Tonight 8-10pm EST Listen LIVE! At call in 347-326-9626
Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion
Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center, and attorney Jeff Frazier of Komorn Law.
There are many recent marijuana cases that have been ruled on, or are pending in the Michigan Court of Appeals, and Supreme courts-
Should a member of a household, in which there is a medical garden, be subject to criminal charges associated with the garden, even without having any direct involvement with the growing operation?
Should caregivers have to know private and extensive information about their medical marijuana patients, similar to that of the patient’s own doctor?
Is the inside of a car private property?
Can cities locally reduce or remove criminal penalties for adults with small amounts of cannabis?
Can people, fired for being medical marijuana patients collect unemployment compensation?
Please join Michael and the PGT staff and attorney David Rudoi of Rudoi Law in discussing the implications and status of these cases.
Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!
If anyone has any specific questions about a pending case or recent ruling, please message me or post it here and we’ll include it in tonight’s discussion-