Tonight 8-10pm EST Listen LIVE! at or call in 347-326-9626
Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion
Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles, Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center, and attorney Jeff Frazier of Komorn Law.
Tonight- Patients continue to be prosecuted for using cannabis concentrates. And- a new ballot group has formed to look at a state wide ballot initiative to legalize cannabis in 2016.
Joining us tonight-
Jeff Hank- Lansing attorney and Executive Director of the recently formed ballot group Michigan Comprehensive Law Reform Initiative (MCCLRI)
Jim Powers- Co-Founder of Michigan Parents for Compassion and board member of the MCLRI
Max Lorincx- Subject of the recent Fox 17 story out of Grand Rapids ‘Father fighting to use medical marijuana concentrates not protected under law’ and defendant in a criminal case based on his use of cannabis concentrates for medicine.
And- regular guest and friend and the show attorney David Rudoi of Rudoi Law
Michael’s rant, news, current events and more!