January 9, 2014 Tonight 8-10:00 p.m. or call 347-326-9626

Tonight- Colorado experiences it’s historic first week of cannabis sales for personal use. Washington state is months away from implementing its new regulatory system and Alaska may join the ranks of legalized states as early as August. 

Dr Bob Townsend of Denali Health Care, who recently authored the blog piece ‘The Forgotten Medical Marijuana Patient’ will discuss the necessary standards for engaging in medical marijuana recommendations and developing a proper relationship with the patient, as well as thoughts and goals for the medical marijuana community for 2014.

Dan Riffle, Director of Federal Policy for the Marijuana Policy Project, will rejoin is this week and continue the discussion of the national reform landscape including Colorado, Washington and Alaska. 

And, veteran cannabis reform advocate Adam Brook, well known freedom fighter and long time MC of Hash Bash in Ann Arbor is back on the scene and will share with us his history in activism and what his plans are for the upcoming year.

Huge Thanks the Pam And Dewey /The MMMA: michiganmedicalmarijuana.org Thanks to all the moderators /Komorn Law – Atty Michael Komorn (800) 656-3557- /The Marijuana Ranch Call 313 422 5281/ Dr. Kumar Singh GreenLite Clinic 248-390-0574