January 30, 2014 Tonight 8-10:00 p.m. or call 347-326-9626
www.planetgreentrees.com or call in 347-326-9626
Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion
Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center-
Tonight- Are Federal courts beginning to recognize the Department Of Justice policy concerning not targeting marijuana activity allowed under state law? PGT host and attorney Michael Komorn was recently able to avoid mandatory minimums and prison time for his clients, and argue Michigan law and new Federal policy in Federal court. Also, newly formed Cannabis Stakeholders Group hires major lobbying firm to help with medical marijuana issues in the state legislature. Komorn’s fortunate client’s will be calling in to discuss the experience and take questions.
Joining us tonight-
– Eric Gunnels Trustee for Thetford Township in Genesee County and Chairman of the steering committee for the Cannabis Stakeholders Group will discuss the forming of this new organization and their plans for moving forward and the hiring of powerful lobbying firm GCSI.
Also, discussion on recent experiences in Federal Court by Attorney John Targowski who is finishing Federal cases in Michigan as he prepares to move to Los Angeles to practice in Federal court in California. Defendants, the Frank brothers, Jayson and Michael who were charged federally in a case involving 600 cannabis plants, will call in as well.