Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion-Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center-

 Joining us tonight will be Dean Decker, a former police officer and author of the LEAP approved book ‘To End The War on Drugs’ which was available for lawmakers at a press conference, held by Becker, recently in Washington DC.



Also Debra Young, assisted in getting a ballot for cannabis legalization in several Oakland County cities, including Hazel Park and Oak Park, which will be decided on Tuesday by voters as well as Berkley, Huntington Woods and Pleasant Ridge, which will be voted on in the general election in November. Debra is also the campaign manager for Andrew Cissell who she worked with on all of the Oakland County local ballot efforts and who is running for state representative in the 27th district.


The masterminds of the local ballot initiative strategy and the founders of the Safer Michigan Coalition- the Godfather Tim Beck and recent recipient of the High Times  lifetime achievement award, and the man whose name consists of two verbs- Chuck Ream, will also be calling in to go over the status and line-up of the local ballot efforts around Michigan.


Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!