Committees response to this atrocity.

Also Komorn Law strike a Victory in Alcona and Alpena, client will be calling in to share the experience.

In Studio Guests, former attorney general candidate, fellow attorney, cannabis warrior and a admitt3ed fan of PGT attorney Daniel Grow will be joining us. Also in the Studio Attorney David Rudoi.  

Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!