January 23, 2014 Tonight 8-10:00 p.m. or call 347-326-9626
Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law
Chad from Birmingham Compassion-
Tonight- Federal POWs Jerry and Jeremy Duval have their appeal heard in the US Court of Appeals today in front of family, friends, and advocates from around the country. The Duvals were served a state warrant which failed to mention previous knowledge of the cannabis garden by local officials. Both men were ultimately convicted in Federal Court on Friday April 20th at 4:20 PM. Senator Rick Jones has recently introduced SB 736 which, in part, would allow courts to order an independent medical evaluation and verify medical marijuana certifications in cases where children are involved.
Joining us tonight-
– Attorney Andy Greenlee from Brownstone Law in Florida, who represented the Duvals today in Federal Court, will discuss the case, the focus of the arguments and his thoughts on how things went today. Jerry’s wife Tracy Duval and national activist Kati Boiter from Washington, will join us as well.
Also, Maria Green and Charmie Gholson talk to PGT about Senator Jones’ new bill.
Huge Thanks the Pam And Dewey
The MMMA: michiganmedicalmarijuana.org Thanks to all the moderators
Komorn Law – Atty Michael Komorn (800) 656-3557
Also The Marijuana Ranch Call 313 422 5281
Dr. Kumar Singh GreenLite Clinic 248-390-0574