Considerations for a Patient-Friendly Government
This annual guide aims to help voters and elected officials reduce harm to patients while improving our Cannabis economy.
More than 25,000 licensed patients in Hawaii are affected by restrictions on Cannabis medicine. Nationally, 70% of voters oppose enforcing federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized medical or recreational marijuana.
Here’s What to Ask Your Elected Officials:
- Do you have any religious or moral obligations concerning Cannabis?
- Have you ever tried Cannabis for any reason?
- Are you in favor of following federal HIPAA laws?
- If you were diagnosed with a Cannabis-treatable disease, would you try Cannabis?
- Are you in favor of legalization? If yes, what does legalization mean to you?
- What do the phrases, “patients without time” and “patients without a voice” mean to you?
- Have you ever voted to restrict access to Cannabis?
Here’s What Patients Need Most:
- Privacy. Medicinal choices should be between a healthcare provider and patient. HIPAA laws should be followed.
- Medical Insurance. Existing law requires Nalaxone coverage. Patients need Cannabis coverage.
- Patients and caregivers need a source for seeds and clones so they can start growing plants legally.
- Patients need to be able to grow at least fifty plants to create a steady supply of medicine. Currently a caregiver and a patient must split ten plants. Eradication efforts have caused Rapid Ohia Death and high prices.
- Dispensaries should be required to sell appropriate Cannabis strains that match patient symptoms, not just recreation.
- Judges, prosecutors and law enforcement need training in the new laws. HRS are published 10 months after laws are passed.
- Dispensaries and patients should equal rights. We must clarify that patients can trade with other patients under current law.
- We need to know how many lives can be saved and how many lives are lost each year to Cannabis-treatable diseases. We have a medical program with no mandate or possibility of success.
- Patients need your understanding. We now know that Cannabis can treat a very wide-range of health conditions and symptoms including treatments for opioid addiction. Within each diagnosis is an individual patient with individual needs. From keiki to kupuna we need those who seek to control the medicine to understand the needs of those relying on the medicine.
- Puna must rebuild it’s economy. Thousands of plants have been lost. We are in a medical crisis due to changes in supply. As prices rise for Cannabis patients suffering from pain turn to toxic alternatives like opioids, meth and alcohol. State government must allow County regulation of Cannabis. Each island is isolated under the law. As such, each island experiences price fluctuations causing unsafe conditions for patients.
- Patients need more choices for doctors. Currently many doctors refuse to recommend Cannabis for fear of retribution from law enforcement. Medical professionals require special protections from prosecution. We need to send a message to our medical community that it is legal, ethical and moral to save a child’s life using Cannabis. Patients without a voice should not be allowed to die simply because their parents chose the wrong doctor.
We deeply appreciate your efforts to help patients who rely on Cannabis medicine.
Visit and we’ll do the rest!
Review Detailed Patient Protections:
Review Draft County Cannabis Regulation: