Listen LIVE 8-10 pm EST at or call in 347-326-9626
Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion
Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles, Jamie Lowell from Third Coast
Tonight- The Year 2015 in review- everything you need to know.
Detroit and all of that…More discussions.
Jamie and Rick back from D.C. the re-interview
Josey Scoggin-Mi Legalize update
Greg Pawlowski (activist/businessman) calling in to discuss the Detroit marijuana policy update
The Regulars
-Jim Powers Michigan Parents for Compassion co- founder and board member as MILegalize.
Jeff Frazier Internationally Renowned Attorney ,David Rudoi of Rudoi Law, Attorney Allen Peisner, Eric Gunnels, Thetford Twp Trustee and T- Slurp, Dewy and Pam Thomas, Thank you and shout outs to the MMMA
Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!