Planet Green Trees Episode 151- The MMMA 101 (Pt. 1)
Radio tonight 8-10pm or call 347-326-9626
Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn of Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion Club
Great attorney, friend of PGT, and cannabis reform advocate John Targowski updates from his recent incident.Joining us for this discussion will be Eric Van Dussen, activist extraordinaire and assistant to attorney Jesse Williams, along with attorney Jeff Hank leading in the effort to decriminalize cannabis in Lansing.
Update from Nick Agro and the status of the Clinical Relief cases and how Barb Agro and family have been doing, and the legal issues they continue to deal with.
Court report from Steve Green from The Human Solution
News, current events, and more!
In the Studio tonight David Rudoi of Rudoi Law, taking questions and giving answers.
Spotlight on the Safer Lansing organization and campaign leader attorney Jeff Hank, who is engineering the initiative
Michael’s rant, current events, news and more!
Contributions from Rick Thompson of The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell of The 3rd Coast Compassion Center
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Your host: Attorney Michael Komorn of Komorn Law, PLLC-18006563557
Thanks to all the moderators
Komorn Law – Atty Michael Komorn (800) 656-3557- The Med Joint Community Compassion Center – Oshtemo, MI Kevin Spitler
Also The Marijuana Ranch
420Funny…Your Host Black Coffee Presents ‘The Comedy Café Jump Off’ at ‘The Marijuana Ranch Café 26 27 John R, Detroit’…Friday June, 7…Bill Hill, Martini Hrris, Moca and R&B sound by Mike Loude..
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