Lazy Sunday mornings set aside to indulge in the timeless act of a much anticipated ‘wake and bake’ have been a staple in cannabis culture almost as long as consuming the plant itself. Sleeping in late, rolling up a relaxing strain, diving into a rich (possibly infused) breakfast with nothing planned for the day ahead but peace, time, and maybe a Netflix marathon or two – who couldn’t ask for a better way to pause before a work-filled week ahead?
The secret to the perfect wake and bake lies in the preparation leading up to that lazy Sunday morning, so we’ve outlined a few tips and tricks to make your next session the best it can be.
Prepare the Night Before
Triple check your schedule for the day ahead to make sure you’re not having to do anything pressing, plan your breakfast and gather all ingredients, lay out a comfortable outfit. Preparing for a wake and bake the night before your session will cut out a bunch of unnecessary to-dos that won’t muscle their way into your early routine.
Cue Up a Super Chill Playlist
Nothing beats a comfortable, quiet morning than an overlay of relaxing tunes to ease your mood. This ultimate carefree day deserves to be punctuated by the sweet sounds of music. We recommend these playlists by Odesza and Tycho for all your chill music needs.
Eat a Hearty Breakfast
One of the greatest enjoyments that come out of a wake and bake session is indulging in a breakfast you didn’t have time to make any other day of the week. Think smoky slices of bacon, buttery biscuits, fluffy pancakes, milk and eggs, and fresh muffins baked with mounds of tart fruit. If you get easily distracted after consuming cannabis, prepare your breakfast beforehand, enjoy your strain, then head back to the table to take in the scents and tastes of a full, satiating spread.
Keep Your Meals Quick and Easy
No matter how large or elaborate you choose to go about making your best breakfast, it’s always nice taking it easy the rest of the day. So, gather up some simple dishes you can pop into the microwave, oven, or put together on the fly! We’re thinking pizza rolls, fresh smoothies, grilled cheese sandwiches, an assortment of your favorite snacks – anything that’s simple yet satisfying enough to let you lounge around the house without the need to pop by the nearest grocery store.
Clear Your Schedule
Though some enjoy a morning toke of buzzy strains to tackle a busy day, others prefer to consume when they know they don’t have to worry about running around, meeting deadlines, or generally having anything to do. Depending on your strain of choice, you could be left a little sleepy through the hours after a good wake and bake and it could be the best option to ride out those relaxed feelings with no outside pressures to get things done (or the need to be anywhere at any particular time).
Keep Hydrated
As we all know, cannabis tends to leave a bit of dry mouth and dry eyes that can be incredibly dehydrating. Remember to always drink water, juice, or other hydrating liquids before, during, and after your session in order to feel your best throughout the day and night. Drinking plenty of water is a great habit to form and will leave you less groggy once your high diminishes regardless when it is consumed.
Have your own wake and bake rituals? Let us know in the comments below!