January 16, 2014 Tonight 8-10:00 p.m. or call 347-326-9626


Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law

Chad from Birmingham Compassion-

Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center-

Tonight- Recently elected Detroit City Councilman and former State Representative, George Cushingberry Jr., along with cannabis reform activist Richard Clemente were involved in a controversial traffic stop that resulted in heavy media attention. Also, local Michigan activist, and MI Norml board member, visits DC, and was able to sit in attendance and observe the council vote to decriminalize cannabis. He was also able to discuss reform issues with Michigan Reps Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, as well as national advocates from Americans for Safe Access and the Marijuana Policy Project. A visit with POW Ryan Basore, friend of PGT and the community at large, was included in the trip, as well.

Joining us tonight-

– Attorney Ron Mitchell who represents Councilman Cushingberry in the aftermath of a controversial traffic stop and ensuing media frenzy, will join us to discuss what happened and what is going on with this situation.

– Also, Steve Sharpe, MI Norml board member, contributor to the successful local initiative in Jackson, will update us on his travels to the Nation’s Capital.

Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!

Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!”

Huge Thanks the Pam And Dewey

The MMMA: michiganmedicalmarijuana.org Thanks to all the moderators 

Komorn Law – Atty Michael Komorn (800) 656-3557

Also The Marijuana Ranch Call 313 422 5281

Dr. Kumar Singh GreenLite Clinic 248-390-0574