Second) Special public broadcast at Omara’s restaurant 2555 12 Mile Rd Berkley, MI Tonight!

Listen LIVE 8-10 pm EST at or call in 347-326-9626


Petitions will be on site for signing and we will be emphasizing and discussing the importance of Compassion Clubs.


Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion


Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles, Jamie Lowell from Third Coast




MILegalize kicks off the campaign to legalize in 2016 on the steps of the Capitol building at 1:00 today- Planet Green Trees Radio will cover this event, discuss the campaign and have petitions for signatures at tonight’s broadcast at Omara’s restaurant in Berkley!


We will also be joined by the Mocc CompassionClub along with Chad from Birmingham Compassion to discuss the importance and value of having a network of people- mainly medical marijuana patients and caregivers- to help with information, support, patient/caregiver connections etc.


Jim Powers- Michigan Parents for Compassion co- founder and board member of the ballot group known as MILegalize.


Retired police officer and one of LEAP’s (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) newest members- Steve Miller


And- regular guest and friend of the show attorney David Rudoi of Rudoi Law, Eric Gunnels, Thetford Twp Trustee and T-Pain who continues to provide much inappropriate probing.


Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!