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Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion


Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles-also providing the news, and show producer Jamie Lowell from the Third Coast Dispensary in Ypsilanti


Tonight- MILegalize has filed suit against the State of Michigan after the Board Of State Canvassers rejected the petitions with over 354,000 signatures that the ballot group turned in on June 1- MILegalize has taken this action not only to advance its own purpose, but also to preserve “the longstanding constitutional rights of approximately 7 million Michigan qualified electors to enact legislation through the citizen initiative process.”


Joining us- MILegalize leader and the attorney spearheading the legal challenge, Jeff Hank

and State House Representative Jeff Irwin from Ann Arbor


Five glorious minutes (not necessarily consecutively) with MI Moms United founder Charmie Gholson


The incomparable Josey Scoggin on whatever she wants to say


Regular guests and friends of the show: Jim Powers Michigan Parents for Compassion co- founder and board member of MILegalize. Also- attorney Jeff Frazier, attorney David Rudoi of Rudoi Law, Eric Gunnels Thetford Twp Trustee and T-hunderware