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Planet Green Trees Radio Tonight!

Listen LIVE 8-10 pm EST at www.planetgreentrees.com or call in 347-326-9626


Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion


Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles, Jamie Lowell from Third Coast


Tonight- Bearded Dragons Are Real


The decision whether or not to add autism to the list of qualifying conditions will take place next week.


Check in with the MILegalize campaign


And – we will continue to revisit the COA decision concerning People v Carruthers and the legality of cannabis concentrates and infused products in Michigan and how this has been playing out in courts across the state.


Joining us-


Dr. Bogner- medical doctor and advocate for pediatric cannabis use for the treatment of severe autism.


Jim Powers- Michigan Parents for Compassion co- founder and board member of the ballot group known as MILegalize.


Retired police officer and one of LEAP’s (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) newest members- Steve Miller


And- regular guest and friend of the show attorney David Rudoi of Rudoi Law, Eric Gunnels, Thetford Twp Trustee and T-Pain who .


Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!